The Sufeng reconnaissance team inside the grass wall of Territory No. 2 monitored the movement in Territory No. 3 and reported, "Someone entered Territory No. 3 from the north gate and is moving in the territory."

Xu used chopsticks to stir the green light rice porridge in the bowl and thought about how to get Xia Qing into the evolutionary forest before the captain got up...

In Territory No. 3, Xia Qing, who had no time to cook, ate two pieces of beef jerky and contacted his idol with super nutrient solution in his mouth.

Zhang San's voice was disgusted, "Xia Qing, are you up so early?"

"Third brother, I got an advanced evolved green light python. Its hardness has evolved, and its killing element content is only 2.3‰. Would you like to try some python meat?"

Zhang San's voice was immediately full of kindness, "The wolves gave it to you? Are you sure it's an advanced evolved green lantern python?"

The wolf with broken waist, the wolf with broken legs and the sick wolf were all treated by the idol himself. Xia Qing had no need to hide the origin of the python. "This python is fifteen meters long and weighs more than a ton. Its skin is at least one harder than the previous two." times, so it must be an advanced evolution. The wolves were killed last night and brought here before dawn. The temperature is below zero and the snake meat is still very fresh.

"How many pounds can you give me in exchange?"

No evolver can refuse advanced evolved green light meat, let alone Zhang San who loves green light delicacies. Hardness evolution? very chewy!

The corners of Xia Qing's mouth turned up and her eyes sparkled, "This python can produce at least 1,400 kilograms of meat. I will keep 500 kilograms for myself and exchange it with other friends for at least 500 kilograms. I have already exchanged the python skin and the python's spine. If If third brother wants it, I can send you the rest.”

Although Zhang San is petty, he has never been greedy for petty gains. "The size of this python exceeds 99% of the pythons on Blue Star, and it is green light, so its nutritional and medicinal value are very high. You keep what you want to use , I want the rest, including snake meat, ribs and internal organs, in exchange for 500 points per pound. Do you want points or supplies?"

As expected of a high-quality Blue Star idol, he opened his mouth and offered an exchange price of 500 points per pound, which was 200 higher than Xia Qing's estimate!

Xia Qing made a request for exchange, "Third brother, I would like to exchange two kinds of materials with you now, and keep the rest for medicines."

Xia Qing proposed her specific exchange conditions to her idol.

"The people in Territory No. 2 think I blew up their helicopter. Since last night, they have sent several groups of people to keep an eye on me. At this moment, there are still people in the grass wall in the northern wilderness of Territory No. 2, using equipment to monitor my territory. "

"The second one is the agent for soaking the snake skin. It's the agent you configured last time. It can improve the toughness, corrosion resistance and breathability of the snake skin."

"Okay." Zhang San nodded, "I'll ask Daya and Ji Li to go over, and they will go through the south gate. Don't leave the territory yet. Wait until Liehuo's people leave, and Sufeng will be the only one left to take action."

"Thank you, Third Brother." Daya is the direct descendant of Third Brother, and Ji Li is a member of the special operations team of the Huiyi Base Military Department. They entered Territory Three from the south gate to show the people in Territory Two.

The idol is using actions to show that he is on Xia Qing's side, and of course Xia Qing wants to thank him.

Then, Xia Qing sent another message to Yang Jin. In addition to talking about the exchange of snake meat, he also asked him for Tang Zhengbo's phone number.

Yang Jin, who was sitting on the top of Mount No. 61, sent the phone call to Xia Qing and asked: Do you want to reveal your alliance with the Qinglong Team?

Xia Qing replied: Not yet, I can handle the current situation.

The sun penetrates the clouds and shines on the top of Mountain No. 61, illuminating the thick snow on the top of the mountain.


Two brain-evolved giant bears carried the "bear cub" injured on Mount No. 50 through the clouds halfway up the mountain to the top of the mountain, looking at Yang Jin angrily.



The two giant bears roared at the same time, and the ground shook.

Yang Jin put away his mobile phone and threw the two Fire members pretending to be refugees in front of the brain-evolved giant bear. "These are bad humans who injured the bear and want to provoke a fight between humans and bears. I'll leave it to you to deal with."

The bear cub, which was covered in small wounds and had bandages on its arms, immediately became furious when it saw the two humans lying on the ground who had attacked it, growling in a low voice, and slapped the rocks. The two giant bears only stared at Yang Jin, preparing to attack.

Even if the bears couldn't understand human language, the attitude of the bear cub who stood taller than Yang Jin had already confirmed that he was the "murderer".

Half of the purpose of this trip has been achieved.

Yang Jin opened the lid of the jar next to him, "This time it was humans who broke into the bear den and started a fight. It is our fault. So this jar of Green Light Honey is given to you as an apology."

The scent of honey was blown by the strong wind, but the two giant bears were indifferent. The "little bear" behind them, who had countless small wounds on his body and a bandage on his arm, raised his nose and smelled it, ready to move.


The brain-evolved male bear roared again, and the little bear immediately became honest.

Seeing that the giant bear's anger had dissipated a lot and it had no intention of rushing over to fight again, Yang Jin knew that the purpose of this trip had been achieved. He turned around and went down the mountain without looking at the two scum of the people on the snow, whose mouths were gagged, their lips were blue, and their eyes were filled with fear.

These two people were injured by Yang Jin and carried dozens of miles, and they were frozen in the snowy mountains for so long, and now they only have one breath left. This tone was left to them to eliminate the misunderstanding between the bears and humans. Even if the bears don't understand human language, they can still understand human expressions, and that's enough.

Next, Yang Jin goes to Su Feng and Li Huo to "check out".

"Director Tang, I am Xia Qing from Territory Three. Is Tang Huai's injury feeling better?"

After Xia Qing called Tang Zhengbo, she first reported her home, then showed concern for the injured neighbors and sent condolences to express her goodwill.

"I have some yellow and green chrysanthemums and green mint leaves here. If you don't mind, I will give them to the third brother first. When you take Tang Huai to Territory No. 7 for a follow-up consultation, you can take them back to make tea for him."

She picked the yellow parthenium from the valley and planted the green mint herself. With Tang Zhengbo's strength, this was not a precious material, but it represented Xia Qing's sincerity.

No matter how precious the materials were, Xia Qing had plenty of them, but it was her first time dealing with Tang Zhengbo. The two materials were already sufficient, and taking out more precious materials would have the opposite effect.

Tang Zhengbo's voice was gentle, "Tang Huai took Third Brother's medicine and is much better. However, his vocal cords were seriously injured, so he couldn't talk to Miss Xia. White chrysanthemum and peppermint are the medicinal materials that Tang Huai urgently needs now. Thank you very much. You."

Before Xia Qing revealed the purpose of making this call, he once again expressed his desire to be on good terms with Territory No. 12, "Just call me Xia Qing. Tang Huai and I are neighbors, and we should help each other."

Thank you to Book Friends 3993 and Favorite Manbao for the reward, and thank you all for your subscription support.

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