The idol came on stage, and Xia Qing, the number one fan, immediately came online to support, "Third brother, I need it. How can I exchange your rooting powder? Can I use Green Light Food?"

Zhang San was still lazy, "I'm in a good mood today. The rooting powder required for less than 2,500 leek roots will be given away for free."

Xia Qing immediately reported the number, "Thank you, Third Brother! I want rooting powder that can soak 200 leek roots."

Zhao Ze immediately followed, "Territory No. 4 needs to be able to soak 600 leek roots. Thank you, Third Brother."

Kuang Qingwei immediately followed, "We need to soak 1,200 leek roots in Territory No. 6. Thank you, Third Brother."

"I want 2,000 leek roots in Territory No. 5. Thank you, Third Brother." Qi Fu reported.

Shi Mu came online, "I want 1,000 leek roots in Territory No. 10. Thank you, Third Brother."

"Territory No. 15, we need to soak 2,000 leek roots. Thank you, Third Brother." Yue Haiying followed his allies closely.

Immediately afterwards, large accounts began to come online.

Hu Xiufeng began to count, "Third brother, Territory No. 1 needs something that can soak 20,000 leek roots. Can I send you four kilograms of green light pine nuts?"

"Two pounds."

"Okay, thank you, third brother."

Tang Zhengbo also came online, "Third brother, Territory No. 12 needs 10,000 leek root rooting powder. Thank you for your hard work. Can I exchange it for two kilograms of barbecue ingredients made entirely of green light spices?"


"Territory No. 8 also needs rooting water for 10,000 leeks. Can I exchange it for two bottles of Green Lantern wine?" Zhou Zhaoping followed closely.

"Okay." Zhang San, who had just gotten the green light python meat, got barbecue ingredients and wine, and was in a better mood.

Zhou Xun also bit the bullet and went online, "Territory No. 2 needs rooting water from 2,000 leek roots. Thank you, Third Brother."

Li Si followed and said, "We need 500 plants in Territory No. 9. Thank you, Third Brother."

Everyone held their breath and waited for Zhang San's response. As a result, everyone turned red from holding it in until Ji Li from Territory No. 7 came online.

"Except for Territories 2 and 9, rooting water from other territories will be delivered together with the patrol vehicles delivering supplies."

Territory two and nine? Just stay where it's cool.

Xia Qing smiled and took 3 kilograms of yellow corn from home, and put a few grains of yellow corn in the sheep shed. She told the sheep boss and the sick wolf to rest at home, and she drove the mini-tiller to the south gate of the territory.

Hearing Zhong Tao's patrol car parked outside the gate of Territory No. 3, Xia Qing opened the gate and drove the mini-tiller out.

Zhong Tao, Zheng Kui, and Ji Li all got out of the car. Zhong Tao, who had regained his energy, greeted him warmly, "Sister, the leek roots and the crab shell fertilizer you asked for have been shipped here."

Xia Qing asked for two thousand kilograms of crab shell fertilizer, twenty bags in total. Zheng Kui opened the loading compartment of the patrol car and began to unload. Ji Li took the fertilizer from Zheng Kui and placed it on the body of the mini-tiller.

After weighing the yellow light corn, Zhong Tao handed 200 green light leek roots to Xia Qing and asked, "We brought ten kilograms of high-quality refined salt produced in Lancheng on this trip. How about a girl? It's just that the price is a bit expensive. One pound costs 60 points.”

It is normal for low-pollution high-quality salt to be expensive. Xia Qing handed the points card to Zhong Tao, "I was lucky a few days ago. I took out a lot of nuts from the squirrel's nest. I just exchanged them this morning and got some points. I got six kilograms." Bar."

"Okay!" Zhong Tao quickly swiped his points, went to get the salt, and asked Xia Qing, "Do you need the vinegar and soy sauce brewed by Green Lantern Wheat Bran? 85 points a bottle."

Xia Qing, of course, wanted the food brewed by Green Lantern Food. Zhong Tao racked up his points again and couldn't help but sigh, "Girl, life is getting better and better these days."

