On the Wedding Night In the 80s, the Sweet Wife Has Space

Chapter 560 That piece of land is already in your name

In the car, Yao Cheng always felt that something was wrong.

"Hey, I know, Yunmo is outside, how does she answer your call?"

Zhao Yazhi gave him a white look, "Don't you know that there is a mobile phone in this world? A bumpkin."

Yao Tubaozi Cheng was stunned by the scolding, turned his head and poked Jian Xun, and asked in a low voice: "Old Jian, do you know about mobile phones?"

Jian Xun, who didn't want to be a bumpkin, lied without blinking, "I know."

"Lying in the grass, am I the only one who doesn't know?"

Both Zhao Yazhi and Jian Xun gave him positive looks.

Yao Cheng shut himself up.

Just now, he has lost face twice in front of his sweetheart.

Did he not read the almanac when he went out today?

Yunmo is currently in the bank. She came here today to talk to director Xu of the bank about buying the land of the bamboo weaving factory.

Director Xu said before that the match factory originally owed the bank 360,000 yuan, but if you really want to buy it, the price can still be negotiated.

Unexpectedly, when she explained her intentions, Director Xu was surprised.

"Miss Yun, stop joking with me."

Yunmo looked at the other party very seriously, "Director Xu, I'm not joking. I really want to buy this land. I have all the money ready. As long as we negotiate the price, we can sign the contract right away."

Director Xu quickly explained: "Miss Yun, you misunderstood me. Didn't you send someone to buy the land half a month ago? Now the land is under your name."

Now it was Yunmo's turn to be surprised, "Are you sure it's me?"

Seeing that she was really ignorant, Director Xu immediately found out the previously signed land sale contract and showed her.

According to the contract, it was a lawyer named Tian Xin who negotiated with the bank and handled the land transfer on her behalf.

"Miss Yun, this land has indeed been transferred to your name, or, can you go back and ask your family?"

"Okay, I see, I'm sorry."

"You're welcome."

There is no need to ask, besides Shao Lin, who else would quietly buy this piece of land worth more than 300,000 yuan under her name.

After coming out of the bank, Yun Mo didn't rush to call Shao Lin to ask.

It will be 2 o'clock in the afternoon, Shao Lin is probably at work, and it will not be too late to ask when the evening is free.

Yunmo found a shaded place and stood there waiting for Zhao Yazhi to come over.

Before the taxi stopped, Yao Cheng saw Yunmo standing under a locust tree, holding a small flower umbrella and wearing a pink and green dress.

Under the bright sunlight, the girl has beautiful eyebrows and almond eyes, and her porcelain jade-like skin is so white that it reflects the light.

Yao Cheng put his arms around Jian Xun's neck, and said in a low voice, "Do you dare to say that you didn't premeditate it? Why are you drinking wedding wine? Are you out of the bar?"

Jian Xun adjusted his glasses calmly, "Eating grape skins ruined your brain? Isn't it more convenient to go to Jiang City from the provincial capital than to Lai'an City?"

Yao Cheng was taken aback.

Isn't that right? It takes only three hours to drive from the provincial capital to Jiangshi. It is indeed much more convenient than Anshi, which is more than a thousand kilometers away. If Jian Xun really has any thoughts about Yunmo, he can drive there directly. Jiang City, there's no need to run so far.

"This is too coincidental."

When getting out of the car, Yao Cheng couldn't help but mutter.

Jian Xun ignored him, and Zhao Yazhi didn't hear him, because she got out of the car ahead of time and ran towards Yunmo.

"Momo, it's so hot, why did you come out so early?"

Yun Mo conveniently moved the umbrella over Zhao Yazhi's head, so as not to expose him to the sun.

"Let's go out and do something."

"No wonder."

While talking, Yao Cheng and Jian Xun came to the three of them one after the other.

Yun Mo greeted Yao Cheng and Jian Xun one by one, but Zeng Fang looked back and forth between Zhao Yazhi and Yao Cheng with a teasing expression.

"Yo, is this called Youyuan Qianli to meet?"

Yao Cheng didn't know that his cousin had already analyzed his thoughts on pursuing Zhao Yazhi, and said poorly, "Who is destined to be with you? I came here for a wedding with Old Jane."

Zeng Fang was a little surprised, "Wedding? Whose wedding? Does our family have any relatives here?"

"It's a college classmate of mine."

Jian Xun explained with a smile, and then invited them to go together.

"The more people there are, the more lively you will be, Yao Cheng, at most, and you will give me another gift money."


Before Yao Cheng could speak, Zeng Fang rushed to speak first.

She likes eating and drinking the most.

Glancing at Zhao Yazhi, Yao Cheng, who has always been stingy, did not refuse Jian Xun's proposal, "That's fine, then Zhizhi will come with me tomorrow, old Jane, you bring my sister and Yunmo."

Zeng Fang was the first to object, "I won't be with Brother Jian, cousin, I want to be with you."

"You are with me, so Yunmo and Jian Xun are just two people? It would be bad if someone misunderstood."

While talking, Yao Cheng kept winking at his cousin.

Zeng Fang deliberately pretended to be naive, "Big cousin, what's wrong with your eyes, cramp?"

Yao Cheng: "..."

Zhao Yazhi on the side said directly: "Yao Cheng, you don't need to wink at Fangfang, she already knows about your pursuit of me."

Yao Cheng: "..."

He looked at Zhao Yazhi, then at Yunmo who was also narrow-minded, and finally realized that he was being teased.

He pointed at Zeng Fang, "Okay, dare to tease your brother, don't you want the gift for the college entrance examination?"

Zeng Fang immediately stood beside Jian Xun, and said obediently, "Brother Jian, I will go to the wedding with you tomorrow."

Yao Cheng gave her a look of "this is more or less the same", then turned to look at Zhao Yazhi with a smile again.

"Zhizhi, it's so hot, I'll pick you up at your house tomorrow?"

"No, I'll just ask my driver to take me there directly."

Yao Cheng didn't give up, "Then what should I do?"

"Let's mix it cold."

It was still early, and a few people found a coffee shop with a good environment, ordered some desserts and drinks, and sat and chatted to pass the time.

Yao Chenglai was by Zhao Yazhi's side, playing tricks and being obedient, making Zhao Yazhi tremble and laugh non-stop.

Zeng Fang took a small spoon to eat the banana split with relish, and cast a contemptuous look at her cousin from time to time.

A guy with the opposite sex but no humanity!

Jian Xun picked up the coffee cup and touched Yunmo's juice cup, "I haven't congratulated you yet, provincial champion."


Zhao Yazhi, who heard the conversation between the two, turned her head in disbelief, "What are you talking about? Who is the provincial champion?"

Seeing Zhao Yazhi's bewildered and unbelievable expression, Zeng Fang quickly swallowed the food in her mouth and said, "Sister Zhizhi, don't you know? Momo is the champion of science in our province this year."

Zhao Yazhi immediately looked at Yunmo, "Momo, you are the number one scholar in provincial science!?"

Yunmo nodded lightly.

Zhao Yazhi patted the table, "Are you still a good sister? Why didn't you tell me about such an important matter?"

Yunmo blinked, "I thought you knew."

"How do I know, I went home as soon as the summer vacation was over, and I didn't go out much during this time."

"Oh my god, I can't even think about it, Momo, you are actually the provincial champion? How many points did you get in the exam?"

"666 points."

! ! !

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