Xia Qing is a person who wants to farm and is able to make friends with the evolved wolf pack. She is a three-series advanced ability evolver. In addition to her strength, there is another key point, that is, Xia Qing's words and deeds are also pleasing to Zhang San.

Therefore, Zhang San is willing to invest in her.

Bet that she can grow and become stronger, and bet that she can still maintain her original intention after growing and becoming stronger.

Zhang San took the initiative to propose to join the Lord Alliance established by Xia Qing, hoping that after winning the bet, he can get rid of his current situation and live more freely.

He also wants to go out for a walk, instead of being locked up in a laboratory by various parties for the sake of "safety" for his whole life.

So Zhang San agreed to Xia Qing's request this time, "It's not difficult to take over Mount 50, but since you made the request, you will be responsible for taking over Mount 50, and you will have to bear the consequences if there are any problems."

"I understand. Thank you, Brother San. Leave all the chores of managing Mount 50 to me. When you need to go to the Evolution Forest to do experiments or collect samples, go to our mountain. You can also go there if you get bored in the territory."

Xia Qing's words were exactly what Zhang San wanted, and he snorted slowly.

Xia Qing took advantage of his idol's good mood and reminded him carefully, "When you talk to the base, you can occupy it for as many years as you can. We are an experimental area, not a mountain we bought, so we can't agree to guard it. Our alliance is not as strong as the Azure Dragon Team at present, and we can't guard such a large mountain. However, we can mark the boundaries of Mount 50 in a very conspicuous way, and then install surveillance. If anyone dares to break in, we will deduct points, hehe."

In terms of area alone, Mount 50 is larger than Mount 49.

"Okay." Zhang San lazily agreed, yawned, and hung up the phone.

Xia Qing sat quietly in her living room, with an indescribable excitement flowing quietly in her blood. She gently rubbed the head of the sick wolf who was with her, sat for a long time, and thought for a long time.

In the afternoon, Xia Qing did not go to the farmland for inspection. She had dinner early and went to bed, then got up at two in the morning and drove the micro-tillage machine to the farmland.

Today is the third day of snow killing, and there are still eight hours before the end of snow killing. According to the weather forecast, there will be a red-level snow killing that will last for at least an hour and a half at three in the morning.

The Hu Zifeng team has been in shifts for two days and has entered a fatigue period.

Today is the fourth day after Xia Qing took the Yi element stimulating liquid. Although she still has obvious pain in various parts of her body, after taking the killing agent and eating a lot of green light food, Xia Qing's evolutionary ability has recovered 40%, and it is completely no problem to hold on for eight hours.

Lord Xia Qing, if his physical condition allows, he must guard the farmland in person to feel at ease.

From 3 to 4:30 in the morning, the last red-level snowstorm of the tenth year of the natural disaster arrived as expected.

Xia Qing patrolled back and forth in the green and yellow wheat and rapeseed sheds, clearing one rapeseed and wheat seedlings that had not yet grown thorns, eliminating the danger in the bud.

After the red-level snowstorm stopped, Xia Qing did not go home. She stayed in the reception room of the hut beside the farmland, roasted with everyone by the fire, ate roasted sweet potatoes and roasted chestnuts, and then patrolled the farmland every hour to clean up the plants that had evolved in time.

At 10 o'clock in the morning, the snowstorm stopped on time. The sun, which had disappeared for three days, came out listlessly from the thick clouds, showed up and punched in today's work card, and then went back to work.

The mountains and rivers were all covered with thick dirty yellow snowstorms.

The lords who had been busy for three days and nights sat or lay by the farmland. They were exhausted and full of expectations for the next slack season, but also full of worries about the cold wave.

"Although wheat, rapeseed and seedlings in the greenhouse have suffered great losses, no one here has been killed, so I am thankful." After listening to everyone's concerns, Kuang Qingwei began to cheer up his allies.

Zhao Ze, who wanted to complain a few more words, also changed his words, "It's the same here. The situation this time is better than the previous three times of killing rain, and no one is seriously injured."

Shi Zhong let out a long sigh, "People are more important than anything else. After passing the stage of killing snow, we can finally take a break."

Winter is the slack season for farming. Even if there are vegetables in the greenhouse that need to be taken care of, it is much easier than the other three seasons.

Qi Fu also said, "No workers in the territory have been killed this time because we have eaten natural food this year, and our body's resistance has improved compared to when we were in the safe zone. This alone makes our hard work worth it."

"Yes." Yue Haiying, who spoke little, responded.

"Yes." Xia Qing also followed suit to show his presence.

Finally hearing Xia Qing's voice, Tang Huai immediately cried out with a hoarse voice, "We finally got through the difficulties, we should get together to celebrate. Xia Qing, don't you think so?"

Xia Qing refused, "My body injury has not recovered yet, I need to recuperate."

Tang Huai immediately replied, "It's okay, we'll get together when you recover."

It's allowed to lead wolves and sheep. Tang Huai held the intercom and laughed happily in the No. 12 territory.

Zhou Xun, the temporary agent of the No. 2 territory, immediately went online, "Boss, you have the energy to get together, you should be able to come back and continue the mission, right?"

Come back soon, I can't bear it alone!

Tang Huai, who was happy, was immediately annoyed, "How many times have I told you? I'm too injured and lost too much blood, I need to recuperate! If you keep nagging me, I'll quit the team and quit!"

Zhou Xun was silent, and the assistant of Territory No. 8, Zhou Zhaoping, came online, "Captain Tan, the losses of Territory No. 8 in the snowstorm have been counted. Who should we report the data to? Or do we have to claim compensation from Territory No. 9 ourselves?"

Hearing this, everyone was alert and listened excitedly with their ears perked up.

Tan Junjie replied, "The investigation team will confirm the losses of each territory one by one, summarize the data and report it, and the territory management department will make a unified claim."

Zhou Zhaoping responded gently, "Okay, thank you Captain Tan and the brothers of the investigation team for your hard work."

Tang Huai asked curiously, "Captain Tan, the people in Territory No. 9 committed a serious crime. According to the "Lord Law", Li Si's lord qualification should be deprived, right? After Territory No. 9 is vacated, are there any requirements for the qualifications of the applicant?"

Tan Junjie's voice was as serious as always, "The investigation team has not received any relevant notice and is not clear for the time being. Please note that before the disaster on Hill No. 50 is completely cleared, Hill No. 50 will be closed and no one is allowed to enter. Please receive a reply from each territory."

After Xia Qing replied "received" in order, he slowly stood up from the edge of the field and told Hu Zifeng's team, "Everyone has worked hard for the past three days. I will go back to get food. Let's have a good meal at noon today."

They have eaten a lot of Xia Qing's food in the past few days, so how can Xia Qing spend money?

Hu Zifeng stood up and said, "There is still work to do in Territory No. 1. We have to get back as soon as possible. Let Eryong and Guantong stay to help you clean up the snow. Is that enough? If not, let Xiaojiang stay as well." (End of this chapter)

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