In the past half year or so, Zhong Tao has watched Xia Qing change from red and thin to white and strong. Among the more than forty lords in the North District that he is responsible for patrolling, Xia Qing has changed the most.

Not only did Xia Qing become stronger, but he was also able to speak better than when he first came out. “I came out to farm hard just to have enough to eat. No one knows when the next huge natural disaster will come. How can I save points to survive?” It's better to eat it in your stomach instead. This is the dried pumpkin I made when the weather was nice a few days ago, and you and Brother Kui will eat it as snacks."

"Okay, thank you sister."

Every time Xia Qing needed their help with shopping, he would give them some home-grown food as a thank you. Zhong Tao didn't pretend to be polite to Xia Qing, and happily took it, only to find that the black packaging bag was actually cold.

He immediately knew that this was not dried pumpkin, but food that needed to be kept fresh. What foods need to be frozen to keep fresh? Of course it’s meat!

Zhong Tao's thoughts were racing, but without showing anything on his face, he confided a big news to Xia Qing in a low voice: "I don't know if it's true or not. It's said that there will be several heavy snowfalls this winter, and the temperature may drop to more than 20 degrees below zero, or even below zero." It’s 30°C, girls, it’s better to chop more firewood and prepare it.”

Before the natural disaster, the lowest temperature in winter in the area where Huisan Base was located was around minus 5℃. In the past few years since the natural disaster, the coldest temperature in winter has dropped by 10℃, reaching minus 15℃. Xia Qing already felt very cold. He could not imagine that minus 30℃ would be What state is it.

She and the long-haired eldest and second eldest brother can still talk to each other, but what about the rapeseed and wheat in the field?

After unloading the crab shell fertilizer, Ji Li handed a small bag of rooting powder to Xia Qing, "Dissolve this bag with 1 liter of water at 20 degrees Celsius and soak the leek roots for 2 hours before planting them. The third brother said that the leek roots are too long. You can just cut it off and leave two centimeters of roots.”

Xia Qing took it immediately, "Okay, thank you Brother Ji."

"You go back first." Ji Li signaled to Xia Qing with his eyes that someone in Territory No. 2 was staring at this side.

Ji Li was afraid that people from Territory No. 2 would rush over and harm her. Xia Qing nodded to express her understanding, said hello to Zhong Tao and Zheng Kui, started the tiller and returned to the territory, closed the door, and pulled the crab shell fertilizer back. Home.

After delivering the supplies to Territory No. 3, Ji Li followed Zhong Tao and Zheng Kui to Territory No. 1 and 8 to deliver rooting powder and obtain exchange supplies.

Inside the grassy wall of Territory No. 2, Xu Pin frowned after listening to the situation reported by the auditory evolver, "Minus 30 degrees Celsius? Where did this news come from?"

He turned around and found that Tang Zhengsu was staring at the gate of Territory No. 3, and sneered, "It would be of great benefit to us if we could subdue Xia Qing. But she is covered in thorns, so I'm afraid you have to take action yourself."

Tang Zhengsu frowned, "I must have met Xia Qing, but I just couldn't remember when."


Xu Pin suggested in a low voice, "Invite her here and ask her yourself?"

"You are the deputy team leader, not the madam. Can you do something serious?" Tang Zhengsu glared at Xu Pin, "Have you contacted Yang Jin? What did he say?"

Xu Pin secretly gritted his teeth, lowered his eyebrows and replied, "I couldn't be reached on the phone. He didn't hand over the evidence immediately, so he just wanted to raise the price. What did Liehuo say?"

At the mention of Liehuo, Tang Zhengsu's anger couldn't be suppressed anymore, "What else can I say? You're just talking nonsense! Every one of them is a ghost who wants to benefit from his mother, and when something happens, he can run faster than a ghost. ! Didn’t you say that you have someone you can talk to in Liehuo? Why don’t you contact me! Otherwise, you will cut off the hole and seal it!”

It was obvious that the Tang brothers were fooled by the pie painted by Huo Fenghuang, and Xu Pin couldn't stop them even if he wanted to. Something happened now, and you want to put the blame on his back?

Xu Pin's face also darkened.

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