Once the Crown Prince Joins In

228: Something happened

Zeng smiled and said: "Your eldest brother has official duties and hasn't been home for three or four days. Search and read on Google."

Su Xinyi nodded. So that's it. What kind of errand could the Royal Forest Army have to do without showing up for three or four days?

She just didn't think much and entered the madam's yard with everyone.

Except for the old man and Su Yi, everyone else was gone, so they divided two tables at the dowager's place because there were too many people and one table couldn't fit.

The elder asked a few questions about Su Xinyi's security affairs. Su Xinyi briefly explained the matter, which made everyone sigh.

The third master looked at Su Xinyi and said, "I had a relationship with Wang Zhifang once. I didn't expect that in just ten years, the Wang family would be in such trouble."

The second master then said: "Wang Zhifang is still unclear about internal affairs. Not only his own life was harmed by his brother, but his own children also suffered. His son can tolerate it, but it is a pity."

The uncle nodded, "So the family should still live in peace and harmony, and not care about everything. The Wang family is an example."

Su Xinyi was happy after listening to her uncle's words. This was indeed what the uncle could say. The uncle treated his younger brothers very well and would never try to suppress his own brothers.

Su Qi and the other juniors nodded hurriedly when they heard this. They didn't think there was any difference between the brothers before, but since they started practicing martial arts together, their relationship suddenly became closer.

We used to study in the academy, but we studied by ourselves. Except during class, we stayed in our own rooms at other times. Although they were both in the same academy, the brothers had very little time together.

But practicing martial arts at home is different. Basically, except when sleeping, they are together. After tearing apart the gentle and elegant appearance in the academy, they know the true temperament of the brothers.

Everyone practiced Tongzi Kung Fu when they were young. Later, when they went to school and the time was too tight, they slowly put it aside. It is indeed not easy to pick it up again now, but after the most difficult time, they are now used to it. , and in order to ignore the hard work of practicing martial arts, everyone started to compete and endorse while squatting on the horse.

Then, everyone discovered that this was a good way to kill two birds with one stone. They could review their lessons and practice their exercises.

Now the brothers have endless things to say when they get together, and their relationship is much better than before. So now everyone feels convinced after hearing what the great master said.

After hearing Su Xinyi say that the Wang family's official positions had been returned to the imperial court, Su Qi said: "Wang Daoji is a smart man. He knows that even if he doesn't hand over the position of the command room, he has actually lost his Sacred Heart, and sooner or later he will not be able to keep it. . It’s better to hand him over happily now. Although he has been exiled, he still has a chance to make a comeback. When one day he really makes a great contribution, the superiors will remember that he resolutely handed over the commander, and they will be lenient to him. "

Su Chu also said: "Second brother is right. Anyway, Wang's family is already rotten inside and outside, so he might as well start anew."

"I'm afraid it won't work if he doesn't pay. There is still Wang Shao watching. As long as Wang Daoji takes over as the commander, Wang Shao will be like a poisonous snake in the dark staring at him. He will really have trouble sleeping." Su Ju shook his head and said.

Listening to the words of the juniors, the third master laughed and said to the eldest and second brothers: "These boys have made progress recently, not bad."

The female relatives on the Madam's side were more concerned about Xinyi's daily life along the way. They both talked happily. The Madam looked at Su Xinyi and said, "Now that you are back, just rest at home. It's just the right time for your fifth sister to embroider the dowry." , go talk to her when you have time."

Su Xinyi agreed and said with a smile: "Just in time, I will also learn needlework from the fifth sister."

Su Xixian smiled and said, "Okay, I'll teach you whatever you want to learn."

The eldest lady was delighted, "One of them really dares to teach and the other dares to learn."

Everyone laughed all of a sudden. Su Xixian blushed slightly. When he looked back at Su Xinyi, he saw that she was smiling happier than him.

The third lady heard this and said something rare, "It's enough for our girls to know how to hold a needle. Even if they get married in the future, they will have to do it themselves. It's just a show. Anyway, they will always have to accompany the embroiderer."

The madam looked at the third madam and shook her head, but she didn't say anything. She just looked at the eldest madam and said, "Look back and pay more attention. You have looked past the shoes and socks that Xixian prepared for my mother-in-law."

The eldest lady smiled and agreed, and the new daughter-in-law would prepare shoes and socks for her parents-in-law, just like her husband's family, showing off her own needlework skills.

The corners of the Third Madam's mouth twitched. She didn't dare to talk back to the Madam, so she had to keep her mouth shut. It was safe for someone to stare at her.

