On the tenth year after the natural disaster, I went to farm with me

Chapter 495: Territory Alliance's Top Secret

After having such a suitable breeding site, Kuang Qingwei couldn't help but imagine the future, "In the next two years, we will raise seedlings in the valley. When we earn enough points by planting four crops of rice, we will build a breeding greenhouse with constant temperature and humidity."

"By that time, we can use the greenhouse and the valley to raise seedlings together, and plant hundreds of acres of rice in each territory. When the rice is harvested, we will only eat rice with green lights. People under 35 in our territory, as long as they are not particularly bad, can definitely stimulate the ability to evolve."

Zhao Ze was also excited, "Yes. As long as I follow Xia Qing and the third brother well, my child will definitely become an evolver, maybe even a high-level evolver, and live to 150 years old in good health."

The broadcast in the safe zone introduced that the physical fitness of high-level evolvers is improved, and their life span is extended by at least 50 years, and they are very likely to live to 150 years old.

Kuang Qingwei complained, "First, you have to have a wife."

Shi Zhong also laughed, "My Xiaodu might be able to become a high-level evolver."

After listening to everyone's lively discussion for a while, Xia Qing got back to the point, "If everyone agrees, after the fire burns the mountain, we will start to clean up the valley, pad the soil for planting, install insect nets and supplementary lighting equipment, and grow rice seedlings in the valley in February next year."

After everyone expressed their opinions, Xia Qing asked, "As for how to arrange these tasks, I will take everyone to see the valley after the mountain is burned and make a decision. But there is one thing I want to explain to everyone in advance:"

Xia Qing looked at the five allies in front of him, with a serious expression and a stern voice, "Everyone has already understood the importance of the Hot Spring Valley of No. 50 Mountain. Once valuable resources are made public, they will be fought over by various forces. With the current strength of our alliance, there is no way to compete with others. Therefore, No. 50 Mountain Hot Spring Valley is listed as the first top secret of our alliance. "

"At present, only the six of us, Brother San and Captain Yang know about this secret valley. You can choose to tell the top secret of the alliance to your family members who you think can keep the secret, but you must not disclose it to the hired personnel in the territory or anyone outside the territory."

"No matter which territory, no matter what the reason, as long as your territory leaks secrets, you will be directly expelled from the territory alliance and put on the alliance blacklist. Territory members will not be able to conduct any transactions with this territory in the future. Brother San has agreed to this rule, and Captain Yang has also agreed to help us keep the secret. If you have any objections to this rule, you can raise it now. "

"No objection."

"Totally agree."

Everyone rushed to express their opinions. Being blacklisted by the Lord Alliance is not scary, but being blacklisted by Zhang San is too scary.

Zhao Ze added, "Don't worry, sister. Those who can survive from before the natural disaster to now can keep secrets and keep food. Those who can't keep it have died long ago."

Kuang Qingwei felt that the punishment measures formulated by Xia Qing were too light and lacked deterrence. "I think that the territory that leaked the secrets, in addition to being expelled from the alliance and blacklisted, must also make him double the compensation for our losses and recover all the benefits he enjoyed in the alliance before."

"Yes, compensation points and food." The honest Shi Zhong also agreed with Kuang Qingwei's point of view, "This is to make everyone vigilant at all times, even in their own territories and their own homes, they must be careful not to be heard by the auditory evolvers. When we talk about things in Territory No. 10, we are afraid that people in Territories No. 9, No. 13 and No. 14 will hear us, so we hide in the house and scratch on the ground."

The neighbors of Territory No. 10 are very difficult to mess with.

Qi Fu assured everyone, "We are not afraid of being eavesdropped when we talk here, because Xia Qing brought anti-instrument eavesdropping equipment, and there is no one within 200 meters around us. But to be safe, we will go to the basement for the next meeting."

Xia Qing turned her eyes to Yue Haiying, and before she could speak, Yue Haiying took the initiative to say, "The fifteenth lord Tan Qi is only nine years old this year and is still in school in the safe zone. I won't tell her about this. I won't tell Captain Tan about this for now. It's not that I don't trust him, but because of different positions."

Tan Junjie belongs to the official investigation team of the base. He has his responsibilities and positions. If he is told about this, it will only embarrass him. This is the same reason why Zhang San prepared a medicine for Xia Qing to treat physical injuries and had to hide it from Ji Li and others.

After the meeting ended successfully, Xia Qing and Zhao Ze drove the micro-tillage machine back to the territory and whispered a reminder, "Brother Zhao, the reconnaissance team of the second territory is inside the wasteland wall."

"Understood." Zhao Ze immediately put back all his excitement and joy and tried to think about sad things.

Zhou Xun, who was inside the weed wall of Territory No. 2, could not tell anything from Xia Qing, who was expressionless, but from Zhao Ze, who smiled when he went with Xia Qing and looked like his father had died when he came back, he concluded the result of the meeting between the lords: "They broke down the talks."

At noon that day, Qi Fu reported to Xia Qing the number of people participating in the fire isolation zone mission in the five territories: 7 people in Territory No. 4, 9 people in Territory No. 5, 12 people in Territory No. 6, 2 people in Territory No. 10, and 20 people in Territory No. 15. In other words, they had gathered enough people to recruit for the mission and no longer had to recruit from other territories.

This was very good, after all, Mountain No. 50 had been designated as an experimental area, and the fewer outsiders entering the mountain, the better.

Xia Qing reported the number of people to Yang Jin and asked, "If you are not busy, I would like to meet you and talk in detail about the construction mission of the fire isolation zone of Mountain No. 50 and the current progress of the second echelon of disaster relief."

Xia Qing's current identity is the manager of Mountain No. 50. Yang Jin's voice was full of smiles, "Not busy, see you in two hours."

Xia Qing put down her phone and went to the basement to get the food for lunch today. She picked three walnuts from the bag of pecans and put them in her pocket.

This was the hard work fee Yang Jin asked for when he helped Xia Qing wrap her in a hypothermic emergency blanket when she was recruited to join the third echelon of the disaster relief team and went to Mount 51 to chase the fugitives.

As for the 200 kilograms of advanced evolved green lantern snake meat he wanted, haha, impossible!

After lunch, Xia Qing weeded in the greenhouse for a while, and then left the greenhouse on time and rushed to the north gate of the territory.

There were still five minutes before the agreed meeting time. Xia Qing opened the red squirrel locator APP and took a look. Then he looked up through the iron mesh wall and looked at the tree hole where the red squirrel was hiding in the third area of ​​Mount 49.

In the past two days after the snow fell, the red squirrel didn't even move from Xia Qing's place, let alone drink spring water at Xia Qing's house. Is this little guy hibernating, or is he too weak to move?

Yang Jin walked down the 49th Hill on the snow, and when he found Xia Qing quietly waiting for him at the door, he immediately sped up.

Xia Qing's eyes lit up when she saw the big backpack Yang Jin was carrying. Needless to say, Yang Jin's backpack must contain the individual flying vehicle that she and Huo Zhun seized when they were chasing the fugitives.

Thanks to the book friends October's first quarter moon and 1akeskin0 for the reward, and thank you all for your subscription and voting support.

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