At midnight, Xia Qing woke up from a dream, and lifted a corner of the blackout curtains, looking at the small house beside the farmland under the starry sky. The blackout effect of the curtains in the small house was not as good as that at home, and the dim light of the night light in the house was transparent to the curtains and windows. This dim light and the smoke from the chimney blended harmoniously with the starry sky.

It was winter now, and this little light would not attract a large number of insects to gather, so it was not dangerous. Xia Qing closed the curtains, stood up, opened the fireplace on the second floor, added some firewood, and looked down from the stairs, and found that her two companions were looking up at her.

The sheep boss had no expression on his face, and the sick wolf grinned hahaha. Xia Qing smiled and said softly, "It's okay, I'll get up and check the fire."

Living in the safe zone, the possibility of being attacked by evolved creatures has indeed decreased a lot, but the possibility of being killed by the same kind has increased significantly.

Blue Star has evolved, and humans are still the species with the highest degree of brain evolution and the most complex mind among all creatures on Blue Star. There are kind and contented people, and there are evil and greedy people. If humans want to develop and continue, kindness must defeat evil and become the main force to formulate and protect rules and lead the direction of human development.

Xia Qing didn't know how big the scope was, but in this territory, whether it was the lord or the inspection team, goodness outweighed evil. So for Xia Qing, although it was several times more dangerous than the safe zone during the rain and snow seasons and the tide of beasts and insects, she liked life here more.

Although it was a little tiring here, the spirit didn't have to be tense all the time, and natural food could be grown or obtained from the evolution forest to improve resistance and evolution ability.

She could see this clearly, and it was even more impossible for Tan Junjie not to see it.

Xia Qing yawned, wrapped the quilt tightly, leaned against the warm wall, and continued to sleep.

In the small house next to the farmland, Tan Qi also woke up from a nightmare and sat up suddenly. She opened her eyes wide and looked at the night light in the house in fear, and it took her several seconds to react to where she was.

This is not the crowded home in the safe zone, nor is it the small dormitory of my father. This is the No. 3 territory.

She is the only one in this house, which does not make the nine-year-old Tan Qi feel uneasy and afraid. Instead, it makes her feel very safe.

This house is very safe. Xia Qing, the wolves and sheep in the territory do not want to eat her meat and drink her blood, nor will they steal her supplies.

Tan Qi lay down and curled up in the quilt. The walls here are warm, and the quilt and cushion are soft and warm. She soon closed her eyes and fell asleep again.

The next morning, Xia Qing was awakened by her good neighbor, the red squirrel. After feeding it water and watching a tail dance for free, she turned her eyes to the hut by the farmland and found that the curtains of the hut were already open. Tan Qi, like the red squirrel, was busy in the house, apparently doing morning training.

This little girl has a strong sense of crisis and is desperately trying to make herself stronger.

"Sister Qing--"

When Xia Qing was patrolling the territory and approaching the farmland, Tan Qi waved to her happily through the window. Because she was not wearing protective clothing or a protective mask, she did not open the window. It was very good to have such risk prevention awareness.

Xia Qing walked over quickly, opened the door and went into the house, "How did you sleep last night? Was it cold?"

"Not cold at all, I slept very well." Tan Qi smiled very happily, pointing to the small pot on the stove with steam coming out of it, and said, "I brought the latest No. 6 compressed rations from the safe zone, and the porridge is delicious. I also brought steamed buns stuffed with wild vegetables, and even made some for Sister Qing."

Xia Qing did not refuse the girl's kindness, "Okay, I'll patrol the territory first, and then I'll pick some basil from the greenhouse, and we'll eat it cold."


Tan Qi responded crisply, and did not ask to patrol the territory with Xia Qing or go to the greenhouse to help pick vegetables. During the years of natural disasters, everyone had a strong sense of territory. This was Xia Qing's territory, and everything in the territory belonged to Xia Qing's supplies, and others could not wander around at will.

After patrolling the territory, Xia Qing went home to get the food bowls of the sick wolf and the sheep boss, and went directly to the greenhouse. I put dried meat and water on the sick wolf who was feeding fish and chickens, and poured half a basin of water on the sheep boss who was nibbling grass, and then I went to pinch the perilla.

After more than a month of growth, the vegetables planted in the greenhouse have grown up. The fences surrounding the three vegetable beds have been removed by Xia Qing, and the sheep boss can go in and nibble on the grass planted specifically for it.

These grasses were collected by Xia Qing from the territory in summer and autumn. The grass seeds produced by the grass that the sheep boss likes to eat have been planted, and the varieties have green lights and yellow lights.

In addition to the grass, the three beds of alfalfa planted by Xia Qing are also growing well. When alfalfa is tender, the sheep boss can eat it, and Xia Qing and the sick wolf can eat it, so Xia Qing only let the sheep boss eat two beds, and she and the sick wolf eat the remaining one bed.

The greedy sheep boss has fresh grass and alfalfa, and no longer nibbles the dry corn leaves.

Xia Qing cut some grass and alfalfa from the greenhouse and fed them to the chickens, mealworms and rabbits in the greenhouse. Sick Wolf is very talented in fish farming. It feeds the fish in the water tank well, so Xia Qing doesn't have to worry about it at all.

There are three rabbits in the rabbit cage now. The male rabbit was obtained by Xia Qing in exchange with Shi Du, a female rabbit was caught by Sick Wolf, and another one was a female red rabbit with bandages tied around its hind legs and neck that Xia Qing shot. Although the poisonous element content of this rabbit is as high as 25‰, Xia Qing, who has poison-reducing agents, pollution-free spring water and green light plants, thinks it can still be saved.

After feeding the animals, Xia Qing touched two green light eggs, took the perilla, and quickly rushed to the hut beside the farmland.

It's not possible to go fast, because the outdoor temperature is already below minus 25 degrees. If you go slower, eggs and vegetables will freeze.

Xia Qing smelled the aroma of food when she entered the hut next to the farm and took off her protective mask.

"Wow, the perilla grown by Sister Qing is better than those grown by my father and Uncle Ying." Tan Qi took the vegetable basket and found that there were two eggs in it. Her mouth was almost as big as the eggs.

Xia Qing was amused by the child's lively expression, "These are eggs just laid by my chickens. You wash them and boil them in a small pot."

"Okay." Tan Qi washed the eggs and boiled them in a small pot, washed the perilla and blanched it, added the salt she brought, mixed it, put it on the table in the small hall, opened the lid of the pot, and took out four Thick bread, two large bowls of porridge filled with freshly washed bowls.

It can be seen that she often does this and her movements are very deft.

"Sister Qing, this is the No. 6 ration in the safety zone. The main ingredients of the ration are horsetail and corn residue, which are specially used for cooking porridge." Tan Qi shared the food with Xia Qing excitedly, "The radio said, this is made with It is made from the food grown by the lords. Because some people ventured out of the safe zone to farm, everyone can eat better food. "

Xia Qing also listened to the radio and knew that the corn residue content in this ration was as high as 10%, which was the highest grain content among the rations sold to the general public. Of course, the price is twice as expensive as the compressed rations whose main ingredient is grass, and costs 2 points each. Of course, this price is half cheaper than the No. 1 ration with insect meal added, which is still reasonable.

Ordinary people doing ordinary work in the safe zone can earn 1-2 points a day, which can be enough to buy a piece of compressed rations to survive.

Thanks to book friend Yan_Qi for the reward, and thank you all for your subscription and voting support.

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