After coming out of Mrs. Tai's place after dinner, Su Xinyi said goodbye to everyone and walked back with her mother.

The Fourth Madam whispered to her daughter: "The Yin family came to urge us to get married, meaning they want to get married before the end of the year."

Su Xinyi was stunned, "Why so soon? Didn't it say that the fifth sister's marriage is scheduled to be after the new year?"

"Yes, that was the original plan, but Mrs. Yin personally came to tell Mrs. Yin that she was not in good health and hoped that a daughter-in-law could come and help her with the housekeeping. Moreover, Yin Ru is indeed not young, and Mrs. Yin also hopes that My son can get married soon."

Su Xinyi was surprised and said: "The family agreed?"

"Your grandmother didn't want to agree to it at first, but seeing Mrs. Yin's flabbergasted look and coming to the door in person, she really felt sincere and she felt soft-hearted and agreed." The fourth lady looked up at the starry sky, "The wedding date is set. It’s the sixteenth day of the twelfth lunar month.”

Su Xinyi was slightly silent, "That will be soon."

"You sisters have a good relationship. Please move around more when you have time. When you are both married, it will not be easy to meet each other."

Su Xinyi agreed, then thought of Su Chu's marriage, and asked softly: "Mom, do you know about fifth brother's marriage and that Aunt Weng wants him to marry a daughter of the Weng family?"

Why didn't the fourth lady know? She looked at her daughter and smiled, "Are you worried about your fifth brother?"

Su Xinyi nodded, "I don't think the Weng family is a suitable marriage partner."

"Don't talk about others, your third aunt will not agree." The fourth lady should not say some things to her daughter, but remembering that Xixian is about to get married, and Xinyi will also marry into the East Palace soon, some things have to be dealt with no matter how they are dealt with. Let the child know more, take her back to his yard, send the girls away, and then continue to speak.

"Aunt Weng is a thorn in your third aunt's heart. Naturally, she can't let your fifth brother marry a Weng family member. She doesn't want to see Aunt Weng, so she just wants to show her kindness and doesn't allow Aunt Weng to come to pay her respects. But. If your fifth brother marries a daughter of the Weng family, she will not be able to see her bastard daughter-in-law for many years, so your third aunt will never agree to the marriage."

Su Xinyi had never thought of this. When her mother said this, she suddenly realized that although she knew that her third aunt would not agree, she did not think carefully about why she disagreed. She was really enlightened when her mother said this.

"What about third uncle?" Su Xinyi was afraid that third uncle would give in because of Aunt Weng.

"With the example of Xixian, your third uncle will definitely ask your grandmother what she means first."

Su Xinyi understood and said with a smile, "Grandma is still the best."

The fourth lady also smiled when she heard this, looked at Xin Yi and said: "Mom is telling you this because she wants you to know that things in the back house are not simple. You will always get married in the future, and it will be in a place like the East Palace. I feel worried just thinking about it, and I have already told Nanny She to tell you more about the affairs in the palace, and you should study hard."

Su Xinyi smiled and agreed, "I'll listen to you."

The Fourth Madam looked at her daughter and patted her hand, "Go back and rest early. If you have anything to say, we'll talk about it tomorrow."

Su Xinyi smiled and said, "Then you should go to bed early."

Su Xinyi returned to her room, washed briefly and then lay down. After Forsythia put down the tent, leaving only a lamp in the corner, she quietly retreated.

Su Xinyi was not sleepy, and there were many things in her mind. Now it seemed that she was completely different from her previous life, but she didn't know why she always felt that she had neglected something, but she just couldn't remember it.

She was confused and didn't know when she fell asleep. She didn't know why she dreamed of Yan Qiongsi. She looked at Yan Qiongsi joking with Princess Pingjing. The two were very close, and she sat like a piece of wood. In Yijiao, she could occasionally feel the eyes of Yan Jones looking at her.

The dream suddenly changed again, as if it was back to the day of the fire prevention. The whole dream was filled with blazing flames, and she suddenly woke up.

Su Xinyi sat up suddenly, covered in cold sweat, and her heart was still pounding. She hadn't had a nightmare for a long time, which gave her a bit of an ominous premonition.

Su Xinyi couldn't sleep anymore, so she simply got up. She looked at the hourglass on the window sill. It was only the last minute of the year. She changed her clothes and went out quietly, without disturbing Forsythia who was on duty outside.

But Forsythia still woke up and immediately got up from the low couch, "Girl, why are you so early? What are you doing?"

