After Huo Zhun and the Broken Waist Wolf clashed with several large trees or vines with different attack methods, Xia Qing finally caught the subtle differences that appeared again and again.

She opened her eyes and said quickly, "Brother Handsome Wolf, the big tree in front of you that you chose to drop your paws on will make the wolf lose its hair, so don't touch it. Brother Huo, go to the right to avoid the tree thirty meters ahead. !”


Huo Zhun, who originally planned to use the thick horizontal branches of the big tree to bounce, adjusted his center of gravity and landed on the position of the Broken Waist Wolf in advance, and bounced to the right to avoid the big tree.

After passing the big tree that looked very normal but felt different, Xia Qing closed her eyes and continued to concentrate on feeling the difference ahead.

Not long after they left, a wild boar with scarlet eyes rushed out and slammed into the trunk of the tree. Six thick tree roots instantly emerged from under the snow. The wild boar, which lost its mind and did not know how to avoid, was stabbed in the abdomen by a tree root and howled loudly.

The two lynxes chasing the wild boar stopped, glanced at the evolved wolves and humans not far away, and turned away.

Huo Zhun and the Broken Waist Wolf stopped at the same time before they could run far. When they turned around and saw the wild boar hanging on the roots of the tree, Huo Zhun's pupils shrank.

Without waiting for Huo Zhun to ask, Xia Qing took the initiative to explain, "I saw a few bulges in the snow under the tree, and I suspected they were animal carcasses."

Huo Zhun stared at the bulge under the pine tree in surprise, "Has your vision evolved?"

Xia Qing reminded, "Brother Huo, this is within fifty meters."

The great evolution of Blue Star creatures has generally doubled human abilities. To observe those bulges bigger than watermelons within a hundred meters does not require visual evolution.

Huo Zhun grinned, "Shall we move on?"

"Okay." Xia Qing called to the Broken Waist Wolf, "Brother Handsome Wolf, follow me."

Five minutes ahead, Xia Qing asked Huo Zhun and Broken Waist Wolf to avoid areas or plants, which they did without hesitation. Huo Zhun is afraid of stepping into pits, and the broken-waisted wolf is afraid of losing its fur.

After traveling forward for more than half an hour, the Broken Waist Wolf suddenly accelerated. Xia Qing was pleasantly surprised, "The alpha wolf is back."

Huo Zhun continued to move forward and asked breathlessly, "Is this a discovery?"

"Probably." Xia Qing asked, "Does Brother Huo need to rest?"

"It's okay. This is my first time running so fast with a heavy load. I'm a little uncomfortable with it. I'll catch the two fugitives first and then rest." Huo Zhun accelerated and rushed towards the two wolves.

Seeing Xia Qing coming, the alpha wolf raised his head to look at her.

"My Lady Queen, have you noticed anything?" The alpha wolf glanced at Xia Qing and ran forward.

"Your Majesty the Queen is mighty, Your Majesty the Queen is amazing." Xia Qing praised the alpha wolf and motioned for Huo Zhun to follow him.

Unexpectedly, the wolves could find the fugitive so quickly. Huo Zhun was overjoyed and quickly followed.

Ten minutes later, the alpha wolf led Xia Qing to meet up with the handsome giant wolf outside the stone forest composed of stone pillars made of sedimentary rocks.

"Are they inside?" Huo Zhun stopped and asked in a low voice.

Xia Qing gave a positive reply based on the formation of the three wolves, "It must be inside, and the straight-line distance from us is no more than one thousand meters. Brother Huo, put me down."

Xia Qing asked Huo Zhun to put him down, and then asked Huo Zhun to take out a full-wrap protective mask from his backpack, put it on the head of the wolf with shaking hands, and gestured to the wolf in a low voice through the intercom, "The enemies inside will use poison. , Her Lady Queen took this human being, Brother Huo, to go in, find the enemy, and then let Brother Huo deal with the enemy. "

Huo Zhun wanted to place Xia Qing, who was wearing an airtight protective suit, in the leeward position, but was stopped by the Broken Waist Wolf and looked at the giant wolf.

