On the tenth year after the natural disaster, I went to farm with me

Chapter 463 Fierce Battle (Additional Updates from Jiang League)

Hu Feng replied, "A search team has been formed in Territory No. 1 and will set off immediately. There is no need for everyone to collect points."

Nominally, Xia Qing is Husband Feng's girlfriend. If something happens to Xia Qing, Husband Feng will of course go to save her.

The agent of Territory No. 15, Yue Haiying, a member of the Lords Alliance, came online and said neatly, "Territory No. 15 can send two evolvers to accompany them, carrying weapons, without any compensation."

Xin Yu, the No. 8 lord, went online, "No. 8 territory can send evolved eagle owls to accompany the team to perform aerial reconnaissance missions."

Shi Du from Territory No. 10 came online, "Captain Hu, I apply to join the search team."

Kuang Qingwei couldn't get through Xia Qing's call and was so anxious that he said, "It's getting darker and darker. Miss Xia Qing will be in more danger if she stays in the evolutionary forest for one more minute. Please help everyone. I'll steam it for everyone in the territory." Rice and stew, waiting for everyone to come back."

Zhang San also came online, his voice was faint, but full of gunpowder, "Territory No. 7 sent three advanced evolvers, carrying heavy weapons and search and rescue equipment, and rushed to No. 50 Mountain with your team. Xia Qing went out this time. In order to collect medicine for me, if something happens to her, no matter which one of you takes action, I will come back twentyfold to avenge her at any cost."

Tang Huai in Territory No. 12 was so excited that he was about to press the intercom, but his father beat him to it. "Night lighting equipment can be provided in Territory No. 12. Don't worry too much, Xia Qing is not reckless. Since she dares to go out, she has a certain degree of confidence. "

The search and rescue team had been formed and was ready to assemble and set off, but was stopped by Tan Junjie, "No need for the time being. The investigation team has reported the situation and is applying for a reconnaissance aircraft. A search and rescue team will be formed and set off immediately. The Evolutionary Forest is very dangerous at night, so please do not use it. out."

In the afterglow of the sun, purple smoke spread rapidly in the dense pine forest on the third peak of Mount No. 50, and the evolved animals shrouded in smoke desperately fled.

The bird flew no more than ten meters out of the thick fog before losing its balance and falling to the ground. The wails of the reptiles swallowed by the thick fog quickly disappeared, and countless ones on the edge of the thick fog fled in all directions.

"Boy, run, run at full speed!" Xia Qing put a full protective mask on the sick wolf and ordered it to run away. Xia Qing rushed into the thick purple fog and rushed to the center of the explosion to rescue. The sick wolf took two steps and found Xia Qing rushing in. He turned around without hesitation and followed.


Another gas bomb exploded, and thick purple fog spread quickly.

"Your Majesty, the one with a broken waist—" The thick fog blocked his vision. Xia Qing shouted as he rushed, and finally joined the two wolves. He fastened the full-wrap protective mask on their heads and quickly tightened the laces to fight with them. Escape quickly together.

Aggressive tree vine? Cut it off!

A monitor lizard lying on the ground? Jump over them!

Running mice and rabbits? Run together! No, they were running faster. Xia Qing followed them and ordered the wolves to retreat quickly, "My Queen, you two who have broken waists, you two, run quickly and don't worry about me. I'll use protective clothing."


A gust of evil wind hit, but before Xia Qing could react, the alpha wolf and the broken-waisted wolf had already turned around and faced it, while Xia Qing and the sick wolf continued to run wildly.



Before the sound of two wolves colliding with the chasing team members could be heard, there was an explosion, which made Xia Qing's ears buzz. Thick purple fog spread rapidly, and small animals kept falling and twitching.

The sick wolf couldn't hold on anymore, and its running speed obviously slowed down. Xia Qing immediately opened his backpack, stuffed the sick wolf inside, and ran wildly with it on his back.



There were still explosions and collisions, but this time the explosion was closer to Xia Qing. Apparently, the two evolved wolves failed to stop their pursuers.

Eight members of the trapping team have been wiped out, with two remaining. Xia Qing relied on his hearing to determine that there was only one pursuer, but it was an advanced speed evolver. This was the person who had just fought against the alpha wolf.

Both the alpha wolf and the broken-waisted wolf wear full-coverage protective masks. Their sense of smell is disabled, their hearing ability is halved, and their vision is blocked by thick fog. Their combat power is greatly reduced. They can only use their claws and bodies to fight against their pursuers. The situation in the battle is very difficult for us. Extremely disadvantageous.

This advanced speed evolver must be eliminated before another trapper wearing an airtight protective suit catches up!

Xia Qing stopped decisively, turned around and lay down, held his breath and quickly took off his protective mask, put on his thermal imaging glasses and put the mask back on. Although thermal imaging glasses have the disadvantage of image delay, they can see things in thick smoke. They are Xia Qing's only choice to participate in the battle.

In Xia Qing's field of vision, although the outlines of two wolves and one person moving at high speed were blurred due to the thick fog and high-speed movement, it was still easy to distinguish the four-legged wolf and the two-legged man. The weapon in the pursuer's hand looked like the thick-barreled weapon used to attack the wolves just now.

It turns out that this weapon is used to fire poison gas bombs!

Calm down, be calm. The pursuer should have evolved to level seven speed. Only by calming down can he accurately capture his trajectory and predict his direction of action.


Breathe calmly...

Your hands must be steady...

"Puff puff!"

The pursuer dodged the wolf's sharp claw attack and turned around to fire a poison gas bomb at the position where the wolf was about to land. Make three rays of light and run in three directions.


At the same time that the bullet hit the pursuer's abdomen, he also pulled the trigger and fired a gas bomb.

The gas bomb heading for the broken waist wolf was hit by the third bullet fired by Xia Qing and exploded in the air.

The injured pursuer was pushed back half a step by the air wave, and was hit hard on the back by the protective mask of the head wolf who rushed up against the air wave, and his body fell forward uncontrollably.

Then, the broken waist wolf that was ejected rushed up like a cannonball and directly knocked the pursuer away. Xia Qing's bullet followed closely and shot him in the waist and abdomen.


The pursuer who was shot three times was hit hard by the broken waist wolf and smashed against the pine tree. Countless pine needles were shaken off, and pine needles rained down.

Xia Qing confirmed that he was dead, and then Xia Qing turned over and opened the backpack to check the condition of the sick wolf. After finding that its abdomen was still heaving, Xia Qing immediately carried it on his back and quickly escaped from the thick fog with the two wolves.

Coincidentally, the two wolves ran in the direction of the explosion of the first gas bomb and chased the last member of the hunting team.

After running out of the fog, the leader wolf jumped in front of Xia Qing and signaled Xia Qing to take off its protective mask.

"My Queen, this fog is very dangerous..."

Before Xia Qing finished speaking, the leader wolf had already turned to the broken waist wolf.

The broken waist wolf raised its claws without hesitation and accurately broke the protective mask strap on the leader wolf's neck with two swishes. The leader wolf threw off the protective mask and rushed up the mountain. (End of this chapter)

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