On the Wedding Night In the 80s, the Sweet Wife Has Space

Chapter 556 Returning to An City to Visit Relatives

In addition to congratulatory gifts from all over the world, TV stations and newspapers in the city and the province also rushed to interview and interview. Yunmo's leisurely summer vacation was completely broken, and she was busy with this and that every day. This state lasted until After filling out the application form, she packed her things and boarded the plane back to An City.

It takes off at 10:30 in the morning and lands at 1:00 noon. Compared with taking the train for a day and two nights, the speed of flying is simply amazing.

This time, Ling Chuan did not go back to An City with Yun Mo, but Zeng Fang came with him.

Although Zeng Fang came from a good background, she seldom travels far, and it was her first time to fly. She was so excited that she chattered all the way, and used up several rolls of film just to take pictures of the blue sky.

In contrast, Yunmo is much calmer. In her previous life, the combined flight distance by plane could circle the earth several times.

Because they were taking a small plane this time, the flight was so bumpy that it almost knocked her out of the plane.

After getting off the plane, Yunmo took a taxi and headed directly to Lu'an Bamboo Weaving Factory.

Although Yunmo said that she was leaving today, she didn't tell Huang Zhiqiu that she came back by plane.

When Yunmo arrived at the bamboo weaving factory, Huang Zhiqiu was still taking a lunch break in the office. Seeing his daughter falling from the sky, Huang Zhiqiu thought it was a dream, and he didn't recover for a long time.

It wasn't until Zeng Fang smiled and called "Aunt Qiu" that Huang Zhiqiu woke up like a dream.

"Momo, Fangfang, why did you arrive so soon? Didn't you arrive the morning after tomorrow?"

"Aunt Qiu, we're here by plane, and we'll be there in two and a half hours!"

Huang Zhiqiu was overjoyed, knowing that the two of them hadn't had lunch yet, he immediately wanted to take them out to a restaurant.

But Yunmo didn't want to go out, this would be the hottest time of the dog days, and it was so hot outside that people's heads were smoking.

"Mom, you can just cook us some noodles. We ate bread and fruit on the plane. We're not very hungry."

Huang Zhiqiu went to the cafeteria to cook a bowl of egg noodles for each of them.

After eating the noodles, Yunmo took Zeng Fang to wander around the bamboo weaving factory.

Except for a few newly recruited employees, the workers in the factory basically know Yunmo, and they all greet her warmly.

"Miss Xiaomo came back to visit relatives? I haven't seen you for a few months, and she's become pretty again."

Yunmo responded with a smile.

Zeng Fang was curious about everything about the bamboo weaving factory, "Momo, did you design the signboard of our bamboo weaving factory? It's so creative."

Yunmo explained with a smile: "At first, I wanted to order a simple signboard and hang it up, but the price was more expensive than the other. I was not willing to spend money, so I went back to my hometown to design a bamboo signboard. It’s less than 50 yuan, so it’s okay now.”

Zeng Fang gave her a thumbs up, "It's not only okay, it's really great!"

The two wandered all the way to the production workshop.

The delivery time of the order is not far away, and the car factory is very busy, with more than 70 bamboo weaving workers busy and orderly doing their work.

Yun Mo didn't go in to disturb her, she just stood at the door and looked at it for a while, then took Zeng Fang to another place.

In the warehouse, five types of gift boxes signed with Ronghua Company were neatly stacked. In addition, there were also some bamboo products such as mats, baskets, baskets, and sieves piled up in the warehouse.

After returning to the office, Yunmo curiously asked Huang Zhiqiu what the bamboo weaving products in the warehouse were for.

Huang Zhiqiu explained with a smile: "Those are some business that Chen Bin and your eldest cousin went out to pick up during this time. The mats were ordered by the waterworks. They ordered 300 sheets, and a mat outside sold for 3 or 4 yuan. We will accept them." The order was 5 for 2 pieces.

Other baskets, baskets, and sieves are all ordered by some nearby factories, some require 50 pieces, some require 100 pieces, and they are all small orders. "

"That's not bad, it adds up."

"Yeah, I'm in the factory, and Chen Bin and your cousin go out to do business during the day. It's hard work for them in such a hot day."

After chatting about the bamboo weaving factory for a while, Huang Zhiqiu asked about Huang Zhao.

"Your second uncle and the others have been unable to contact Xiao Zhao. They are so worried that they call every now and then. Let us think of a way. What can we do? Momo, has Xiao Zhao contacted you?"

Yunmo shook her head.

Huang Zhiqiu sighed straight away, "That's right, he didn't even contact his family, so how could he find you."

Yunmo didn't want to talk more about Huang Zhao, so she changed the topic aloud, "Mom, I'm back this time, and I actually have something happy to tell you."

"What kind of happy event?"

Zeng Fang rushed to speak, "Aunt Qiu, Momo is very beautiful, she is the provincial champion of science this year!"

"No. 1 scholar!?"

Huang Zhiqiu was surprised and delighted, "Momo, are you the provincial champion?"

Yunmo smiled and took out the honorary certificate issued by the school from her bag, and spread it out in front of Huang Zhiqiu.

"Look, if it's fake, the city will also issue medals, but I can't wait, so I'll bring this back for you to see."

Holding the certificate of honor, Huang Zhiqiu laughed and cried.

"Momo, I really never dared to dream that you are the provincial champion. I, I am so happy, oh, why did I cry..."

Yunmo took out a handkerchief and wiped away the tears on her mother's face, "Mom, I didn't expect it just like you. It's because I was lucky that the test score was more than 10 points higher than expected."

"Momo, this is not luck, but your own hard work and strength. Mom is very proud of you."

Yunmo couldn't tell what she felt in her heart, as if the empty corner of her heart had been filled.

Once upon a time, the purpose and significance of her entrance into Peking University was to escape the predicament brought by the original owner and get rid of the ending of cannon fodder, but now, all her efforts and dedication have been endowed with a more special meaning.

That is to make everyone who loves her proud and proud of her.

After being happy, Huang Zhiqiu rolled up the certificate cherishingly, "Momo, you put this away, don't damage it."

Yunmo smiled and shook her head, "Mom, this is a gift for you."

"Send it to me?"

Huang Zhiqiu showed joy, but then hesitated, "Is it okay to give this to me?"

"It doesn't matter, the school has awarded it to me, can it be taken back?"

Zeng Fang also laughed, "Aunt Qiu, you can accept it with confidence and boldness. It sounds like an honor, but it is actually just a piece of paper."

Only then did Huang Zhiqiu happily put away the certificate, "When I'm free, I'll order a photo frame to frame it, and then hang it at home, so that your grandparents will be happy too."

Yun Mo nodded with a smile.

When it was almost 4 o'clock, Huang Zhiqiu took the two of them to the cafeteria to drink mung bean soup.

It is too hot to prevent workers from heatstroke. Mung bean soup is served in the cafeteria at 4 pm every day. Drinking it can not only relieve the heat but also replenish physical strength.

Yunmo took out a box of candies she brought from Jiangshi, "Mom, let's share these in the cafeteria for everyone to taste. These are gifts from others these days. I kept some at home, and the others brought them all.”

"Okay, let the big guys share your joy."

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