Just when Xia Qing thought that Li Huo and Su Feng were finally leaving and she could farm and train happily, Shan Ying suddenly called Xia Qing on the lord channel.

"Lord No. 3 Xia Qing, are you here?"

What could she do to him? Xia Qing, who was driving a mini-tiller to dig a cold ditch, pressed the button, "Here."

Dan Ying was very polite, "I am Shan Ying from Team Agni. I have something to discuss with you. Is it convenient to go to your territory now?"

Showing courtesy for nothing is either cheating or stealing! Xia Qing asked calmly, "If you have anything to say, just tell me directly. I'm digging a ditch to protect myself from the cold and I don't have time to entertain you."

Shan Ying refused to say it in the lord channel, and directly decided the time and place of the meeting, "This matter is not suitable for public discussion in the lord channel. I will meet you at the south gate of territory three in twenty minutes. I will delay you for ten minutes at most."

In just these few words, Shan Ying's sense of superiority is fully reflected.

Investigation team leader Tan Junjie went online. "A helicopter will enter this territory from the south in an hour and will land in Territory No. 9. Please be prepared to pick up the helicopter."

"Territory No. 9, please reply when you receive it."

Territory No. 9 assistant Xiao Liu came online, "Received, ready to pick up the plane."

Hu Xiu Feng spoke in the lord channel, "Xia Qing, have you collected enough fertilizer for the greenhouse? I got two more bags of vermicompost and sent them to you?"

Externally, Hu Feng has always shown that he is pursuing Xia Qing. He wanted to prevent Shan Ying from having the chance to face Xia Qing alone by sending him fertilizer.

When the time mentioned by Shan Ying was approaching, the surveillance camera on the south gate sent an early warning to Xia Qing. Xia Qing turned on her phone and saw a tall, slender woman in camouflage uniforms appearing outside the south gate of Territory No. 3 with two men.

What Shan Ying was wearing was not the fully-enclosed air-tight white protective suit specially designed for scientific researchers. It seemed that she also had a certain degree of combat effectiveness or the ability to protect herself.

Xia Qing stopped the mini-tiller and asked Boss Sheep and Sick Wolf, who were sitting on the left and right seats of the mini-tiller, to wait for a while. She went to meet Li Huo, the deputy captain who had been in prison for more than a year after the natural disaster.

In order to prevent people outside the territory from seeing the situation inside the territory through the iron mesh wall, the paths that pass through the grass wall near the station sign of each territory are either larger or smaller than the shape of the number.

The road in Xia Qing's territory was smaller than a square. When she turned the corner, she saw three people from Shanying and five people from Husband Feng's team, standing on the left and right sides of the gate welded by the iron mesh wall.

The patrol car of the platoon was parked in the passage. Su Ming, Cao Xianyun, Hu Zi and others stood beside the car with guns and ammunition. Tan Junjie stood between Shan Ying and Hu Hu Feng. Judging from their posture, he was afraid that they would fight.

The equipment of the investigation team has been upgraded, including light submachine guns and level three field combat uniforms. This was one of the trading conditions that Yang Jin negotiated when he went to the safe zone to meet the base commander to trade spinach seeds.

I didn't expect that the new equipment would be in place so quickly, and the base manager can handle it.

Hu Xiufeng raised his hand to greet her, "Xia Qing."

Xia Qing glanced at the single screen, looked at her from above, waved to Hu Feng, and greeted Tan Junjie in a loud voice, "Team Tan, are you here for anything?"

Tan Junjie responded seriously, "Come and inspect."

Xia Qing nodded, took out the key and opened the iron door. Hu Feng directly carried two bags of vermicompost into Territory No. 3, stood next to Xia Qing, and faced Shan Ying with her.

Shan Ying nodded slightly to Xia Qing, "Miss Xia, let's go in and talk?"

Xia Qing refused directly, "Sorry, I'm not familiar with you, and I don't dare to let you bring people into my territory. If you have anything to say, please tell me."

Shan Ying glanced at Tan Junjie beside her and said, "If Miss Xia doesn't mind, of course I have no objection."

Xia Qing nodded, still expressionless.

The single-viewing time is limited, so I asked directly, "I want to buy the evolved female wolf in Miss Xia's territory. Please give me a price, Miss Xia."

Hu Xiu Feng glared, Xia Qing did not show any emotion, "I won't sell it."

"Twenty thousand points." Shan Ying pretended not to hear and offered a price that she thought Xia Qing could not refuse.

Twenty thousand? Ah. What about fooling fools? Her idol is an evolved kitten that is just one month old, and she sells it for this price. Xia Qing remained expressionless, "If you have nothing else to do, I will go back and continue farming."

"Thirty thousand." Shan Ying went up to ten thousand, "That wolf was parasitized and lost its combat effectiveness. Even if you save it, it won't be of much value."

Xia Qing turned around and closed the door.

"Thirty-two thousand." Shan Ying increased it by another two thousand, as if this was the highest price she could give, and asked Xia Qing not to be ignorant of the compliment.

Xia Qing locked up.

“Ms. Order."

Beard Feng was very angry, "Captain Shan, if I remember correctly, the five domesticated wolves that Liehuo had raised since childhood entered the evolutionary forest for the first time and encountered wild evolved wolves. Three of them rebelled and bit the trainer. Are you going to follow the wild evolutionary wolves?"

"I heard about this on the base radio, but I didn't expect it was about the Fire Team." Su Ming from the investigation team also spoke.

Xia Qing and Hu Xiufeng each carried a bag of vermicompost and walked past the weed wall when Shan Ying spoke again, "I'll use Gao Yi's elemental green light spinach seeds in exchange for your evolved wolf."

Is she testing herself? Xia Qing continued walking.

"Since Miss Xia comes out to farm, she must know the value of Gao Yi's elemental green light vegetable seeds. One hundred spinach seeds, in exchange for your sickly evolved wolf."

Xia Qing turned around, Shan Ying looked determined to win, "I guess Miss Xia's evolved wolf must have damaged its intestines and stomach, and now it can't even eat raw meat. It can only eat cooked food and drink vegetable porridge, right? No matter how you treat such an evolved wolf, it won't work." There’s no way to get back to peak form.”

Xia Qing asked, "What is the content of iodine and phosphorus in your spinach, and what is the germination rate?"

Shan Ying smiled, "The Yi element is 5.3 parts per 1,000, the element is 4.8 parts per 1,000, and the germination rate is 1/3. As long as you cultivate it carefully, there is absolutely no problem with the stability of the two generations."

This content level is what will remove the green light plants and Gaoyi element seeds. Two-generation stability means that no matter how well this kind of green light spinach is taken care of, the content of phosphorus elements in each generation will increase by about four thousandths.

Even if there is an accident rate of 1%, if cultivable and optimized varieties are discovered after one generation of planting, I am afraid that the content of Yi elements will be less than 5%, and they are no longer green vegetables with high Yi elements.

Team Agni really made a good plan.

"That wolf is now my family. No matter how high the price you offer, I won't sell it." After Xia Qing finished speaking, he turned around and continued walking.

"If you didn't plan to sell in the first place, you wouldn't ask about the quality of the seeds." Shan Ying raised her voice, "Just give me a price."

Xia Qing stopped, showing a rather greedy look, "I want 10,000 green light spinach seeds with an elemental content of 90%."

Shan Ying glanced at Xia Qing with disgust, turned around and left. (End of chapter)

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