On the Wedding Night In the 80s, the Sweet Wife Has Space

Chapter 449 Only by leaving room can we move forward and retreat freely

Hearing Mrs. Zhao's sympathy for Yunmo's life experience, Zhao Yazhi repeatedly echoed: "That's right, Momo is really too difficult. She is going to take the college entrance examination this year, and her classmates are studying desperately at home, but she is doing it for the bamboo weaving factory. Busy running around, not even daring to take a break, she has taken on the burden of the whole family at a young age, Dad, please help her."

Zhao Xuehai looked at his daughter angrily, "How else can I help? The factory land was given, the rent was also given a discount, and their deposit was not confiscated. What do you want from me?"

Zhao Yazhi took the opportunity to say: "Dad, help Momo find a school, this matter is just a piece of cake for you."

Zhao Xuehai frowned slightly, "Didn't she study well in Jiangshi, what is she looking for in school?"

"This matter speaks for itself."

"Then you can make a long story short."

"Momo is looking for a school for her cousin. Her cousin has excellent grades in the high school entrance examination, but she has no choice but to drop out of school because she can't afford the tuition fees. Now that her family's conditions have improved, Momo wants to send her cousin back to school."

The members of the Zhao family, except for Zhao Xuehai, are all women. Women can best understand women's difficulties and hardships.

Even Wan Ru couldn't help but chime in, "It's a good thing to read more books. If you read books, you will be able to contribute to the country and the people in the future."

The old lady Zhao made the decision directly, "Xuehai, you can call the principal of No. 1 Middle School tomorrow and ask him to make arrangements."

Zhao Xueshen was very helpless, "Mom, your thinking is too simple, No. 1 Middle School is the face of our Anshi, and all the students in it are outstanding students with excellent grades, not just anyone can get in .”

Wan Ru said: "According to the policy, the child should only be able to borrow. It doesn't affect the enrollment rate, so it shouldn't matter."

"Even if it is borrowing, not everyone can go in and borrow."

Zhao Yazhi said distressedly: "Then what should I do? I promised Momo."

Zhao Xueshen glared at her, "Who told you to make your own claims? If you have the ability to agree to others, can't you think of a way to solve it yourself?"

Zhao Yazhi also got angry, "Fix it yourself, I will go to Principal Hong's house tomorrow and talk to him."

"You go, just go, you can really convince Principal Hong, I'm impressed with you."

"Dad, just wait and see!"

"Okay, I'll wait to see what you can do."

Seeing the signs that the father and daughter were separated, Wan Ru quickly managed to ease it, "Okay, what's the big deal, as for the one who went online?

If it’s impossible, find another school. There are several middle schools in Anshi, and it’s not necessarily necessary to go to No. 1 Middle School. "

With the steps handed by his wife, Zhao Xuehai took advantage of the situation and went down.

"Tomorrow I'm going to have dinner with the vice-principal of the Railway Children's School. I'll ask about it then."

After dinner, Zhao Yazhi went back to his room.

Zhao Xuehai watched TV with his wife and the old lady in the living room, then excused himself to get up and go back to his room to rest.

After going upstairs, Zhao Xuehai abducted to the room of his daughter Zhao Yazhi.

"Knock knock, knock knock."

There was a short and powerful knock on the door, and one knew it was his father, but Zhao Yazhi yelled at the door knowingly, "Who is it?"


"I slept!"

"I came in?"

"I'm already asleep!!"

Zhao Xuehai pushed open the door, looked at his daughter who was sitting cross-legged on the bed, glared at him vigorously, and deliberately teased him: "You sleep sitting up? The posture is quite special. Is there any mystery or secret? I will teach you another day." Dad me."

Zhao Yazhi rolled her eyes, "What are you doing here?"

Zhao Xuehai sat on the edge of the bed, with a smile on his face, "Are you still angry with Dad?"

Zhao Yazhi lowered her eyelids and said nothing.

Zhao Xuehai put away his smile, and said earnestly: "The story of the embankment of a thousand miles collapsed by ants, don't you need to repeat it? Since I started my official career, I have seen too many examples of violations of discipline and rules. Small things develop slowly and eventually get out of hand.

In your opinion, finding a school is a trivial matter, and I can solve it with just a few words, but have you ever thought that the school has made it easy for me, and the next time you find me for something, can I still be stern and selfless? "

After such a heart-to-heart confession, Zhao Yazhi also realized that he hadn't considered it thoroughly enough, and couldn't help feeling a little guilty in his heart.

But he still put on a brave face, "But Momo is grandma's savior. I swore before that I would repay her. If they really want us, I can't refuse, right?"

"I didn't say not to help her, but you have to pay attention to the method and method. Next time you encounter this kind of situation, no matter who the other party is, you can't easily promise anything. You have to leave room for your words so that you can advance and retreat freely.

Just like this time, you can promise to help, but you shouldn't just promise to help her with this matter. Think about it, this is her problem, and it's kind of you to help her.

But if you agree, this matter will become your responsibility. If you fail to complete the matter, you will owe her instead, isn't that the reason? "

Zhao Yazhi nodded thoughtfully.

Seeing that his daughter has been taught, Zhao Xuehai showed a fatherly smile again.

"Okay, don't think too much about it, I'll help you with this tomorrow."

"Thank you Dad! You are the best."

Zhao Xuehai snorted coldly, "Aren't you angry now?"

Zhao Yazhi shook her head with a smile.

Three days later, seeing Zhao Yazhi who came looking for her, the stone in Yunmo's heart finally fell to the ground.

She asked Zhao's family for help in this matter, so it was inevitable that she was threatening to repay her kindness, but she had no other choice. The third middle school was about to start, and she had to settle Huang Qingning's school before returning to Jiang City.

With the ability and connections of the Zhao family, this matter can be resolved with a phone call, but unexpectedly, the Zhao family insisted on making her wait for three days.

She knew in her heart that this was Zhao Xuehai's beating on her.

"Momo, I'm really sorry to keep you waiting for several days, but things haven't been done well, so I'm too embarrassed to come to see you."

Looking at the apologetic Zhao Yazhi, Yunmo smiled and shook her head, "Sister Zhizhi, don't say that, Tiezhong is willing to give Qingning a chance to take the entrance exam, that's already very good."

"Besides your cousin, there are a few others who want to borrow. The school arranges the entrance examination on the 11th, and the school will start on the 15th. If your cousin passes the grades, she will be admitted directly at that time."

Yunmo nodded, "Okay, I'll bring Qingning to the city as soon as possible, Sister Zhizhi, thank you for the opportunity you won for Qingning."

Seeing that Yunmo didn't show any dissatisfaction, Zhao Ya breathed a sigh of relief.

This is actually Zhao Xuehai's test for Yunmo.

If Yunmo was dissatisfied because Zhao's family did not directly help Huang Qingning to enter the school, or even complained to Zhao Yazhi, then Yunmo was a greedy and selfish person.

Such people are harmful to the Zhao family and must be alienated from them.

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