Although the wolf pack seemed to think Huo Zhun was quite bad, Xia Qing also thought Huo Zhun, a dual-element evolver of jumping power and strength, was very good. "Okay, it's my honor to work with Brother Huo."

"Xia Qing." Yanlong's voice came from the other end of the phone, "After the snow-killing period, we will start special training."

"Okay, thank you Sister Yan." Xia Qing had been saving points for a while, thinking about what to give Yanlong as a thank-you gift. Now all the points she got from snake meat were given to Huo Zhun, and the only thing she could show was the green light python meat.

So, Xia Qing asked sincerely, "Sister Yan, do you need python meat?"

"I don't need it. Don't forget to use deodorant these days."

Xia Qing...

Yanlong, a level nine olfactory evolver, couldn't stand the stench on her body. Could it be that Zhang San was also an olfactory evolver?

After hanging up the phone, Xia Qing saw that it was almost two o'clock in the afternoon, so she packed up and prepared to go home to cook and replenish energy.

But before going home, she had another very important thing to do.

Xia Qing collected the grass that the sheep boss had eaten and gave it to the green-light chickens and yellow-light rabbits in the greenhouse next door. Then she spread the green-light spinach leaves she had picked on the tray for raising insects, put the eggs in the basket, took the sheep boss and the sick wolf out of the greenhouse, stepped on the ice and snow and slowly crossed the frozen reservoir to reach the low-slope planting greenhouse.

During the snow-killing period, the rainproof cloth of the greenhouse was put down, and the light inside the greenhouse was dim. Xia Qing turned on the flashlight, walked slowly to the spring cave, opened the cave entrance and found that the spring water was still flowing slowly!

The most important material in her territory, the pollution-free spring water, when the outdoor temperature reached more than minus 20 degrees and the temperature in the greenhouse was also below minus 10 degrees, although the water flow became smaller, it did not stop flowing. This surprised Xia Qing.

Although she had stored a lot of spring water, since she came here, of course she had to take some spring water back. Xia Qing put the bucket in the pit under the spring and poured it into the bucket with a clean bamboo pipe.

Then, Xia Qing turned the flashlight to the two colorless and transparent sedges in the spring cave, whose shape could only be judged by the light green linear veins on the leaves, and was stunned.

Then, the sheep boss who was looking for grass leaves to eat in the terraced field and the sick wolf waiting outside the cave saw Xia Qing half of her body crawling into the small cave.

After a long time, Xia Qing crawled out of the cave and squatted at the entrance of the cave to carefully look at the photos on her mobile phone.

It was not her illusion. Between the leaves of the complete sedge, a strawberry-like runner really grew. However, judging from the growth of the top of the runner, it should not be a leaf bud for breeding seedlings, but a flower bud of the sedge.

Not only did she grow the sedge, she also grew it to bloom!

If it weren't for the pain in her body and the people in the territory, Xia Qing really wanted to yell or fight with the sheep boss to express the suppressed excitement in her heart.

But now, she could only click on the picture to share it with her ally, the stingy Yang Jin.


Xia Qing stopped her finger from clicking send and decided not to tell Yang Jin the good news for the time being. She could use this as a bargaining chip to get a lot of money from the stingy Yang Jin during the next negotiation.

Xia Qing happily put away her phone and took the sheep boss and the sick wolf to the high-slope planting site to look at the apple trees, jujube trees, pepper trees and passion fruit trees that were well protected with their lower halves buried in the soil and their upper halves tied with straw. The other trees were fine, but the passion fruit, which was not cold-resistant, was probably not going to be saved.

After the inspection, Xia Qing took her two companions back to the low-slope planting greenhouse. She took out the 20-liter bucket with some difficulty, put it in the basket, and asked the sheep boss to carry it on his back. Then he asked the sheep boss to push the stone blocking the entrance of the spring back to its original position with his head. The family of three left the low-slope planting greenhouse and walked slowly down the hillside.

Seeing this man, a sheep, and a wolf crossing the stone bridge from afar, Chen Cheng, who was patrolling the territory, was full of envy. He also wanted a wolf that could hold a basket and a sheep that could carry heavy objects.

Xia Qing took two companions to the micro-tillage machine, preheated it and started the machine. Along the way, he said hello to the Hu Zifeng team guarding the farmland and returned home.

After arriving home, Xia Qing found that the alpha wolf and the broken waist wolf had not returned yet. She steamed the rice first, then took out her mobile phone to check the surveillance video, wanting to know when the two wolves left the territory.

The alpha wolf left at dawn, and his posture was still so handsome, while the broken waist wolf left when she went to Territory No. 7 in the morning. This guy who loves playing with doors did not go through the door, but climbed over the iron mesh wall several times before entering the third area of ​​Mountain No. 49.

No wonder he didn't hear the reminder sound of the north gate.

Xia Qing put away his mobile phone and started to prepare lunch.

The No. 4 Territory gave her a large handful of green lantern alfalfa sprouts. Xia Qing divided them into three portions. One portion was mixed with fine feed for the sheep boss, one portion was used to make vegetable porridge for the sick wolf, and one portion was blanched and mixed cold. Then she made a portion of scrambled eggs with chives and a portion of snake meatball soup. Her idol asked her to eat 150 kilograms of advanced evolved green lantern python meat in three months. Xia Qing evenly distributed the meat into two meals a day to ensure balanced nutritional intake.

After a nutritious lunch with both cold and hot food, meat and vegetables, soup and rice, Xia Qing placed two tables in front of the fireplace, one for herself and one for the sheep boss and the sick wolf.

It was not that she didn't want the family of three to eat at the same table, but when these two guys ate, one splashed soup and the other dug grass out, so they were not suitable to sit at the same table.

After dinner, Xia Qing didn't rush to the field. She first disinfected and deodorized, then lay on the recliner by the fireplace, picked up the charged mobile phone she found in the hidden cave, and turned it on.

The phone started up after more than a minute, but a numeric keypad appeared on the yellow and dark screen, asking Xia Qing to enter the power-on password.

Xia Qing entered the date on the family photo hanging on the wall of the stone house, and it was correct.

After turning on the phone, Xia Qing simply flipped through it, and then checked the album from the year the natural disaster began.

Like most people, in the early days of the natural disaster, the owner of the phone was excited and nervous, using videos to record heavy rain, acid rain, hail, flocks of birds, and wild animals that ran out of nowhere. In less than a month, the video fast-forwarded to crying for medicine and rescue.

There were almost no records of the subsequent earthquakes, red fog, and insect tides, because she no longer had the mood to record.

In the autumn of the second year after the natural disaster, the family fled their home and hid in the dormitory of the quarry, where they celebrated the birthdays of their two children. Fortunately, they are all still alive.

A video from the winter of the second year showed more than 20 people wearing heavy clothes cleaning up the bear cave. The men, women, and children in the video, no matter how ragged their clothes were, or how badly their faces and hands were burned by acid rain, all had light in their eyes.

Although they suffered a devastating natural disaster, they found a suitable place to live and were still full of hope for their future lives. In this video, Xia Qing did not see the two elderly people and one child in the family.

The second-to-last video was in the autumn of the third year after the natural disaster. The family celebrated the birthday of their thin but smiling child in the brand new stone house they built. In this video, there are only three left in the family of eight.

In the last video, there is only one person left. (End of this chapter)

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