Now that the work is done, let’s get to work!

Xia Qing had just delivered food to the Beard Peak team once during the day, and now he only had to prepare food for his family and guests.

After she went to the underground food storage room to select ingredients, she returned to the ground with some difficulty. She first cooked a pot of green light rice porridge, and then handed more than three kilograms of python meat to the chief wolf, the great hero of the third echelon of disaster relief.

"Your Majesty, are you hungry? Do you want to eat snake meat? It's very nourishing."

The alpha wolf turned away his eyes.

Don't like it or not hungry?

Xia Qing looked at the wolf's not-so-round belly, then handed it a whole frozen rabbit, half a black-maned goose, and a large piece of pork one after another, and asked him to choose first, "Does the Queen want to eat rabbits and geese?" ? Yellow light. Pork? "

Although rabbits and geese are yellow lights, it is not easy for Xia Qing to save this bit of meat, especially green light pork.

The alpha wolf didn't even raise his eyelids.

Don’t even eat it? Xia Qing had no choice. She put the snake meat in the refrigerator, and the rabbit, goose, and pork hung in the fireplace and roasted slowly.

Then, Xia Qing used cabbage, pumpkin and Chinese toon sprouts to mix a pot of fine ingredients for the sheep boss who was an accomplished housekeeper, and let him cook first. Then he whispered to the sick wolf and the broken waist wolf who were looking at her eagerly, "Later, The meat is cooked, let’s eat it.”

The handsome giant wolf is not in the yard, and must have returned to Hill 61, so don't worry about it.

Xia Qing's hearing ability has recovered somewhat, and she can clearly hear the sound of chestnuts rolling with boiling water in the porridge pot in the kitchen in the living room, which makes her feel full of security.

"Crack, snap, snap."

The roasted chestnuts in the fireplace cracked, and the aroma of chestnuts quickly suppressed the stench in the room. Xia Qing sat cross-legged by the fireplace, leaning on the sick wolf, and used an iron hook to pull out the chestnuts. He ate two of them first, and then put another one into the sheep boss's rice bowl. "Roast the chestnuts, give it a try, boss." ”

The sheep boss smelled it and ate it, but did not show any expression of liking it and continued to eat the fragrant toon buds.

Xia Qing took two more peeled chestnuts and put them in the two wolves' rice bowls. "Have a taste. It won't burn your mouth anymore."

The sick wolf's movements were quite normal. After eating, the broken-waisted wolf's eyes lit up and he stared at the roasted chestnuts in the fireplace.

This is indeed a wolf with a taste for life. Xia Qing has already seen Yi Shi waving to her.

Peeling another chestnut and putting it in the rice bowl of the Broken Waist Wolf, Xia Qing told the Broken Waist Wolf, "This is the last one today. Don't eat too many chestnuts. You are a wolf. If you eat too much, you will not be able to digest it and will get sick."

After feeding the broken waist wolf, Xia Qing found that the alpha wolf lying next to him was also looking at the fire, so he handed over the last chestnut, "Your Majesty, do you want to try it too?"

The alpha wolf glanced at it and continued to look at the dancing flames in the fireplace.

Come on! If you don’t eat, I will.

Xia Qing stuffed the sweet and soft chestnuts into her mouth, then used an iron hook to pull the roasted sweet potatoes and turned them over. Then she took out the thawed meat and started processing it.

First, he endured the pain and made a few cuts on the meat, then put half of the meat in and continued roasting. These were for the wolves to eat. The meat for human consumption is sprinkled with barbecue ingredients and then slowly roasted.

The overbearing aroma of spices and meat quickly overcame the aroma of chestnuts and filled the room.

Xia Qing took a deep breath of the smell of happiness, cut the eggplant into slices, handed two slices to the sheep boss, sprinkled the rest with barbecue ingredients, put it on the barbecue grill, and started grilling.

After the porridge was cooked and the meat and vegetables were cooked, Xia Qing went to ask Huo Zhun to get up and eat, "Brother Huo, Brother Huo, wake up."

The moment Huo Zhun stopped snoring, he rolled over to the other side of the tatami, his hand already on the gun, filled with murderous intent.


The alpha wolf, the broken waist wolf and the sick wolf instantly stood in front of Xia Qing, bared their fangs at Huo Zhun and growled lowly. The sheep boss, biting into a piece of eggplant, narrowed his eyes and scratched his hooves.

