The fur around the alpha wolf's mouth was still stained with red blood, and you could tell at a glance that he was going to do some cooking. Before Xia Qing could say hello to the alpha wolf, the Broken Waist Wolf came up to him, circled around the alpha wolf twice, and then ran into the overwhelming snow with the handsome giant wolf.

When Xia Qing turned around, she found that the alpha wolf was lying on his quilt - no, it was the "cold-proof suit" of the handsome giant wolf, cleaning its fur.

After standing quietly in the snow for half a minute, Xia Qing suddenly understood, "The Queen asked the broken-backed man and the handsome wolf brother to stay here to protect me and my second child?"

If the handsome giant wolf came to protect the alpha wolf, he should have gone hunting and cooking with the alpha wolf just now, instead of lying under the eaves all the time and waiting for the alpha wolf to come back before looking for food.

The alpha wolf ignored Xia Qing and continued to clean his hair.

Xia Qing was in a good mood. She slowly returned to the house and brought the Queen some unpolluted spring water so that she could drink and rest. She went to the garage to fetch more than a dozen yellow-light sweet potatoes and half a bag of yellow-light chestnuts, and placed them on the car of the mini-tiller. Inside the hood, get ready to clear the snow.

Xia Qing's micro tiller burns diesel. Because the wax in diesel condenses at low temperatures, it needs to be preheated before starting. After she finished preheating and started the machine, the sheep, who was eating hay under the eaves, and the sick wolf, who was resting in the house, immediately rushed to the garage.

These two guys both like to ride in cars.

Xia Qing drove the mini tiller into the yard and called to the alpha wolf under the eaves, "Your Majesty, would you like to take a car?"

The alpha wolf glanced at the noisy machine and the three people on the car, then turned around to show he was not interested.

Xia Qing smiled, skillfully driving a mini-tiller, using a bulldozer to push the snow in the yard outside the yard, and then pushing the snow out of the village.

Husband Feng, who was patrolling, saw Xia Qing come out and immediately came up to him, "Why did you run out? Can your body hold up?"

"I'm still feeling tired, but driving is fine. I brought you sweet potatoes and chestnuts, which you can roast and eat." Xia Qing brought the bag of sweet potatoes and chestnuts to Hu Xiufeng with some difficulty.

"We brought food and have already had breakfast." Hu Feng took the two bags and realized how weak Xia Qing was now after he punched a wild boar to death last night. However, Xia Qing was able to stand up the next day after taking the Yi element stimulating solution, and the side effects were considered mild.

After reporting the situation in the farmland to Xia Qing, Beard Feng stepped forward and asked in a low voice, despite the sheep boss's rolling eyes, the sick wolf's low growl, and the gaze of the alpha wolf standing on the ruins nearby, "You didn't open the lord Walkie talkie?"

Xia Qing shook his head, "No. Something happened last night?"

"At around three o'clock this morning, our captain, Teacher Tan and Zhang San took over Territory 9 together. The gunfire last night was because someone in Territory 9 resisted arrest, so force was used."

Xia Qing, who was in the weak stage, not only had her strength reduced, but her hearing and vision were also reduced. In addition, the strong wind roared last night, so she did not hear the sound of homes being ransacked in Territory No. 9, which was not far from Territory No. 3. "Arrest them all." "

Hu Xiufeng nodded, "Only Assistant Xiao Liu and a few people from Territory No. 9 are left, including Lord Li Si. Others have been arrested, but six people escaped through the grass wall in Territory No. 2 and are now being hunted. Try not to leave the house, be careful of these people jumping over the wall."

Before Xia Qing could speak, Zhang San's voice suddenly came from the lord walkie-talkie worn by Hu Hu Feng, "Tan Junjie, are you there?"

Just hearing the extremely serious voice of his idol, Xia Qing knew that something big had happened and immediately listened carefully.

Investigation team member Cao Xianyun answered that after the captain was handling the matter, Zhang San announced a shocking news, "Two pieces of moth grass have grown at the southern foot of the third peak of No. 50 Mountain. The total area is more than five acres according to visual inspection, and the height of the moth grass has exceeded 1.5 meters. , the colors are mainly deep red, deep purple and dark brown. Because that area is covered by pine trees and other trees, it cannot be detected from high altitude. Immediately contact Tan Junjie and the other two platoon leaders in this territory to get them all online. "

During the snow-killing period, which is more than 20 degrees below zero, can weeds still grow? Everyone who heard the news was shocked and frightened.

Cao Xianyun immediately replied, "Received."

Sure enough, something big happened. Xia Qing looked solemn. "Those two areas should be the core area shrouded in poisonous smoke after the poison gas bomb exploded last night. It is probably the combination of the residual substances of the poison gas and the poisonous snow that caused the growth of poisonous grass." "

"It's okay if it's just grass growing, but I'm worried that other high-risk creatures will appear." Hu Xiufeng also frowned, "Hurry back to the house, don't be separated from the alpha wolf, and report any situation in time."

Xia Qing also knew that given his current situation, activities outside would cause chaos. "Team Hu drove the mini-tiller to the fields to clear the snow."

"No, there are many of us, so you can keep it for us." After saying that, Hu Feng turned around and ran towards the farmland with the bag in hand.

Xia Qing directly drove the mini-tiller to turn around and go home.

Chrysanthemum is a general name for the chrysanthemums formed after several generations of reproduction after the chrysanthemum elements in various herbal plants exceed the standard. When the air, soil, and water contain high levels of alkaloids, alfalfa will germinate, grow, bloom, and set seeds quickly.

There are three main known hazards to the rapid reproduction of weeds:

One is to seize the growth space and nutrients of ordinary plants, causing widespread death of ordinary plants. The large-scale death of ordinary plants has forced herbivores to eat grasses, which has increased the risk of herbivores evolving and losing control, which in turn has caused predators to lose control, triggering animal epidemics and human food crises.

Because at this stage, human food mainly relies on hunting and gathering from evolutionary forests.

Second, the probability of killing weeds to evolve aggressive killing plants is higher than that of ordinary plants, posing a threat to humans and other animals.

Third, in evolutionary forests that have not been cleared by humans, areas where weeds grow densely are also areas where poisonous insects and harmful evolved microorganisms gather. Once poisonous insects and harmful evolved microorganisms start to spread outward, they will threaten the survival of other organisms.

"Third brother, the three investigation team leaders from the first area of ​​the northern territory of Huisan Base are in place." Tan Junjie quickly came online. In the background, Xia Qing could still hear someone wailing and cursing.

Zhang San reported the current situation in a very serious tone, "The weed that can grow at -25°C is a dangerous evolutionary species, and the harmful microorganisms associated with its roots are likely to be high-risk species. According to China's Emergency Response to Natural Disasters Article 4 of the General Provisions of the Law stipulates that for emergencies in No. 50 Mountain, the person closest to the disaster site and qualified to command disaster relief, Zhang San, the person in charge of the P3 Laboratory of Huisan No. 7 Territory, will be commanded during the disaster relief period. I have the authority to mobilize all available forces in Huisan Base to eliminate the disaster as quickly as possible."

"Three captains, please reply when you receive it."

"Zeng Quan, captain of the fourth danger investigation team, received it."

"Ding Yongwei, captain of the fifth danger investigation team, received it."

"Tan Junjie, captain of the Sixth Danger Investigation Team, received it."

Thanks to book friend Xiao Yu Qing Han 2 for the reward, and thanks to everyone for subscribing and voting for support. The second update is here today.

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