When Xia Qing drove the tiller into the No. 8 territory, handed Xin Yu a high-level hardness evolution snake skin coat, half a catty of green light chives, four green light eggs and a catty of green light rice, and asked her how she was doing and whether she was infected with the virus, Xin Yu calmly replied, "I'm fine, it's a pair of gray parrots I raised that were infected. My medicine is not as effective as my third brother's, so I exchanged some for backup."

Xia Qing had seen the ravens that spoke human language and the speed-evolved jade-belted sea eagles in Xin Yu's territory, and knew that she had a very powerful evolved eagle owl. Unexpectedly, she also had two gray parrots, so she asked curiously, "Are these two also evolved animals?"

Xin Yu nodded, "Although they are not brain-evolved, their ability to mimic speech is stronger than that of ordinary parrots, and their pronunciation is also very standard, but they cannot communicate with people, so they cannot be domesticated. If you like, I can give you a pair of parrots when they hatch next year."

Xia Qing shook her head, "I don't have enough conditions there, so I can't raise them."

In fact, it's not just that there are no conditions for raising birds, Xia Qing also has no motivation and interest to raise two gray parrots that can't work.

In the eyes of farmer Xia Qing, parrots that can mimic human speech are far inferior to swallows that can catch insects but cannot speak human language.

If one day she is rich and free like Xin Yu, she will not raise birds, but cats, soft and fluffy kittens that can be stroked at will.

Xin Yu opened the plastic bag and looked at the snakeskin jacket, and was very satisfied, "This is well made. Is it made by someone in the safe zone of Huisan Base?"

"Yes, it was Uncle Huo, the owner of Huo's knife shop. He is good at making cold weapons and protective gear." Xia Qing reminded Xin Yu, "Put it on and see if there is anything that doesn't fit. If there is, I will take it back and ask Uncle Huo to modify it."

Xin Yu nodded, "I'll try it. You have tea first and try my fried melon seeds."


Xia Qing looked at the soft and white leather sofa in the snow-white living room, and then looked at the not-so-clean protective clothing on her body, and simply brought the tea and saucer to the chair next to the wooden dining table.

The workmanship of this table and chair is rough, just like the wooden table in the gatehouse of Territory No. 8. Sitting here, Xia Qing feels more comfortable.

She picked up a melon seed from a small plate on the table, peeled it, and put it into her mouth.

Green light melon seeds, caramel flavor, awesome!

Xin Yu quickly came out wearing a black leather jacket, holding a black bulletproof leather vest in her hand, and looked at Xia Qing.

Xia Qing explained, "This is made by Uncle Huo with extra snake skin. You can wear it when the weather is too hot in summer."

Xin Yu showed a rare smile and excitement, "Let's go to the yard to try the bulletproof effect?"

"Okay." After getting the leather jacket, Xia Qing brought it to Xin Yu, but there was no time to test the bulletproof effect.

Seeing Xia Qing agreed, Xin Yu grabbed the protective mask on the table and put it on his head, and walked out. Xia Qing also put on the protective mask and gloves and followed him out.

To be honest, looking at the tall and thin Xin Yu, standing in the ice and snow in a slim black leather jacket, it was really pleasing to the eye.

Xia Qing was also very happy. She was about the same height as Xin Yu, but because she was a strength evolver, she was stronger than Xin Yu. She must be cooler in leather clothes than Xin Yu. She couldn't imagine how cool it would be when she, the wolf pack, and the sheep boss all wore leather clothes and went to the evolution forest to hunt.

Xin Yu fixed the leather vest on the human-shaped target for shooting practice and took out a pistol to shoot.


Just a few seconds after the gunshot, Tang Huai's hoarse and curious voice came from the intercom, "Territory No. 8, Xin Yu, what's wrong? Aren't you two eating dumplings? Why are you playing with guns?"

Xia Qing walked over, touched the part of the leather jacket that was hit by the bullet, and happily made an "OK" gesture to Xin Yu.

