The detection capabilities of the wolves who were not wearing full-coverage protective masks were not a little better than that of Xia Qing who was wearing protective masks. Their attack formation showed that the ten-man team from Territory 9 was not far from here.

It seems that this group of people has advanced a bit further than when Hu Xiufeng sent a message to inform Xia Qing's location.

Although Xia Qing sprayed odor isolating agent on herself and the wolves before leaving the territory, she also paid attention to eliminating the traces left by the animals along the way. But this is a hunting team. There must be hearing and smell evolvers in the team, and they also carry a lot of modern equipment and medicine, so they can find the route of her and the wolves and choose the best ambush location.

If it weren't for the strong smell of bears in the bear cave and Xia Qing throwing bear excrement everywhere, the trapping team would have trapped her and the wolves in the bear cave.

Xia Qing raised his hand to press the necks of the sick wolf and the broken-waisted wolf, signaling them to hide. He opened the micro-signal jammers on the wolves' necks one by one, then chose a low position and placed a small loudspeaker, gesturing to the wolves. The group waited for the trapping team to be attracted by the sound of the loudspeaker before attacking.

This was a simple battle plan that Xia Qing had agreed upon with the wolves in the valley. Xia Qing didn't know whether the sick wolf understood it, but the two brain-evolved wolves must have understood it and quickly lurked in the best attack position. The sick wolf circled around Xia Qing and ambush on the right side of the alpha wolf.

The signal jammer was specially exchanged with Daya for this battle. After the jammer is turned on, it can shield and interfere with electromagnetic signals within a certain range, causing all equipment that needs to transmit signals through radio, such as walkie-talkies and mobile phones, to be blocked, making it impossible for the team to cooperate as a group.

Territory No. 9 uses anti-interference communication equipment?

Haha, sorry. Her idol Third Brother said that Daya is a master in this field and the nemesis of anti-interference communication equipment.

Of course, Xia Qing also carries a signal jammer. The one she wears is medium-sized, and the signal shielding effect is better than that worn by the wolves, but now is not the time to turn it on.

After arranging the wolf pack, Xia Qing carried the large backpack specially designed for power evolvers two hundred meters away and relied on his hearing to capture the traces of the hunting team.

She pretended not to notice and continued down the mountain along the original path with her backpack on her back. The evolutionary forest is full of dangers, so when entering and exiting the evolutionary forest, the task team will take the path that has been explored to reduce risks and will not change lanes easily.

After walking 150 meters further, Xia Qing found the animal trapping team in the dense pine forest at the foot of the mountain. Tall and dense pine trees block the sky and the sun. What happens in the woods cannot be seen by satellites or reconnaissance birds. It can be completely attributed to the aggressive creatures in the evolutionary forest and classified as an "accident".

Trapper teams are good at choosing places.

Such a dimly lit environment is also the best hunting ground for advanced visual evolution snipers, and Xia Qing is also very satisfied with their location selection.

She pretended not to notice anything strange and continued to move forward cautiously while carrying her big bag. It wasn't until a trapping team member wearing winter protective clothing stood up from a hidden position that Xia Qing "shocked and panicked" hid behind a big pine tree.

The trapping team bowed first and then marched, "Lord No. 3, Xia Qing?"

Xia Qing hid behind the tree and did not respond.

"We won't take away the supplies you collected. You just need to tell us where the three wolves are now, and we will let you go."

Xia Qing still didn't respond.

The other party was angry and cursed, "Are you fucking deaf or mute? Don't think that because you are a lord, I dare not do anything to you. This is an evolutionary forest and there is no protection team. It would be easier for me to kill you than a mouse." !”

very good. The evidence that the predator team took the lead in launching the provocation was successfully obtained by the miniature camera carried by Xia Qing.

Xia Qing carefully retreated while talking, "Are you from Team Agni? You failed to buy the evolved wolf I rescued, so you snatched it instead? That evolved wolf has left my territory and returned to the wolf pack. I don't know where it is. "

The other party did not refute Xia Qing's guess about their identity and purpose, "Don't be shameless. If you don't tell the truth now, I will have plenty of ways to make you open your mouth later!"