Huo Zhun blinked and realized that this was Xia Qing's home. He put down the pistol, grinned in pain, and asked Xia Qing, "I'm sorry, I fell asleep. Xia Qing, how are you feeling now?"

Xia Qing also lowered his hands from his waist, "I'm much better, can Brother Huo hold on now? I made dinner, do you want some?"

Only then did Huo Zhun smell the aroma that filled the room, and saw the steaming barbecue on the low table in front of the fireplace, which made him salivate.

However, he knew that food was precious, and he also knew how difficult it was for Xia Qing, who was out to farm, to save this food. He had no intention of staying for dinner. "You can eat, I don't feel hungry after drinking the nutrient solution. I will contact Ji Li right now," Let him send someone to pick me up."

Xia Qing didn't waste any more nonsense. He reluctantly brought a basin of water from the kitchen and put it on the tatami. "I've even cooked yours. Tonight is our third echelon's celebration banquet. If Brother Huo can hold on, Wash your hands and come over and have something to eat together. If you can’t hold on any longer, I’ll bring it to you on the tatami.”


Before Huo Zhun could answer, the sheep boss clearly expressed its dissatisfaction. If Huo Zhun dared to eat on the tatami, the sheep boss would knock him away with his head.

Two advanced power-evolved humans who are in a weak stage are no match for the sheep boss even if they are tied together. Xia Qing quickly changed her words, "If Brother Huo can't hold on, I'll help you over."

"No, no, no, I can go there on my own." Huo Zhun washed his hands in the warm water basin that Xia Qing brought over, walked slowly and unsteadily to the low table, and sat down on the straw mat.

With Xia Qing and Huo Zhun's current physical condition, it was a bit difficult to sit on chairs to eat, so Xia Qing chose a low table.

Seeing that Huo Zhun actually got on the straw mat, the alpha wolf and the broken waist wolf didn't roar, but they looked at Huo Zhun with murderous eyes.

The sick wolf, who came over to wait for his meal with his own rice bowl in his mouth, put his rice bowl on the edge of the table and bared his fangs at Huo Zhun in dissatisfaction.

It's a pity that Huo Zhun, with his thick lines, focuses all his attention on the meat.

Xia Qing understood what the wolves meant and felt a little dumbfounded.

Compared with Huo Zhun, who has only cooperated once and may not have the opportunity to cooperate in the future, of course, the wolves with whom she has a long-term cooperative relationship are more important.

Xia Qing first divided the unseasoned barbecue into two portions and put them in the rice bowls of Sick Wolf and Broken Waist Wolf, letting them eat. Then he called Huo Zhun, "I'm not good at cooking, so I can only keep it cooked. Brother Huo will make do with it." ”

"It smells like good meat."

After Xia Qing forked a large piece of meat, Huo Zhun forked a small strip of meat, put it in his mouth and tasted it slowly, "It's delicious, it's really delicious."

They used forks because their sore, half-crippled fingers couldn't hold chopsticks at all. If Xia Qing hadn't provided all the utensils, they would have had to grab the meat with their hands.

After eating a small piece of delicious barbecue, Huo Zhun stopped moving his fork and took a sip of the sticky rice and chestnut porridge in the bowl. His eyes lit up, "The green light?"

Xia Qing's pain was less severe than Huo Zhun's, and he could pick up a bowl and drink porridge. "Well, I finally got it from Bai San Base."

"You can grab the rice from Bai San Base, that's awesome!" Huo Zhun exclaimed, having the urge to retire immediately and join Xia Qing's team just for this bowl of porridge.

Xia Qing would definitely be reluctant to eat such precious food. She must have taken it out because they were both in a weak stage due to side effects and needed to replenish energy.

Huo Zhun was extremely moved, and with his head throbbing in pain, he thought about what he should give to Xia Qing from his father's shop, so that he could be worthy of the bowl of porridge in front of him and the meat on the table.


Huo Zhun, who hadn't figured it out yet, suddenly found two wolves and a sheep, both staring at him with evil expressions, as if they were going to tear him apart in the next second.

Huo Zhun, who had already planned to join Xia Qing's team, humbly asked, "Xia Qing, why don't these two wolves eat meat?"

He could clearly see that Xia Qing gave them good meat.

Xia Qing explained, "Because the alpha wolf hasn't eaten enough yet."

Xia Qing also didn't expect that Her Lady Queen would actually eat barbecue.

If the alpha wolf is not full yet, the other wolves will of course have to wait. This is the survival rule of the wolf pack.

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