Xin Yu turned back to the house and took out a submachine gun after a while. Xia Qing quickly gestured, "Single-layer snake skin will definitely not stop the bullets from the submachine gun, you shoot at the position of double-layer snake skin."

In order to enhance the bulletproof performance, the key parts of bulletproof vests and bulletproof leather jackets are all made of double-layer snake skin.

Xin Yu handed the gun to Xia Qing, "My shooting skills are not good, you do it."

Xia Qing took Xin Yu's submachine gun, aimed at the back of the bulletproof vest, and fired a shot.

Tang Huai started yelling again, "Why did you change the gun? What are you two doing? Hunting rabbits?"

Xin Yu walked over to check the bulletproof vest and was also happy, "No penetration!"

It is worthy of being a high-level hardness evolution snake skin!

Neither of them paid attention to Tang Huai who was croaking in the lord channel, and returned to the warm room to prepare dumplings. Wash and chop the chives, fry the eggs, pour in the shrimp skin, add seasoning, and the aroma of the dumpling filling will float all over the room.

Xin Yu's seasoning is much better than hers. Xia Qing felt hungry just by smelling it. While rolling out a dumpling wrapper, she chatted with Xin Yu, who was making dumplings, "If my green light sweet potato harvest is good next year, I will make some sweet potato vermicelli. I remember that adding some vermicelli to this stuffing is also delicious."

Xin Yu nodded, "You can also make hot and sour vermicelli. I remember that the vermicelli in hot and sour vermicelli is a mixture of sweet potatoes and peas. I also have sweet potatoes, but no green light peas."

Just hearing the name of hot and sour vermicelli, Xia Qing couldn't help but drool, "I just exchanged 300 yellow light peas. If I'm lucky, there may be two or three green light ones in it."

The green light ones are kept as seeds and planted in the terraced fields with spring water. If nothing goes wrong, she will be able to eat green light peas at this time next year.

But the premise is that she is lucky enough.

The dumplings were quickly wrapped, cooked in the pot, and served on the dining table. Xia Qing ate one and was so happy that she wanted to bubble.

Xin Yu's vinegar is also much better than hers.

After eating, Xia Qing drank the dumpling soup and asked, "Do you have a lot of vinegar? I want to exchange a bottle. Use green light pecans. Third brother said that my pecans are of good quality and can nourish the brain, but you can't eat too much. If you are a high-level evolver, you can eat three or four a day."

Xin Yu raised a brain-evolved raven, and of course he wanted green light dried fruits very much, "I will bring you a pot later. Do you need soy sauce? It is brewed with green light soybeans. You can also exchange it with green light pecans."


After the two agreed on the terms of the transaction, Xin Yu was concerned about the swallows living under the eaves of Xia Qing's house.

Xia Qing knew that she would ask about the swallows, and took out her mobile phone to show her the videos and photos she took specifically for the swallows.

Seeing that the swallows lived in the "small house" tightly wrapped by Xia Qing with rainproof cloth, and none of them died, Xin Yu felt that Xia Qing had a talent for raising birds, and asked Xia Qing how to raise them.

After learning that the swallows did not need to be fed and could hunt and evolve snow springtails by themselves, Xin Yu was silent for a few seconds and asked, "Aren't you afraid that they will freeze to death?"

Xia Qing answered very calmly, "This is the swallows' own choice. But during the three days when they cannot hunt during the snow-cutting period, I put a small dish of feed made of cooked egg white, vegetable leaves and wheat bran for them."

Staying in her territory for the winter is the choice of this group of swallows.

Because they are beneficial birds that can hunt insects, Xia Qing allows them to live under her eaves and builds a warm rainproof house for them. During the snow-cutting period when they cannot come out to hunt, Xia Qing also hangs a piece of Yi stone on their small house. In Xia Qing's view, she has done her best.

Xin Yu seemed to be inspired by Xia Qing's answer, and was in a trance holding the white porcelain bowl of dumpling soup.

Xia Qing did not disturb her and drank the dumpling soup quietly.

She and Xin Yu can eat and chat together, and they are already real friends. (End of this chapter)

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