On the tenth year after the natural disaster, I went to farm with me

Chapter 471 The seventh member of the Lords Alliance

Xia Qing looked directly at her idol with bright and magnanimous eyes, stood up and thanked her sincerely, "I will keep every word you just said in my heart, and always remind myself not to get lost in strength, and never forget what I have done to you. promise."

Zhang San handed over the glass test tube filled with colorless and transparent liquid that he was playing with, "Drink it."

"Thank you, Third Brother." Xia Qing endured the pain, tried hard to raise her trembling hands to hold the glass test tube, pulled out the rubber stopper, raised her head and drank the medicine.

No need to ask, this is the potion that the idol has just developed to reduce the element of death.

Seeing Xia Qing drinking so happily, Zhang San was satisfied and asked lazily, "I have the blood test data of the sick wolf and the broken-waisted wolf before they were poisoned. Have you ever tested the wolf's element content before? "

Xia Qing nodded, "I tested it once after it recovered from poisoning last time. The positive element was 7 and the poisonous element was 4‰."

In other words, the alpha wolf is an advanced evolved green lantern wolf.

"After returning home, first test their current elemental content, then feed them a dose of poison-reducing agent, and then test their current elemental content every other day. If they do not reach the level before poisoning, feed them an appropriate amount until they reach the previous level. Do not feed more. Otherwise, the original balance of the body will be disrupted.”

After Zhang San explained to Xia Qing how to use the aphrodisiac, he asked Xia Qing for his data, "What was the content of the aphrodisiac in your blood before you were poisoned?"

Xia Qing reported the numbers directly, "Element Yi is 6.5, and element is 12‰."

So bad? "Are you an evolver of both strength and vision?"

When the idol asked, Xia Qing immediately answered, "I am a three-line evolver. To protect myself, I tell others that I am a single-line evolver. My power evolution level is level six, hearing level seven, and vision level nine."

Unexpectedly, Xia Qing had one more series than he had guessed, and was a rare advanced evolver of three series. Zhang San raised his glasses that were about to fall off and asked, "When and how old did your three-series ability evolve?"

Xia Qing answered sincerely, "Fifteen years old, the first year of the natural disaster, when the creatures first evolved. I didn't know what level I was before. I only tested it in Territory No. 1 after arriving in the territory."

Zhang San realized, "No wonder Luo Pei will teach you sniping, and Yanlong also plans to take you for special training. No wonder you dare to lead three wolves against the Fire Trappers. I underestimated you."

The idol guessed wrong. Brother Luo was willing to teach her marksmanship, which she got in exchange for spring water.

"Third brother has not underestimated me. Although I am a three-series advanced evolver, I have little actual combat experience and my overall combat power is very low. Currently, only you and the three leaders of the Qinglong Team know my true evolutionary ability. Sister Yan doesn't know yet. Please keep it a secret for me."

Zhang San nodded, "You want to train with Yanlong, you can't hide it from her. She knows it's okay, just don't let Ji Li know, unless you want to join the Huiyi base special team. With your ability, why not join a first-class team Instead of working as a main force, he joined the construction team as a coolie, and now he is working in the fields? "

Xia Qing answered sincerely, "I'm mainly afraid of being arrested for research after exposing my abilities, and secondly because I haven't found a suitable team. So I plan to go to the construction team to learn some skills necessary to live alone in the year of natural disasters, and then I can survive the natural disasters." After the difficult stage, I found a place to farm, have food, drink, and live freely. So as soon as the lord’s policy was announced, I immediately took over the land and started farming.”

Zhang San was surprised, "You don't like Team Qinglong either?"

"The Qinglong Team came to Huisan Base after I joined the construction team. In the past two years, I often followed Brother Luo on missions." In fact, Xia Qing had never planned to join the Qinglong Team, but there is no need to elaborate on this.

