Seeing Yang Jin, Xia Qing, who was wearing level three protective clothing in the field, couldn't help but want to complain.

As cruel as the Iron Rooster is to others, he is as generous as he is to himself. Since getting the special protective clothing, this guy has never worn the third level protective clothing in the wild.

Yang Jin didn't understand Xia Qing's resentment, so he walked over quickly with bright eyes and asked in a low voice, "Have you rested yet?"

Xia Qing nodded, "Captain Yang, do you think the Evolved Bear will come back?"

Yang Jin speculated, "Evolved animals have very strong senses of magnetism and smell, and they will actively avoid contaminated dangerous areas. Therefore, the evolved bears will not come back here to look for food until the danger here is completely eliminated."

Third Brother said that it would take at least half a year to completely clean up the danger caused by gas bombs. Xia Qing felt relieved and asked humbly, "Is the magnetic sense you just mentioned also an evolutionary ability?"

This was the first time Xia Qing heard the word magnetism. Because Yang Jin put it together with the "smell" that represents ability, Xia Qing judged that it was probably an evolutionary ability that he had never heard of.

"Yes, magnetic sense is also a kind of evolutionary ability. It was only officially named last month." Yang Jin opened the iron door with a key and invited Xia Qing into the command room. "Magnetic sense is a keen sense of changes in the situation. This ability allows Animals are able to recognize potential threats and take action to protect themselves, proactively avoiding danger."


Xia Qing seized the opportunity to ask, "Team Yang, is the ability to sense magnetism unique to advanced evolved animals, or is it common to all animals?"

Seeing Xia Qing looking at him with a pair of beautiful eyes full of curiosity, Yang Jin explained without reservation, "It is not clear whether it is common to all animals. It is only known that most mammals have this ability, including humans. . The research on this ability has just begun, and there is no conclusion yet on whether it should be classified as a brain evolutionary ability or a tactile evolutionary ability. Magnetism can be understood as what we call the 'sixth sense', which is called in Buddhism. 'Mind'.

After taking off the protective mask, Yang Jin poured a glass of water for Xia Qing and continued to explain her doubts, "Before the natural disaster, researchers called it 'supersensory perception'. Because this kind of perception is not through vision, hearing, smell, acquired by taste and touch.”

Sixth sense? Xia Qing also took off his protective mask and gloves, holding a cup of hot water, and asked Yang Jin, "Is the magnetic ability of humans after Blue Star evolution generally lower than that of evolved animals?"

Yang Jin nodded, "That's true. Human beings' low magnetic perception ability is related to the human living environment."

"In the period of agricultural society, human beings relied on nature and lived in symbiosis with nature. During this period, human beings' magnetic sense was not much different from that of animals. After entering the industrial society, human beings were in opposition to nature and began to plunder natural resources crazily. Entering the information society In the end, humans are immersed in the virtual space they created, and are getting further and further away from nature.”

"Relying on their developed brains, human beings have gradually built a living environment that is several times safer than other animals. The vast majority of human beings are in a safe environment from birth to death, so their alertness has deteriorated." Yang Jin took out another item from his backpack Green Lantern's dried meat was placed on the table, signaling Xia Qing not to just drink water but to taste his dried meat.

"Thank you." Xia Qing took a piece of dried meat and continued to ask, "Why is this ability named magnetic sense, instead of vigilance, super-sense or psychic sense?"

Yang Jin explained, "As for what the sixth sense or alertness is, there is still no widely recognized and verified argument. Psychologists believe that alertness belongs to deep consciousness, that is, the subconscious mind. Now researchers have discovered this alertness ability , related to the ability to sense magnetic fields, so it is named magnetic sense. It can be simply considered that magnetic sense is a proven type of sixth sense or alertness. As for whether other types exist, further research is needed. confirmed.”

"Magnetic field induction?"

