The people who were working immediately stopped digging and collecting and gathered together. Xia Qing, Yue Haiying and Hu Ningsheng, the defenders of this mission team, held their guns and faced outward to protect everyone's safety.

Shi Du and Yu Shou, who were carrying guns, also took off their guns and held them in their hands.

Yuan Yan reached out and pulled Zhao Ze and Zhu Li to the safest place now.

Being pulled behind Xia Qing, Zhao Ze felt his heartbeat stabilized, his breathing became smoother, and his ears were no longer buzzing. Zhu Li's reaction was similar to Zhao Ze's. In fact, she wanted to grab the best position behind Xia Qing just now. This was the instinct to seek self-protection in dangerous moments, which was honed by ten years of natural disasters.

The reason why she didn't grab it was because she was in the same alliance with these people. They were not competing but cooperating. If she competed for the safest position and made others unhappy, she would be kicked out of the collection team. Her husband was injured, and most of the winter crops planted in the territory were destroyed in the snow. She couldn't lose this rare opportunity to earn points.

"At ten o'clock, behind the bushes fifty meters away, there lies a leopard. Judging from its size, it is an evolved species." Xia Qing said calmly and decisively, "It has no intention of attacking us. Don't make provocative moves."

"Got it." Yue Haiying and Hu Ningsheng responded calmly.

"Understood." Zhao Ze also responded in a low voice. His voice was shaking, and his body was shaking.

Leopards are large predatory beasts in the evolutionary forest. According to relevant regulations, when encountering large beasts in the evolutionary forest, humans cannot be the first to initiate provocation.

Xia Qing stared at the leopard crawling behind the bushes, and the leopard's eyes were also fixed on her. Obviously, the leopard judged that the highest combat power in this team was Xia Qing.

Leopards and humans neither attacked nor retreated, and fell into a stalemate. Qi Fu and his wife, Shi's mother, Zhao Ze and Zhu Li, who had never experienced such a scene, dared not breathe, for fear that if they moved, they would be regarded as a provocation by the beast on the opposite side.

Squeak, squeak, squeak——


There are many animals that can make this kind of sound when walking, but as far as Xia Qing knows, there is only one large animal that can hum.

When the sound got closer, the auditory evolutionist Hu Ningsheng reported the latest situation, "Two wild boars have entered the valley and are approaching."

Yue Haiying whispered, "The leopard is waiting to hunt wild boars, and it can only capture one."

Wild boars are very vengeful animals. If a wild boar is captured, the other wild boar may howl or run back to bring its whole family to take revenge. The leopard successfully hunted and ran away, and the wild boar's anger will be vented on humans.

A group of wild boars cannot beat the leopard, but the few humans digging kudzu roots here are no match for a group of wild boars.

Xia Qing understood what Yue Haiying meant, "I will kill the other wild boar."

The two wild boars hummed and approached the kudzu area from the other side. The moment the leopard stared at Xia Qing turned away, it launched an attack.

The explosive power of the leopard is amazing. The little wild boar didn't even have time to howl before the leopard bit its neck and dragged it away.

Another half-grown wild boar was frightened and opened its mouth to howl, but Xia Qing fed it a bullet and shot it in the head.

Qi Fu and others, who saw Xia Qing shooting large prey at close range for the first time, were all amazed.

In just a short while, three large vultures came and circled over the area.

"The leopard has left." Hu Ningsheng reported the situation.

Xia Qing issued an order, "Shi Du, go collect the wild boars. The team continues to collect, speed up, collect within four hours, and withdraw from the valley."

When Shi Du went to collect the wild boars, everyone sped up their actions, those who cut vines continued to cut vines, and those who dug roots continued to dig roots.

Zhu Li's trembling machete failed to cut the kudzu vines, but tears fell down.

Knowing that the evolutionary forest is terrifying is completely different from seeing beasts hunting at close range.

The moment the leopard looked over, Zhu Li's blood froze. If it weren't for the protection of the evolver, it would not be the wild boar that died just now, but her.

Because she is weaker than the wild boar.

Zhu Li sniffed, cut off the bulge of the kudzu vine with force, put it in the bag, and looked for the next bulge while crying. She had to speed up. The more bulges she cut, the more worms the team would have. The more the team harvested, the more supplies she would get after the mission.

She was definitely not as good as the power evolver, but she must not be much worse than Zhao Ze, who was also an ordinary person.

Yu Shou asked for help, "Xia Qing, this green lantern kudzu vine is powder kudzu, but its roots are pressed by a big stone. You need to pry the stone."

The rhizome of powder kudzu is white in color and powdery in texture. The taste and powder yield are much higher than the rough fiber of firewood kudzu. Therefore, the roots of powder kudzu must be dug out and taken back.

Xia Qing replied, "Got it, Brother Cheng, come and take over my defensive position."

Cheng Ping of Territory No. 15 is a level 3 endurance evolver. Although his left arm is not flexible, his marksmanship is still okay.

Yue Haiying, Yu Shou, Hu Ningsheng and Cheng Ping are the four most powerful evolvers with intact legs in Territory No. 15. Because this mission is risky, all four of them came.

After Cheng Ping arrived, Xia Qing rushed to Qi Fu and found that the stone with moss covering the root of the pink kudzu vine weighed more than 3,000 kilograms just from the exposed part.

Although Xia Qing's ability has not been fully restored, after she joined, the four strength evolvers worked together and used a crowbar to lift the big stone.

After opening it, the surprise on Qi Fu's face turned into disappointment. Because the root of this kudzu has been almost eaten by rats.

This is a common situation when collecting rhizomes in the evolutionary forest. Xia Qing and Shi Du are already used to it. Shi Du asked Xia Qing, "Can this kudzu root be dug back and planted in our territory?"

This is the 50th mountain. Xia Qing is the manager of the 50th mountain. It is up to Xia Qing to decide whether to dig it away.

Xia Qing nodded, "Yes, leave some roots to let it continue to grow."

"Understood!" Shi Du started immediately.

After working for two hours, the team rested for 20 minutes and continued to dig.

At two o'clock in the afternoon, the team members packed up the harvested materials and started to return. In addition to Xia Qing and Yue Haiying, who have the highest combat power, the five strength evolvers carried the materials at full load, and the rest of the people also carried one or two hundred kilograms of materials.

Today, everyone did not return to the 5th territory, but entered the 15th territory closer to the exit of the mountain. Except for Xia Qing and Yue Haiying, everyone else lay down tired, but everyone had a happy face. Because this collection was very fruitful.

Tan Qi, who was working in the greenhouse, also came over to help peel the kudzu worm pupae and clean the soil on the kudzu roots.

This collection mission harvested 800 kilograms of yellow lantern kudzu roots, 700 kilograms of green lantern kudzu roots, 760 yellow lantern kudzu worm pupae, 330 green lantern kudzu worm pupae and a 150-kilogram yellow lantern wild boar.

This was a huge harvest for a collection team with average combat power and insufficient weapons and equipment.

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