Seeing Xia Qing appear, the broken-leg girl immediately retreated behind her brother, bared her fangs at Xia Qing and growled in a low voice. When the Broken Leg Wolf saw Xia Qing, he grinned and was about to jump up and down when the Broken Waist Wolf yelled at him to stop him.

"My Lady Queen, the one with the broken leg, the big black one, the girl with the broken leg, you are all here." As Xia Qing went downstairs, she endured the pain and greeted the wolves one by one as cheerfully as possible, and also praised the sheep boss for making him more cheerful. To save face, I asked the broken-backed wolf squatting at the entrance of the stairs, "broken-backed wolf, long time no see, what do you want to say?"

The broken-waisted wolf showed the cute tips of its fangs towards Xia Qing, turned around and pushed open the security door.

The strong wind rushed into the house with cold air and dead leaves. Xia Qing looked longingly, and her eyes widened, because two huge creatures were squatting at her door. Under the light, one of the eyes glowed green, and the other Only the eyes glow blue, which is really scary.

Xia Qing looked carefully and found that they were two giant wolves. The one with brown, gray and green eyes was squatting as tall as Xia Qing. This was the giant wolf that carried Xia Qing to No. 60 Mountain to detoxify the first wolf.

The silver-gray one is sitting squatting, damn it's a slap taller than Xia Qing. Although its eyeliner was beautiful, Xia Qing still felt a strong sense of oppression when she was stared at by its ice-blue eyes, especially when she was in a weak moment.

Isn't this the handsome giant wolf on Mountain No. 61, second only to the alpha wolf in the wolf pack?

After Xia Qing recognized the two wolves, her first reaction was that they were of this type. The large tub in the bathroom on the first floor could only soak one at a time. She would have to stay up until after one o'clock in the morning before she could lie down and sleep... …

"Brother Julang, big man, you are here too." After Xia Qing greeted the two wolves, he asked the broken-back wolf beside him, "You are all here, who is guarding Hill 61? Are you not afraid of brains? The Domain Evolution Bear led his men to steal the mountain? "

After the Broken Waist Wolf closed the door, he looked up at Xia Qing, smiling cutely with his fangs exposed.

Although Xia Qing couldn't understand why the Broken Waist Wolf was smiling so happily, she was relieved that the two giant wolves outside didn't enter the house.

After adding spring water and heating it in the large bathtub on the first floor, Xia Qing called to the sheep boss and the wolf, "My Queen, boss, you can take a bath."

The sheep boss on the bicycle pretended not to hear it and continued to ride as fast as he could. But when the alpha wolf stood up and glanced at it, the sheep boss reluctantly stopped, got off the bicycle, and fell to the ground with a thud.

I stepped on this thing for too long and my legs became weak...

Who told you to go crazy like a sheep just now, and now you are embarrassed in front of a wolf?

If it wasn't for the pain all over and lack of strength, Xia Qing would definitely have carried it to the bathroom. But now Xia Qing can only coax in a soft voice, "My old thighs are tired. It's too hard. Can you stand up? Come over and take a medicinal bath for a while, which will make your limbs stronger. Our family I’m counting on you for electricity.”

The sheep boss pretended that he didn't fall and just wanted to lie down on the ground. After a while, he stood up, walked to the bathroom, and asked Xia Qing to rub his legs.

The alpha wolf ignored Xia Qing and stepped directly onto the convenient wooden ladder into the tub and started taking a bath. The sheep boss enjoyed it for a while and then reluctantly dipped in.

With Her Majesty the Queen suppressing him, Mr. Sheep didn't dare to come out until there was time, and there was no need for Xia Qing to guard beside the tub. She sat on a chair at the door of the bathroom and discussed with the alpha wolf who was soaking in the tub and the broken-backed wolf who was staring at the generator bicycle thoughtfully:

"My Lady Queen, I need your help for something. First, don't leave tomorrow morning. Come with me to No. 50 Hill to collect Green Lantern Peanuts and then return to your territory. Second, there is a wooden board stuck on the wall. In the picture above, I need to trouble you to get that herb back, I can use it.”

The alpha wolf glanced at Xia Qing and closed his eyes.

Xia Qing understood, walked to the Broken Waist Wolf, and expressed his views to it several times.

The Broken Waist Wolf understood. He stepped on the pedal of the electric bicycle with a big paw and looked up at Xia Qing.

Xia Qing, who originally saw that Broken Waist Wolf was interested in bicycles and thought he could exchange the bicycle for a piece of Yishi, fell silent.

The Broken Waist Wolf thought Xia Qing didn't understand, so he walked over and stepped on the herbal pictures on the wooden board, then walked back and stepped on the pedal, then looked up at Xia Qing.

Damn, this evolved wolf with only 800 minds must be Yang Jin's biological brother. He's too good at talking about business!


"Tomorrow you will follow me to No. 50 Mountain to collect Green Lantern Peanuts, and then find the roots of these two herbs, and I will give you a bicycle that can generate electricity by pedaling."

Seeing that Xia Qing understood, the Broken Waist Wolf showed his cute little fangs towards her.

Xia Qing also smiled, and slowly walked over and sat next to the bicycle, satisfying the Broken Waist Wolf's curiosity and telling it where not to touch the bicycle.

"Broken waist, this is the circuit, this is the light bulb, this is the battery, don't bite it with your teeth, otherwise you will be shocked. You know about electricity..."

While talking, Xia Qing fell asleep. The Broken Waist Wolf glanced at Xia Qing and continued to stare at the unlit lightbulb on the bicycle.

After watching carefully for more than ten minutes, the broken waist wolf stretched out his paw, stepped on the pedal, and continued to observe the light bulb, and found that it was still not on.

After a few more minutes, the broken-backed wolf began to try to sit on the bicycle like the sheep. Due to his unskilled movements, the pedals of the bicycle were rotating. The Broken Waist Wolf, who had lost his center of gravity, immediately pressed down on the seat cushion with his paws.


The thick and soft car seat cushion that Xia Qing made from cotton for Boss Sheep had a long gash cut open by the sharp claws of the Broken Waist Wolf.

After the Broken Waist Wolf stood firm, he stared at the broken car seat with a serious face, then turned to look at Xia Qing, who was still sleeping.

After watching for a few minutes, the broken-waisted wolf stretched out its brave paw again...

When one hour is up, the alarm on your phone rings. Xia Qing was woken up, struggled to sit up, walked into the bathroom, asked the Queen and the Sheep Boss to get out of the tub, and began to rinse and dry the Sheep Boss.

This job is too strenuous. Xia Qing, who was not short of electricity, felt that she needed to exchange two hair dryers to blow her companions' hair.

While Xia Qing was cleaning up the sheep boss, Broken Waist Wolf and Black Wolf had already entered the tub one after another and started taking a bath. By the time Xia Qing, who moved slowly, cleaned up Boss Yang, fifteen minutes had passed and Boss Yang had fallen asleep lying on the towel made of old clothes.

Xia Qing patted the sheep, but the sheep didn't move at all. He was obviously sleeping soundly.

"Second brother, second child." Xia Qing sat in the bathroom and rested, calling her companion in a low voice.

When she saw the sick wolf coming over and looking at her, Xia Qing raised her finger and pointed at the sheep boss on the ground, "Bite this cloth and drag the boss out. I'm really out of energy."

The sick wolf was very well-behaved. He bit the towel and dragged the sheep boss out of the bathroom, and even dragged him to the fireplace thoughtfully.

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