The trapper's auditory evolver announced on the intercom, "She escaped. If you follow her, you will definitely find the wolf."

The captain of the animal trapping team ordered, "Hu Duo, Sanli, you two go capture Xia Qing, and the others are ready to hunt wolves."

"Copy that." Two speed evolvers emerged from hiding and chased Xia Qing.

It seemed that the trapping team did not underestimate themselves too much and sent two people over. Xia Qing withdrew to the large pine tree he had chosen and took out a grenade as if to throw it over. The two pursuing speed evolvers quickly retreated.

Seeing their retreat speed, Xia Qing judged that these two were speed evolvers between level four and five, and immediately felt at ease.

Realizing that Xia Qing had shaken him, Hu Duo sneered, "Crazy Hu from the Qinglong Team, who dares to enter the evolutionary forest alone by serving men in exchange for a few weapons? I think you are just farming and are stupid."

Sanli hooked his fingers and said, "Come on, let's try whether you throw grenades faster or we throw grenades faster."

After the two of them finished talking, they used the cover of the pine tree to confuse Xia Qing by running in a zigzag line and broke her psychological defense.

The other party launched the attack first and the video evidence was successfully obtained!

Xia Qing pretended to dodge and fall in a panic, and at the same time pressed the remote control of the small loudspeaker.

"Ouch -" a rapid wolf howl sounded a few hundred meters away, as if he was anxious because Xia Qing had fallen. Hu Duo and Sanli immediately retreated quickly to guard against the Evolution Wolf's sneak attack.

"After discovering the evolved wolf, we immediately went to arrest him. Hu Duo and Sanli quickly captured Xia Qing and returned to the team, forcing Xia Qing to order the evolved wolf to surrender."


The two speed evolvers hiding behind the tree took the order and began to search for where Xia Qing was hiding. Although they despised Xia Qing, the power evolver, in action, they did not dare to ignore a sniper with accurate marksmanship.

Snipers are long-range attackers. As long as they keep a certain distance, Xia Qing's advantage will be revealed. But in such a short time, Xia Qing would definitely not be far away, he was right here.

Soon, Hu Duo saw a corner of the large backpack Xia Qing was carrying behind a big pine tree fifty meters away, and discovered Xia Qing using a silencer on a stone next to the tree. gun looking for his hiding place.

Hu Duo couldn't help but sneer. As expected of a farming lord with a background as a construction worker, the traps were set so poorly!

Taking advantage of the cover of the big pine tree, Hu Duo gestured to Sanli, avoided the sight of the sniper rifle, and went around behind Xia Qing to attack. Unexpectedly, as soon as he took a step, he heard a "pop" and felt his neck go numb.

This familiar feeling told him that he had been shot. He instinctively dodged, but fell to the ground after two steps.

Sanli hid behind a tree and called for rescue in a low voice through the intercom, "Captain, Xia Qing has a human companion carrying a sniper rifle ambushing him. Hu Duo has been killed and is in urgent need of support."

Sanli, who called twice in a row but couldn't hear any response from his companions, knew that he could only escape on his own now. He threw a stone at the large pine tree next to him and fled to a more suitable hiding place. However, he only took two steps before he was shot in the neck and fell to death.

The trapper's casualties were two.

After learning the shooting skills of moving targets from Luo Pei, Xia Qing paid to participate in the Qinglong Team's training this winter, using the Qinglong Team's Speed ​​Evolver to practice long-distance sniping abilities. The training effect of 40,000 points was fully reflected at this moment.

After shooting two people, Xia Qing quickly got down from the tree and rushed to the core combat area to sneak up on the arresting team.

Thank you to book friends Dayu'er, Hyochanjia Huanhuan, and the flowers that have bloomed. Thank you all for your subscription support.

Tomorrow is a small climax, and it's the weekend. I'm typing at home and adding a chapter at noon. I would like to thank the first leader of this book, Meat Sauce Eat Meat Meat, for the reward.

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