Zhang San looked through the lens and carefully looked at Xia Qing, who was still sitting and talking to him clearly after taking the Yi element stimulating liquid. The more he looked at it, the more satisfied he became, "Being able to evolve three-series abilities when a natural disaster occurs shows that you have very good potential." . However, your previous intake of nutrients was too little, so the content of phosphorus elements in your blood was lower than the average level of the three-series evolvers, and the level of phosphorus elements was also much higher than the average level.”

"Eat 150 kilograms of python meat within three months, and then eat as much green light food as possible. Eat one or two spinach plants with Gao Yi elements every day. The nutritional mix should be balanced. After the elements in the body are reduced and the elements in the body are raised, , your evolution level will also increase."

Xia Qing's eyes also started to shine, "Third brother, how can I induce the ability to evolve at speed?"

Could a third-series advanced evolver ask such a stupid question?

Zhang San looked disgusted, "Yi's evolutionary direction is related to DNA. Simply put, whatever aspect you were outstanding before the natural disaster, Yi's evolution has a high probability of developing in that direction."

Xia Qing, who was not good at running before the natural disaster, is wilted...

Zhang San was very happy to see her frustrated, "Since you are an advanced auditory and visual evolver, it means that your second pair of brains, seventh pair of brains, and eighth pair of cranial nerves have all evolved well, and your brain's information processing capabilities are also not good. Low. What’s your current running speed?”

"Between two and three levels."

Zhang San was disgusted, "It's too bad."

Xia Qing...

"With your evolutionary potential, as long as the method and training volume are sufficient, you should reach the peak level of an ordinary speed evolver."

Peak level five? ! Isn’t that the speed of Jing Kuan and Er Yong? Xia Qing felt it was okay again. Taking advantage of his idol's good mood, Xia Qing asked tentatively, "Third brother, you are a powerful advanced evolver. How do you stay awake and not get lost?"

Zhang San yawned, "Do you know what my evolutionary ability is?"

you still need to ask?

With the idol's professional achievements and this weak body, Xia Qing knew without even using his brain, "You must be an advanced brain evolver. I also have green light pecans over there. Can I send you another hundred pounds?" "

Zhang San made the price, "250 kilograms. You have taken the medicine, and your body has suffered new damage due to the stimulating liquid. I will prepare a new medicine for you to treat physical damage."

As expected of a high-quality Blue Star idol, he even considered this for his fans. Xia Qing nodded immediately without saying a word, "Okay, please trouble me, third brother."

"You just said something wrong: I don't have any combat power, and I am not the owner of powerful power. Whether in peaceful times or in times of natural disasters, scientific researchers are just tools in the hands of powerful forces. Such people need to use their own research, In exchange for supplies and safety guarantees needed for survival and research, those who are capable can exchange for their research results; those who are not capable can make a big deal in exchange."

Zhang San leaned back lazily on his chair and spoke in a calm tone, as if the tool man he was talking about had nothing to do with him.

"I am luckier than most scientific researchers and have a clearer mind. I can clearly see the direction of Blue Star's evolution, so I have the opportunity to actively choose the power."

Xia Qing...

"You are so humble. With your scientific research capabilities, there is absolutely no problem in self-protection. You can completely build your own team without relying on any force at all."

Zhang San yawned, "I'm lazy and don't have the energy to do this, so I formed an alliance with forces that please me and only do what I like. Have you established a territorial alliance?"

There must be advanced hearing evolvers in Territory No. 7. It is very easy to hear the conversation in Territory No. 6 next door, so Xia Qing is not surprised that the third brother knows about the Lords Alliance.

She understood the meaning of the third brother's words and immediately extended the invitation, "Yes. The purpose of my alliance is to help each other, cultivate the fields well together, and increase the chance of survival. The alliance members currently only have numbers three, four, and There are six territories of No. 5, No. 6, No. 10 and No. 15. Third brother, you are also the lord. Are you interested in joining? "

"Count me in." Zhang San responded simply and smiled happily.

A very powerful new member was added to the Lords Alliance, and Xia Qing smiled particularly happily.

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