Today's training event was group confrontation. Xia Qing participated as a sniper. Jing Kuan, who was assigned to the same team as her, smiled happily. Er Yong, who was assigned to the confrontation team, frowned and secretly bowed to Xia Qing.

The sniper is the patron saint of teammates and the god of death for opponents. Xia Qing, whose marksmanship is getting better and better, is already a well-known god of death in No. 49 Mountain.

This god of death pays attention to affection.

Xia Qing followed Er Yong's request and let him live until the end. There were eight people in the confrontation team, two were "killed" by Xia Qing, and five were "beaten to death" by members of Xia Qing's team.

When Er Yong limped down the mountain, he discussed with Xia Qing with a frown on his face, "Sister Qing, can you kill me with a sniper rifle next time?"

The last person in the confrontation team, the fifth-level speed evolver Er Yong, was "beaten to death" by the sixth-level power evolver Xia Qing.

Although Xia Qing has mastered many fighting skills by watching videos and learned many fighting essentials from Yanlong, to truly improve his fighting ability, he must constantly compete with strong people.

Therefore, Xia Qing, who paid to participate in the Qinglong Team's training to practice long-distance and high-speed moving target shooting, paid an additional fee to Yang Jin and began to participate in the Qinglong Team's combat training.

Speed ​​Evolver Er Yong is not Xia Qing's sniper target today, but her fighting opponent.

Therefore, even though he managed to survive to the end without additional training, Er Yong still felt very uncomfortable because Xia Qing's fist was as hard as a hammer and he was about to be hammered to death.

"Okay." Xia Qing readily agreed to Er Yong's request.

Er Yong, who has difficulty in making choices, felt a little uncomfortable when he heard that Xia Qing agreed so readily...

He ran a few steps with a limp and came to Xia Qing to show off his misfortune, "Sister Qing, look at my belly, it's almost dented. All the fat I saved so hard is gone..."

Unlike before the natural disasters, where thinness was considered beautiful, during the years of natural disasters when food was scarce, everyone wanted to gain weight. Because once a sudden disaster occurs and food is cut off, people with more body fat will survive longer. Only if you are alive can you wait for rescue and find food.

Xia Qing saw that he was really pitiful, so he decided to shed some blood, "You help me guard the territory tomorrow, and I'll give you half a yellow lantern rabbit."

Er Yong's eyes lit up immediately, "No need for half. Just tell me what flavor Sister Qing wants to eat. Once it's cooked, I'll just take a few bites to taste. Sister Qing is going to No. 50 Mountain tomorrow?"

Xia Qing nodded, "Tomorrow I will team up with other lords to dig herbs under the fourth peak of Mountain No. 50."

After eating dinner and completing tonight's training, Xia Qing heated up the hot spring water he carried back and started taking a bath.

Xia Qing, like other lords in the Lords Alliance, regularly goes to the hidden valley of No. 50 Mountain to collect spring water. Some of it is sent to Territory No. 7, and some of it is stored in the water tank in her storage room.

The pollution-free spring water in Territory No. 3 has entered the dry season and needs to be used sparingly, so now Xia Qing uses hot spring water for bathing. Xia Qing doesn't need to filter the hot spring water with an intermediate filter. She has a better way - like an evolved bear, she uses Yi stones to drive out the killing elements in the water.

Before leading his allies into the hidden valley, Xia Qing fished out the still-valid Yi stones from the pool and brought them back to his territory.

Xia Qing is willing to accept Yishi, a precious material that is convenient and efficient in exorcising killing elements. The more the better, and she doesn't mind if Xiong has used it.

Of course, the piece used for bathing now is not the one used by Evolved Bear for bathing. That piece is too big and has great uses.

Xia Qing's victory over Level 5 Speed ​​Evolver Er Yong in today's training session was not as easy as she showed. Even though he was wearing snakeskin clothing and Power Evolver protective gear, Xia Qing's back, thighs and calves were kicked or injured, resulting in large areas of bruises.

It wasn't that it didn't hurt, but Xia Qing didn't show it. If she behaves like this, the Bearded Front Team will not use their full strength against her again, and the effectiveness of the training will be greatly reduced.

I didn't break my arms or legs, it just hurt. Xia Qing's physical injury treatment medicine some time ago was not in vain. Such a degree of trauma can be recovered in three or four days.

When going down the mountain, Xia Qing agreed to Er Yong's request and stopped fighting with him. Of course it's not because Xia Qing is afraid of pain, but because she has been able to defeat Er Yong and wants to challenge the stronger opponents on her list.

During the special training with Yanlong, Yanlong said that the reason why she applied to participate in the task of protecting Zhang San was because the people sent by Huiyi Base to protect Zhang San were very strong.

Defeating these people is a personal goal set by Yanlong for himself, outside of this mission.

When he heard Yanlong say these words, Xia Qing, who was so excited, also made a challenge list for himself in his heart. Not only the entire Husband Feng team, but also Tang Zhou, Wei Chengdong, Luo Pei and even Yang Jin, the number one player in the Qinglong team, were all included in her challenge list.

Today, she can cross another level five speed evolver off the list.

Xia Qing, covered in bruises, closed her eyes and leaned against the tub, raising the corners of her mouth.

The next morning, Xia Qing, who was fully resurrected, carried last night's bath water to the planting greenhouse and kept it to water the vegetables in the greenhouse.

The quality of this water is much better than that in the reservoir. Throwing it away after taking a bath is not something a farmer would do.

Xia Qing is not the only one who did this today.

The verification by the Territory Management Department has been completed, and the alliance members can finally use high-quality water to water the vegetables in the greenhouse.

Today's mission team has a large number of people. Four people came to Territory No. 15, plus Xia Qing, Shi Du mother and son, Qi Fu and his wife, Zhao Ze and Zhu Li, a total of 11 people.

Xia Qing led the way in front, Zhu Li, Zhao Ze, Qi Fu and his wife, and Shi's mother were in the center of the team, and the people from Territory No. 15 were responsible for the left and right sides and the back.

Qi Fu reminded, "Xia Qing, go in from the exit in front. Be careful, there is a tree that kills evolution on that road, and if you break a branch, it will leak venom, which can corrode protective clothing. Old Kuang was injured here yesterday."

Xia Qing finally understood why it was Zhu Li who came to Territory No. 6 today, not Kuang Qingwei, "Sister-in-law, is Brother Qing's injury serious?"

Zhu Li, who was following closely behind Xia Qing, immediately replied, "Not serious, a minor injury, it will heal in a few days."

Yesterday, the Lord Alliance team found collectable herbs at the foot of the fourth peak. Kuang Qingwei was extremely excited. When he went out of the mountain, he was silently calculating the value of the herbs. He didn't know when he was caught by a branch.

Unexpectedly, before the team returned to the territory, Kuang Qingwei's protective clothing and cold-proof clothing were corroded by venom that had been contaminated at some point, and his arm was also contaminated by venom, which was very painful. If it weren't for the experienced Yue Haiying who immediately made a decisive move and asked Shi Du to dig out the piece of flesh on Kuang Qingwei's arm that had begun to rot, and used the special medicine exchanged with Territory No. 7, Kuang Qingwei's right arm would definitely not be saved.

This level of injury is not serious. Because in the years of natural disasters, as long as the arms and legs are not broken, they are all considered minor injuries. There is no need to report such a small matter to Xia Qing, the leader of the Lord Alliance. (End of this chapter)

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