Forsythia saw that the girl had changed all the above, and she was startled and suddenly became energetic.

Su Xinyi said: "You go on sleeping, I don't have the sleepiness to go to the martial arts field."

Forsythia was stunned for a moment. Going to the martial arts field so early?

Before she could recover, she saw that the girl had left the house.

Su Xinyi took the spear to the martial arts arena. There was no one there, so she started practicing with the spear. The tip of the spear was like a shooting star in the night.

I don't know how long it took, but Su Xinyi heard someone say in surprise, "Sixth sister, why are you here so early?"

Su Xinyi heard the voice and stopped, and turned around to see the third brother, "Third brother, why did you come early today?"

Usually the first one to come is the second brother.

Su Bei sighed, "Stop talking about these sad things, how can we brother and sister fight? I see that your marksmanship is very good."

"Okay, come on." Su Xinyi took a spear from the weapons rack and threw it to the third brother.

Her third brother has a gentler temperament, which is quite different from her third uncle. I didn't expect that he would be so interested in practicing shooting with her today.

The two brothers and sisters went back and forth for a few times. Su Xinyi calmed down a little at first and slowly accompanied the third brother. Gradually, the back and forth between the two became more and more like a confrontation.

Su Bei knew that Sixth Sister's marksmanship was very good, but he didn't expect it to be so good. He was under her control, and his spear was unable to break through, and he was constantly being suppressed and beaten.

Soon Su Qi came, followed closely by Su Chu and Su Ju. Several people stood together and watched the two of them. It was soon obvious that the sixth sister was trying to trick them, and several people came immediately. interest.

There are not many opportunities like this.

Su Bei really had no energy left. He sat on the ground and gasped for air. He looked at the sixth sister and asked, "Your shooting skills are indeed different from what we learned."

Su Xinyi said with a smile: "I am a wild child, so naturally I am different."

All the moves she learned were life-saving moves. Her brothers all practiced martial arts seriously, and their moves were perfect and perfect. They were the models of a well-known and upright family.

"Sixth sister, take a break, let's practice together?" Su Qi handed Su Xinyi a bowl of tea and said.

Su Xinyi nodded, "Okay, but second brother, aren't you going to practice your basic skills?"

"Practice, practice for two hours every day." Su Qi looked at Su Xinyi and said, the Sixth Sister's spear can weigh a thousand kilograms. Their foundation is not deep and their strength is insufficient. If they really fight in the battle, they will not be able to withstand the enemy. A few shots.

"Then you practice first, and I'll run a few laps." Su Xinyi put down the tea bowl, "We will practice again after you have stretched your muscles and bones."

A few people agreed.

Su Xinyi began to run around the martial arts arena, watching her brothers practice plum blossom stakes first, and then horse steps. Listening to them compete and endorse, the previous heavy heart slowly calmed down.

In the Duke of Qi's Mansion, it's not just her who is different, everyone is different.

Even though his father is gone, the glory of the Qi family will not decline. With these brothers, the Su family will definitely be revitalized.

The Su family will no longer be in a difficult situation as they were jointly suppressed by others in their previous life.

She actually agreed with the idea of ​​abandoning literature and joining the military, because the foundation of the Su family was in the military. Unless one was really a blockbuster genius, it would be difficult to win over those civil servants who were not on good terms with the Su family. Cheap.

Therefore, the career of several brothers in the previous life was very difficult because they took the wrong path.

Sometimes, winning the Jinshi is not the end, but the beginning.

Being an official is not an easy matter. Why do some people have successful official career while others have bad luck? Is it because they have no talent?

There are a few people who can get into Jinshi who are stupid.

The Su family started out as a martial artist, and if they wanted to make a career out of studying literature, it would be possible only if the Su family's foundation in the military was completely shattered.

Otherwise, His Majesty sitting on the throne may not be willing to see the Su family's civil and military affairs succeed.

After Su Xinyi finished running the lap, she rested on the edge of the martial arts field. She watched her brothers squatting on horseback to endorse the words, and whoever lost got an extra time to burn incense. She smiled brightly. It was quite interesting to play like this.

Su Qi saw Xin Yi snickering at the side, and was about to ask her to endorse together. How could he lose the endorsement to his sister?

Before he could speak, his attendant hurried over, "Second Young Master, something happened to the eldest young master. Second Master asked you to come over quickly."


I’ll send you one update first, and there will be another update in the afternoon. Dear cuties, you have been waiting for a long time.


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