"What?!" Tang Huai replied unhappily.

Zhou Xun's eyes were filled with tears, "Boss, are you feeling better?"

Damn, how many times have I asked this? Is it over yet?

Tang Huai replied unhappily, "No, no! I'm still on crutches. Why did a fight break out in Xia Qing's territory?"

Visual Evolver Zhou Xun replied, "An anti-electronic monitoring jammer is installed in Territory No. 3, so monitoring equipment cannot be used. The newly sent Liu Jing doesn't have as good ears as you. The weed wall in Territory No. 3 is as thick as before. I can't see anything, and I haven't figured out why they are fighting."

"Xia Qing can't beat that sheep." Tang Huai stood on this side of the passage and gossiped with his old subordinates on the other side of the passage. Although the side effects of Xia Qing's taking the stimulant have passed, her physical strength has not yet recovered to its peak state, and it is estimated that the fight will be over soon.

What to do, Tang Huai really wants to go to Territory No. 3 to watch.

Zhou Xun had a different view, "I think Xia Qing has been giving in to that crazy sheep. She is still counting on the sheep to pull the plow to plow the land."

Tang Huai rolled his eyes at Zhou Xun and continued to listen carefully.

Zhou Xun took the opportunity to invite, "Boss, this is too far. Can I carry you back to listen? I dug a snow cave in the old place. It's warm to stay in it."

"Get lost!"

Tang Huai guessed correctly. Xia Qing was indeed physically weak and was defeated quickly. She lay on the ground with her arms and legs spread out, looking at the gray sky and panting, but her face was full of joy.

The sheep boss, who had not fought enough, circled Xia Qing twice, and found that she could not get up, so he turned and rushed towards the sick wolf.

This is probably the only evolved sheep on the entire Blue Star that dares to take the initiative to provoke the evolved wolf.

The wolf has a well-proportioned body, long limbs, and is good at running. Wolves will use their sharp fangs and claws to attack, either biting the prey's throat or spine with their sharp fangs, suffocating or paralyzing the prey; or using their sharp claws to leave deep wounds on the prey, causing the prey to bleed profusely.

The sheep's attack method is very simple, that is, to hit the prey with its big head with horns.

The battle between wolves and sheep is clear without a fight, but Xia Qing, lying on the ground, still turned around and watched with interest.

The sick wolf jumped up lightly and avoided the iron head attack of the sheep boss. The sheep boss's head hit the big tree next to it.

The dead leaves and snow on the tree fell down, almost burying Xia Qing who was watching the fun. Xia Qing didn't have the strength to move. After raising her hand to wipe the snow off the protective mask, she was surprised to find that the sick wolf was actually playing head-butting with the sheep boss.

Obviously, neither animal used much strength, but they had a lot of fun. The sick wolf seemed to be very good at "coaxing children". The brother and sister of the broken-legged wolf were also coaxed by it. This was the first time Xia Qing saw it coaxing the sheep boss.

It is very likely that after taking the anti-cancer agent, its body is slowly recovering, its strength is stronger, and its confidence has returned.

Xia Qing touched her pocket to take out her mobile phone to take a picture of this scene, but then she remembered that she was wearing a leather jacket instead of a protective suit, and she didn't bring her mobile phone with her.

After playing for a long time, the sick wolf ran to Xia Qing with the sheep boss.

Xia Qing leaned his head to the right and bumped his head with the sick wolf; then he turned his head to the left and bumped his head with the sheep boss. The three of them collapsed on the bumpy ground together, enjoying the tranquility after playing to their heart's content.

The sun came out from the dark clouds and sprinkled on a person, a sheep and a wolf.

Xia Qing, who had already caught her breath, closed her eyes to enjoy the sunshine and chatted with her two companions, "Big Brother, Second Brother, do you like your protective clothing? This is made of advanced hardness evolutionary snake skin, comfortable, right?"

"Second Brother, you didn't bite Big Brother just now, which is very good, because Big Brother is your companion, not your prey." Xia Qing turned her head and looked at the sick wolf on the left, who was sticking out his tongue and laughing, and said with a smile, "But even if you bite it or grab it, it's okay, because it's wearing a snake skin coat."

The sick wolf continued to laugh, obviously not understanding what Xia Qing was saying. Big Brother Sheep, who was paralyzed on the other side, had a blank expression on his face, and didn't know if he understood.

Xia Qing turned around and looked at the clouds lit up by the sun, "The snake skin coats of the Queen and the Broken Waist Wolf are also ready. I wonder when they will come to try them on. It's hard to say for the Queen, but the Broken Waist Wolf must like it very much..."

Xia Qing suddenly remembered that she still owed the Broken Waist Wolf a power-generating bicycle.

She struggled to sit up, wanting to put on the protective clothing and go to the northern isolation zone to wait for the inspection team to patrol, and then order a bicycle from Hu Zi.

The sick wolf stood up faster than her, circled around Xia Qing, and ran to the northern buffer forest.

Xia Qing looked at the sick wolf running fast and asked her companions, "What is Lao Er going to do? Go check the wild boars in the valley, or go back to the wolf pack to deliver the letter?"

The sheep boss lay beside her, chewing the chew with an expressionless face.

"Boss, get up. If you wait a while, the snowflakes will get into your protective suit and bite you." Xia Qing stood up and slowly walked into the village.

When the sheep boss saw Xia Qing leave, he stood up and shook off the dirt on his body, and followed her.

Before Xia Qing even got home, Jing Kuan from Hu Zifeng's team informed her using a headset-type intercom, "Sister Qing, a wolf wearing a strange protective suit just ran out of Valley No. 1 and left Mountain No. 49 and headed north."

Xia Qing then understood what Lao Er was doing, "That's Lao Er, he's going to look for the wolf pack, a group of wolves will come over later, they should still take the old route, please follow Captain Yang and Captain Hu to report it."

There are people working on Mountain No. 50, and if the wolf pack is coming, Yang Jin or Hu Zifeng must make arrangements in advance to prevent the construction team and the second echelon of the disaster relief team from discovering the wolf pack.

Xia Qing returned home and wiped off the mud on her snakeskin clothes, changed out of her clothes, put on protective clothing and went to the north gate of the territory to wait for the investigation team.

This time, by chance, it was Su Ming and others who came, and Huzi followed them to perform a security mission at No. 50 Mountain.

Su Ming fully agreed to Xia Qing's request and asked curiously, "Did Sister Qing fight with Boss Yang again just now?"

Xia Qing nodded and explained, "I want to see how much combat strength has been restored."

"Sister Qing, don't worry, take good care of yourself. There will definitely be no threat from the beast tide here within a month." Su Ming comforted Xia Qing, saying that the period of weakness after taking the Yi element stimulating solution would not pass so quickly.

Yuan Rui, the evolutionary person driving the car, smelled the faint smell of weasel on Xia Qing's body, and didn't say much. He only shared a piece of good news with her, "We received a notice this morning. After the tide of beasts in the safe zone has completely passed, we will The construction team to install the ground mobile base station in this territory will definitely be installed and debugged before the end of the year.”

"That's great!" Although Xia Qing has a phone that can directly connect to the satellite, the communication fee is very high, so he doesn't use it if he can. If there is a mobile communication base station, she can use her mobile phone to contact her allies.

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