Xia Qing tried hard to recall the magnetic field knowledge she had learned in junior high school before the natural disaster. But these ten years have been turned upside down, and she can only vaguely remember the scene of herself sitting in a clean and bright physics laboratory, watching how the magnetic needle rotated at different positions on the wire.

Yang Jin explained as simply as possible, "Magnetic field induction means that people can feel the magnetic field and respond to changes in the magnetic field. The magnetic field is generated by magnets or electric currents. There are weak bioelectric currents in living organisms. For example, when we blink our eyes, we will A voltage of 5-6 millivolts is generated, a voltage of 1-2 millivolts is generated when the heart beats, and a voltage of 0.2-1 millivolts is generated when the brain is thinking. "

"Evolvers with magnetic sense ability can be keenly aware of the surrounding environment, including changes in magnetic fields caused by bioelectric currents in people, animals and plants and other magnets. Xu Pin of Sufeng Team may have the ability to evolve magnetic sense."

The reason why I say "should" is because Xu Pin has been blown to pieces, and it is no longer possible to confirm whether he is a magnetic evolver.

Xia Qing suddenly realized: It turns out that she could detect something was wrong with the plants because the biomagnetic field in the plants had changed!

So she and Yuan Yan are both magnetism ability evolvers. Yuan Yan is a dual-line evolver, and she herself is a four-line evolver!

Xia Qing tried hard to suppress the excitement in her heart, and tried to calmly and sincerely praise the ally in front of her who had provided him with important information, "Captain Yang, you are really amazing. You know everything, even the size of the bioelectricity generated by various movements of the human body." All can be remembered.”

Yang Jin smiled, the ends of his beautiful eyes turned upward, like a beautiful bad fox, "Because I am a brain evolver."


Where is my sheep boss? Come here quickly and teach this fox how to be a qualified human!

Bad Fox Iron Rooster Yang Jin discovered that Xia Qing was interested in magnetism, stood up and gave her some hot water so that she could continue to warm her hands with the water cup, and proposed a deal, "I have research information in this area, do you want to exchange it?" But the price is not low.”


Xia Qing picked up the water glass and took a big sip, suppressing the urge to hit someone, but was surprised by the familiar taste of the glass of water, "This is it?"

Pollution-free spring water? !

Yang Jin nodded, "Although it's a little bit worse, it can still be eaten, so you can drink as much as you can."

He made it clear: This is not a spring in your territory.

If it's not from Xia Qing's territory, it was brought by Yang Jin from the Sea of ​​Death. It seems that he has firmly grasped the spring.

"You are so humble. This water is delicious." Xia Qing took another sip and discussed the deal with Tie Gongji very sincerely. "I want to exchange the research information you mentioned and all the knowledge and information you can exchange. , please make an honest price.”

Fifteen-year-old Xia Qing was drawn into a cruel competition for survival before she could study scientific knowledge in depth. It's not that she doesn't want to learn, it's just that she doesn't have the chance. Now that living conditions are better, Xia Qing wants to learn as much knowledge as possible and improve her survival skills.

"Fifty pounds of walnuts." Yang Jin opened his mouth wide.

"Seventy kilograms." Not only did Xia Qing not bargain this time, she also added twenty kilograms to the price, but she had additional conditions.

"The twenty kilograms are used to exchange for your existing inventory. The extra fifty kilograms are used to exchange for the knowledge you will acquire in the future and can be shared. We will be able to install a ground mobile communication base station here by the end of the year. If you can form a local area network, it will be much more convenient to transfer data. What do you think of this transaction?

She is really smart and knows the key points very well. Yang Jin smiled again and raised his teacup, "Is that settled?"


Xia Qing raised his glass and drank it all in one gulp.

Thanks to book friends Xin Shi Ru Lian V and 0534 for the reward, and thank you all for your subscription and voting support.

The word "magnetosense", like "element" and "element", was randomly named by the author to indicate that this evolutionary ability is related to magnetic field induction. Any similarity is purely coincidental.

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