Xia Qing coaxed the wolves and watched them return to the Wolf Valley. Then she took the arrogant sheep boss home and found that Yanlong and the other two had already cut more than four meters of snake meat.

Xia Qing was a little embarrassed by the situation. Before she could apologize, Huo Zhun opened the topic.

"Xia Qing, have you seen the weasel with the wolves? Does it have any recognizable features at a glance?"

"Yes. The corners of its mouth are slightly upturned, as if it is always smiling. Because it is timid, its beard is always trembling. Brother Huo must avoid it when he sees it in the Evolution Forest. Its attack method is very powerful." After Xia Qing answered, he disinfected his long knife and chopped the snake meat.

Xia Qing and Yanlong are not talkative people, but Daya and Huo Zhun are very talkative. In the process of cleaning up the python, Xia Qing heard them talk about many interesting things and snake meat methods. After cleaning up the snake meat, Huo Zhun and Yanlong transported the python meat and python skin back from the north gate together.

Daya wiped his hands clean and said to Xia Qing happily, "Let me see your phone. My third brother asked me to turn it to anti-eavesdropping mode." Xia Qing immediately unlocked his phone and handed it to Daya. Daya found that Xia Qing was still using a phone produced before the natural disaster. It was not easy for it to be kept so well until now. After the people from Territory No. 7 left, Xia Qing called Hu Zifeng's team and handed the 250 kilograms of snake meat exchanged for Yang Jin to Hu Zifeng, and then handed another bag of meat to Hu Zifeng, "This is advanced evolutionary green light meat, hardness evolution, I left 40 kilograms for you." Xia Qing left 1,000 kilograms of snake meat, 500 kilograms for himself and Binglang, and the remaining 500 kilograms were for exchange, and only for his "friends". In addition to the ones for the Qinglong team and Xin Yu, there were 150 kilograms left, and Xia Qing had already made the distribution: 40 kilograms for Hu Zifeng's team, 20 kilograms for Tan Junjie's team, 5 kilograms for each territory of the Territory Alliance, a total of 25 kilograms, and the remaining 65 kilograms were directly made into jerky as a precious material reserve. Except for Territory No. 15, the members of Xia Qing's several territories alliance must have never eaten the meat of advanced evolutionary animals. The effect of eating it must be very obvious, which can significantly improve their resistance.

Especially the mother and son of the Zhao family in the neighboring territory, Xia Qing hopes that they can improve their resistance, resist the rain and environmental pollution and live a few more years, because Xia Qing does not want to change neighbors.

Hu Zifeng did not expect that there would be a share for their team, and was overjoyed, "How many points per catty?"

"500." Xia Qing explained, "Third brother said that this snake meat has extremely high nutritional value."

"500 points is not expensive. This level of green lantern meat, there is no place to buy it even if you have points. Xia Qing, thank you." Hu Zifeng immediately transferred points to Xia Qing.

The public price of advanced evolutionary green lantern meat is 300 points per catty, but that is the price of advanced green lantern poultry meat raised in the safe zone breeding center. Hu Zifeng has bought this kind of meat, but it did not improve his evolutionary ability after eating it.

The meat of advanced evolutionary green lantern python, let alone Xia Qing selling it for 500 points, even if she sells it for 1,000 points per catty, it will be snapped up. Because this is real, advanced green lantern meat native to the Evolution Forest.

Eryong, who came with him, was grinning to the back of his head. Why was he so happy? This is advanced green lantern meat!

What does eating such meat mean? It means improving the body's ability to resist environmental pollution, and it means that it may further promote the body's evolution!

Both of these are guarantees for better survival.

Seeing them laughing so happily, Xia Qing kindly reminded, "Don't hold too high hopes, it may not necessarily promote the evolution of the body."

Eryong smiled and replied, "If you don't eat it, it's not even feasible. Thank you Sister Qing for thinking of us when you have something good."

The green lantern was indeed big enough, but if it was captured by the Qinglong team, the amount of jin each of them could get would definitely not be as much as Xia Qing gave them.

In addition to the one for the Hu Zifeng team, Xia Qing also prepared 20 jin for Tan Junjie's investigation team, and 5 jin for each territory of the Lord Alliance, and asked Tan Junjie to deliver it to them.

Xia Qing sold them the advanced green lantern meat with only one requirement: they could only be consumed by themselves or their family members to improve their immunity, and they could not disclose the information to others or resell it.

In fact, Xia Qing didn't need to say this at all, because even a fool would be reluctant to sell the advanced green lantern meat that could improve immunity and even promote the evolution of the body, let alone a normal person.

Qi Fu took the meat and called his wife back home from the greenhouse. He lowered his voice and told her, "I'll go and keep an eye on the greenhouse and continue working. Freeze half of the meat with the ice in the cellar last night, and dry the other half. Starting tonight, you will have a bowl of meat porridge every day."

Yuan Yan disagreed, "No, let's eat together!"

Qi Fu firmly disagreed, "You eat, your ability is more important."

In Territory No. 6, Kuang Qingwei's choice was the same as Qi Fu's, "Your health has been bad in the past few years, this meat is all for you to eat, replenish your body foundation, if you stimulate the evolution of ability, our children will live much easier than us."

Zhu Li hugged her husband's neck and kissed him hard on the face, "Thank you, husband!"

In Territory No. 10, Shi Du firmly disagreed with his parents' distribution method, "Let's eat together! You two need to improve your resistance more than me. Anyway, if you don't eat, I won't eat a single bite, and I won't eat it even if it goes bad!"

In Territory No. 15, Tan Junjie patted his old comrade on the shoulder, "This is for you by Xia Qing, and Qiqi's is with me."

In Territory No. 4, Zhao Ze hugged the meat and cried. If only he had known Xia Qing for a few years earlier, maybe he could have inspired the ability to evolve. His father would not have died, and neither would his fucking arm. chopped off...

In the greenhouse of No. 3 Territory, Xia Qing, who had finished fertilizing and plowing the ground, was busy arranging the fields. The hero of the plow, the sheep boss, was lying next to him with his eyes narrowed and chewing cud.

Sick Wolf walked to Xia Qing and looked up at her.

Xia Qing stopped and rubbed the sick wolf's head, "The second child is back? I'm fine. I just found that I am really too weak and I am thinking about how to become stronger."

"Yeah." Boss Yang narrowed his eyes and responded, expressing his agreement with Xia Qing's point of view.

Today, Xia Qing truly realized the gap between herself and the top experts, "I asked Sister Yan, she is not a speed evolver, but her attack speed is so fast that I can't react."

Some time ago, Xia Qing was happy because after half a year of training, he was able to reach the level of a two-and-a-half-speed evolver.

Xia Qing truly felt her weakness when she fought against Yan Long.

Slow, she is really too slow. Not only is the running speed slow, but the reaction is also slow. No wonder Luo Pei proposed that she must work hard to reach the level of a fourth-level speed evolver before she could be qualified to participate in actual combat.

If she is like this now, she will be killed if she goes there.

In other words, if there was no protection from the Bearded Front Team, and if Xu Pin sent experts to catch her, Xia Qing would not be able to escape at all.

In order to survive, she must train hard and become stronger!

This winter, she must train with Yanlong!

The sick wolf rubbed Xia Qing's legs and began to dig the soil with his paws, helping Xia Qing pile up the fields. Xia Qing stopped the sick wolf from doing any good and let it rest with the sheep. After she finished fixing the field ridges herself, she began to select vegetable seeds.

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