This hidden valley is the "back garden" of two evolved bears living on Mount No. 50.

After entering the valley from the bear cave, there is a bear toilet on the left, with a huge pile of bear excrement. There is a half-meter-wide animal path on the right, with dense weeds and trees growing on both sides of the animal path. He is tall and looks like he has only grown for two or three years.

Although he couldn't see the green light peanuts from here, Xia Qing knew that they must grow in this valley.

She noticed something was wrong when she stepped on a bear footprint that was larger than her winter boots.

This is a cracked valley formed by the splitting of the mountain. Even if there is soil carried by the rain and washed into the cracks, there should be more gravel than soil in the valley, not like now, there is more soil than gravel.



Hearing the sound of sharp wolf claws scraping against rocks, Xia Qing immediately looked up and found the alpha wolf standing on a rockfall more than a hundred meters away from her, with a fiery red snake as thick as a finger stepping on its feet. Relying on his excellent vision, Xia Qing saw the bulge on the red snake's head at a glance.

Kill the snake!

"My Lady Queen, be careful of snake venom!" Xia Qing immediately rushed over and put the snake into a bag, and quickly checked the body of the alpha wolf, "My Lady Queen, have you not been bitten?"

The alpha wolf shook his body, shook off Xia Qing who was grabbing at him, and jumped to a higher rockfall.

Seeing it like this, Xia Qing knew it hadn't been bitten, so he finally breathed a sigh of relief and immediately looked for the sick wolf and the broken-back wolf.


Hearing the noise, Xia Qing turned around and found the Broken-Waist Wolf running over with a fiery red snake in its mouth, and placed the snake on the stone in front of Xia Qing.

Although the snake's tail was still moving, it was dead. Xia Qing also put the snake into the bag.

The Evolved Bear is an alliance with the giant python in the lake next to Mountain No. 61, and the Killer Snake is the symbiotic beast of the giant python. This is the "back garden" of the evolved bear, and it's normal to have killer snakes. Xia Qing put away the snake and shouted, "Your Majesty Queen, broken waist, brother, please rest, let me explore this valley."

The protective clothing of the three wolves only protected their feet and bodies, with their heads, legs and necks exposed. If they were bitten by a snake, the leaves of the two grasses in the cave in the third territory would be lost. few.

The sick wolf came out from the dense grass with a rabbit in its mouth, jumped onto the fallen rock, and placed it in front of the alpha wolf. The alpha wolf was not polite and started eating the rabbit as soon as he pressed it. The broken-back wolf also went for a walk, and soon brought back a rabbit, lying down next to the alpha wolf and eating it. The sick wolf squatted beside the two wolves, taking charge of guarding.

Xia Qing, wearing level three outdoor protective clothing, walked forward with a black long knife and explored the valley.

After walking for more than ten meters, Xia Qing found leeks mixed in the weeds. Without testing, Xia Qing knew it was a green light plant just by looking at the tender green leaves of the leek.

Further forward, there were several vines with purple-black leaves. Xia Qing felt that the palm-sized, triangular, oval leaves with cracks looked familiar, but she couldn't remember what kind of plant they were.

Some buds popped up under the weeds ahead, and Xia Qing recognized the plant at a glance: soybeans.

Moving forward, Xia Qing discovered more familiar crop seedlings. She would never mistake the leaf characteristics of this kind of seedling, because she has planted it on more than two acres in her territory and it is also in the seedling stage.

However, the seedlings in this valley are different in color from the seedlings in her field. They should be red wheat.

Xia Qing quietly looked at this piece of wheat covering an area of ​​more than ten square meters, and a very reasonable guess gradually took shape in his mind.

A ray of red light rushed straight towards Xia Qing's ankle. Xia Qing blocked it with the back of the knife. The snake hit the back of the knife and bounced into the small pine tree next to it. He turned around and tried to run away. Xia Qing directly pinched its head with his hands and stuffed it into his pocket.

The snake's tiny teeth couldn't even bite through the level three outdoor protective clothing she was wearing, let alone the hardened python leather gloves on her hands. Therefore, these highly venomous snakes pose no threat to the heavily armed Xia Qing.

After walking forward for more than fifty meters, Xia Qing finally found the target plant she was looking for: peanut.

Because the temperature in the valley is different from that in the outside world, the peanuts here are in the late stages of maturity. No wonder the red squirrels only started collecting peanuts more than ten days ago.

Because the peanut leaves have fallen off, it is impossible to judge the quality of this peanut just by looking at the withered yellow peanut seedlings.

Further ahead, Xia Qing discovered green onions, cucumbers, eggplants, sweet potatoes, corn...

Xia Qing did not start digging and continued to explore the valley. Fifty meters further, she discovered a cement hot spring pool, which directly verified Xia Qing's speculation.

No matter how smart the evolutionary bear is, he will never use cement to build such a standard square pool. Therefore, this valley hidden in the cracks of the mountain was once a human base.

The crustal movement in the early years of the natural disaster caused cracks to appear in the mountain body of No. 50 Mountain, and a hot spring gushed out from inside. Someone discovered this valley and used it as a base to carry out construction.

They used explosives to widen the cracks in the mountain and form the current valley. There are still traces of mountain blasting and chiseling on the walls on both sides of the valley.

They used blasted gravel as a base, then transported fertile soil from outside to spread on the gravel, and built farmland where the sun could shine.

They also used stones and cement to build hot spring pools, and used bamboo pipes and canals to divert hot spring water to irrigate farmland.

The passage leading to the bear cave must have been dug by them, and even the big rocks blocking the entrance of the cave were placed by them.

How did this human base become the backyard of an evolutionary bear?

What about the people who built this base?

Did they voluntarily abandon this small base and go to the safe area of ​​the big base, or are they already dead?

As time passed slowly, the sunlight beams shining into the valley shifted. The plants growing here were not exposed to direct sunlight for a long time, and there were no traces of fill lights installed on the rock walls of the canyon.

How did the people who lived here provide light for the plants?

Xia Qing kicked away a long evolutionary centipede that had climbed onto her protective boots. She scratched the soil under the weeds with a long knife and quickly found the broken white plastic film.

Xia Qing, who is no longer a novice in farming, immediately recognized this as the reflective film that the people who lived here had spread on the ground or attached to the stone walls to provide light for the crops.

Using a knife to cut off a few fat evolutionary grubs, Xia Qing continued to walk forward and came to the end of the farmland. In front of her lay a gravel-strewn valley, and behind her lay farmland covered with soil.

Next to him are five graves with tombstones and a human skeleton.

The tombstone was made of stone. According to the words engraved on it, Xia Qing knew that the withered parents, parents-in-law, husband, daughter and son were buried here.

Five of the tombstones were tilted or crooked, the graves were overgrown with grass, and the woman who died in the end was lying on her back on her husband's grave. Her withered bones have been swallowed up by the grass, and only her pale black skull looks towards the light above the valley.

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