Xia Qing understood what Broken Waist Wolf meant, "Brother Huo, tie me to Brother Giant Wolf with a strap."

"Okay, you guys hide first." With the fugitive in sight, Huo Zhun quickly tied up Xia Qing and followed the alpha wolf into the stone pillar forest.

Not long after, Xia Qing heard banging sounds coming from the stone forest and knew that the two sides were already fighting.

Huo Zhun was the bodyguard assigned to his third brother by Hui Yi Base. Xia Qing was not worried that he would not be able to defeat the two fugitives. He was only worried that the two fugitives would be cornered and attack with poison gas again, polluting the stone forest and causing a disaster.

When Huo Zhun walked out of the stone forest with two backpacks, Xia Qing breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Catch..."

Before Xia Qing could finish speaking, he saw the broken waist wolf looking up at the sky in the distance, showing its fangs. Xia Qing's heart trembled, "Maybe the helicopter came to rescue these two people."

Huo Zhun hung two backpacks on the neck of the broken waist wolf, "Hide it and don't move, otherwise you may be targeted by the people on the helicopter. I will lead the helicopter away. You contact the commander first."

After saying that, Huo Zhun rushed back to the stone forest.

Xia Qing quickly looked for a hiding place, and then ordered, "Your Majesty Queen, Handsome Wolf Brother, Giant Wolf Brother, the helicopter is coming, let's hide under that big rock."

When the giant wolf carried him under a big rock, Xia Qing, who was in a weak stage, could also hear the roar of the helicopter, but could not accurately judge the distance and position of the helicopter.

She asked the wolf to dig a hole nearby to hide her backpack. She lay on the back of the handsome giant wolf and took out her cell phone to contact her idol.

After learning that the supplies had been obtained, Zhang San immediately said, "Open your backpack and take pictures of the supplies inside to show me."


Xia Qing opened the shock-proof medicine boxes in the two backpacks, revealing the test tubes, bottles, and labels on the bags inside, and took clear pictures to send to her idol.

Zhang San breathed a sigh of relief after reading this, "Contact Yang Jin immediately and hand the medicine box to him as quickly as possible. If it's too late, you can only attack with fire."

Fire forest extermination is an extreme measure taken to eliminate the risk as soon as possible when harmful microorganisms in natural disasters reach a high risk level.

Burning the mountain will not only kill the weeds and associated harmful microorganisms, but also the normal organisms in the area, especially the mature trees.

The large area left after the death of these trees will be quickly occupied by weeds during the first rain next year, triggering a series of negative consequences.

But when it comes to using fire to attack, you no longer think about the consequences. Because without fire, humans and most living things in this area will have no "future".

The helicopter was hovering above, and the three wolves were in a state of tension, growling lowly. Xia Qing stroked the head wolf's neck and contacted Yang Jin.

After understanding the current situation of the third disaster relief team, Yang Jin immediately asked about the model of the helicopter.

After Xia Qing learned the helicopter model through Huo Zhun, he told Yang Jin.

Yang Jin immediately came up with a battle plan, "Three things: First, send your current coordinates, and I will lead people there immediately. Second, contact the third brother and ask him to inform Xin Yu to send tame birds to blow up the helicopter. Third, if the third brother agrees, you ask Huo Zhun and the wolf to act together to guide the helicopter towards the territory. "

"Don't worry. This small helicopter is very concealed, but its flying speed is slow and its load is low, so it cannot carry missiles. You are in an evolutionary forest, and the alpha wolf is the king of the evolutionary forest. The long-range attack weapons of this helicopter are basically useless. Can't hurt it."

Thanks to book friends @Ran @Ning, Let Me Lie Down for a while, and October’s First Quarter Moon for the reward. Thank you all for your subscription and voting support. The third update is sent today.

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