At this end Mrs. Shao San and Shao Yixuan's mother and son were arguing with each other, while Shao Ya at the other end stood in a daze.

Although she was not at the scene in the afternoon, she saw clearly the conflict between Yunmo and her younger brother through the binoculars on the tower.

On the surface, the "hillies" brought back by his uncle was domineering and domineering. He dared to fight his younger brother on the first day he came back.

Even the young master of the Shao family dared to hit her if he wanted to. Who would dare to bully her in the future?

That's right, how could he be such a fool as Shao Yi'an to be able to step into the door of Shao's compound before his identity was revealed.

Shao Ya took a light breath and walked in front of her younger brother.

"It's almost enough, there's nothing to cry about, and I'm not afraid of being laughed at by others."

Shao Yixuan stared at Shao Ya aggrievedly, "You are still not my sister, I was bullied so badly, and you didn't help me and even blamed me.

"When did I say I won't help you anymore?"

Hearing this, Shao Yixuan suddenly turned from sadness to joy, and pulled Mrs. Shao San who was still coaxing him aside, staring at Shao Ya with his eyes like light bulbs.

"Sister, then let's go to that smelly country bumpkin tomorrow!?"

Shao Ya said in a low voice: "Not tomorrow, she is new here, we have no reason to come to her like this, we have to wait for a suitable opportunity."

"Then when will we wait?"

"You'll know when the time comes."

On Lanju's side, three generations of grandparents and grandchildren had enough to eat and drink. Mrs. Hua led the servants to remove the cups and plates from the table, and served sliced ​​watermelon.

"I bought a good watermelon today. It has thin skin, red flesh, plenty of juice, and is sweet enough."

Shao Lin took a bite and was full of praise.

Mrs. Hua laughed and said, "The watermelons planted by Missy are naturally different from those outside."

Shao Lin was both surprised and delighted, "Momo, did you grow this watermelon?"


Yunmo also took a piece and ate it, the mouth melted into slag and was full of juice, taking a bite was as satisfying as drinking fruit juice.

This was the first watermelon grown in the space, and it was also the first time she ate it, and the taste was even better than expected.

"Sister-in-law Hua, you can leave a few yuan on the table, and share the rest with everyone."

The taste of the cut watermelon will change overnight, so it is better to share it with the servants to eat, which can be regarded as a kindness.

Mrs. Hua responded with a smile, "Then I will thank Miss on behalf of all the servants in the main courtyard."

"Is it enough?"

"Enough, we don't have many people in the main courtyard, and the young lady's watermelon is huge, everyone can get a big piece."

"That's good."

After Mrs. Hua happily brought down the watermelon, Shao Lin asked about the afternoon with concern.

"Momo, I heard that brat Axuan came to trouble you this afternoon?"

Yunmo put down the watermelon in her hand, wiped her hands and mouth with a towel before replying, "It's not like I'm causing trouble, and I'm not polite to do it, Dad, did I cause you trouble?"

Shao Lin waved his hand, "Momo, you are my only daughter, they dare to provoke you but they don't take me seriously, I can't spare him.

I've heard from Wei Fu that you did a very good job today, if there are unsightly people who will follow you in the future, if you are still like today, don't worry, I will support you. "

Speaking of this, Mrs. Shao also took up the conversation, "Your father is right, Momo, you are the eldest lady of the Shao family and my granddaughter, let alone you can't be bullied, even if you walk sideways in the Shao family Nothing is impossible."

Although she was very sassy when she hit someone, Yunmo still had no idea when she calmed down.

A famous family like the Shao family is very particular about discipline and etiquette. She would cause trouble and beat people as soon as she came back, so she probably won't have a good impression in the hearts of the elders.

It's fine for Shao Lin to pamper her and pamper her. Unexpectedly, even Mrs. Shao put down her bottom line and principles to support her. While Yun Mo was moved, she also felt a sense of intimacy and happiness derived from family affection.

"Dad, grandma, don't worry. I'm sensible. He's my younger brother no matter what. I just had a little fight with him and didn't hurt his bones."

Shao Lin snorted, "That kid Yixuan has rough skin and thick flesh, he won't break if he can be beaten twice."

Sister Hua, who just came over, answered with a smile, "I just heard from Wei Fu that after the second young master returned, he was beaten up by the third master, and the third master was so angry that he went out without eating dinner."

Yunmo was not surprised by this result at all.

If Shao Yixuan dared to call her a beast, the West Courtyard would beat his son up even if he put on a show.

Mrs. Hua asked Yunmo what to do with the two bamboo baskets. Yunmo asked the other party to bring the bamboo baskets over, and then turned to Mrs. Shao and said, "I heard that you like orchid grass. I will find it at the flower market in Jiang City some time. I bought two pots and raised them carefully for a period of time, a small gift is not a respect, I hope you don't dislike it, grandma."

As soon as she heard that Yunmo was going to give her bluegrass, Mrs. Shao immediately became interested.

"What breed?"

"A pot of emerald orchids, and a pot of lotus petals."

Shao Lin hissed softly, "Momo, these two pots of orchids are not easy to grow. Your grandma didn't know how to grow them after several years."

Mrs. Shao unceremoniously cast a blank stare at her son for easily revealing his embarrassing things.

Sensing his old lady's displeasure, Shao Lin hurriedly made amends, "But now your grandma is an expert in growing orchids, no matter what kind of orchids she takes care of, they can bloom brilliantly."

Yun Mo smiled, "Then I'm not as good as grandma. I was cramming and asked a local old gardener for some tips on growing orchids."

Mrs. Shao took the words, "If you are interested in growing flowers and plants, you can come and learn from time to time in the future."


While the grandfather and grandson were talking, the two bamboo baskets were carried into the gazebo.

Ling Chuan took the initiative to get up and opened the bamboo basket, and carefully carried the orchid grass inside onto the stone table.

The preciousness of orchids lies in the long history of culture, long growth cycle, and difficult maintenance.

Mrs. Shao didn't have much expectations for the two pots of precious orchids that her granddaughter would give her. When she had lost the orchids she had been raising for decades, her granddaughter was just getting in touch with orchids for the first time. up.

She secretly made up her mind that no matter what the two pots of orchids looked like, she had to pretend to be happy and surprised, so as not to hurt her granddaughter's heart.

But when Ling Chuan put the orchid grass in front of her, she was immediately so amazed that she couldn't move her eyes.

As the name suggests, Jade Orchid has crystal clear flowers, exuding a warm and transparent jade-like luster, which looks like an exquisite and flawless jade sculpture from a distance.

Even Shao Lin, who has no interest in bluegrass, couldn't help but whisper, "Momo, did you raise this emerald orchid?"

"Well, I've raised it for a while, and it just happened to bloom in the past two days, which is quite beautiful." Yunmo pretended to be very happy.

"Here's another pot."

After being reminded by Mrs. Hua, several pairs of eyes all looked at the other bamboo basket on the ground.

With the emerald orchid jewels in front of them, everyone is anticipating whether there will be better treasures than the emerald orchid in the remaining bamboo basket.

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