Once the Crown Prince Joins In

254: Not enough success, more than enough failure.

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Cao Qing and Mu Xing indeed brought a lot of news. The Tatars were beaten by the Southern Qi the year before last and learned a lesson. Last year, they did not dare to make big moves against the Yulin Wei Zhangping Mansion. At most, they were harassing in a small area and grabbing a little bit. I ran, not daring to go deep.

However, they did not dare to rob Nan Qi, but they ransacked the surrounding tribes one by one. Only then did Su Xinyi know that the grassland was in chaos last year, and wars were going on everywhere. No wonder Mu Xing complained, even though it was dangerous for the caravans to intersperse among them. But I did get a lot of news and got a lot of treasures, such as those horses.

Su Xinyi's expression suddenly became serious. The Tatars did not rob Nan Qi but robbed all the surrounding tribes. I am afraid that this year the Tatars have enough food and grass to strengthen their troops and horses, and they will sharpen their swords against Nan Qi again.

The tribes on the grassland can grab as many things as they want, but Tianhua, the treasure of the Southern Qi Land Museum, has always been a treasure coveted by these grassland men.

Mu Xing was willing to accept defeat and follow Su Xinyi. He only listened to Su Xinyi and didn't care about anything else.

But Cao Qing is different. Cao Qing's family is the general of the Su family. He has heard and seen Cao Qing's sensitivity to war, which makes him feel a little heavy. "Sixth Miss, are you worried about the Yulin Guards?"

Su Xinyi looked up at Cao Qing and nodded slightly, "We have to guard against the Tatar wolf ambitions, and now we are afraid that they will come back."

Su Xinyi didn't remember much about the border wars in her previous life, but she occasionally heard a few words. Before she died in her previous life, she never heard that Southern Qi conquered the Tatars.

She felt a little heavy. Her father died fighting for Nan Qi, and she only had a few years of peace.

She only had to think that in the next few years, His Majesty's health would deteriorate, several princes and princes would compete for the throne, the court would continue to suffer internal strife, but there would still be such a powerful enemy watching, and she would feel very heavy.

What's the use of her father dying in the war for the country? A few years later, the Tatars came back and it was still the same, like a vicious cycle.

How many sons of the Su family died on the battlefield. At this moment, Su Xinyi suddenly understood that her uncle's inaction might not be a real honest person, but just pretending to be honest...

Su Xinyi shook her head hastily. She was frightened by her own thoughts. How could this be possible?

Will not.

Su Xinyi calmed down, looked at Cao Qing and said, "You haven't been back for a long time. Go back to reunite with your family first. If I ask you anything, I'll call you over."

Cao Qing had been away from home for so long and really missed his family. He smiled and said, "I'll take my leave now."

Su Xinyi nodded, watched Cao Qing leave, then looked at Mu Xing, thought for a while and asked him, "Do you want to live with Zhanqiao Wushun and the others, or do you want to live more freely outside?"

Mu Xing looked up at Su Xinyi in surprise, and said almost without thinking, "I live outside."

"Do you have a place to stay in the capital?"

Mu Xing shook his head, "I plan to buy a small yard to live in."

Su Xinyi is going to be the Crown Princess, and it seems that he will have to travel back and forth between Yulinwei and the capital in the future. It is better to buy a small courtyard in the capital to live more conveniently.

Su Xinyi smiled and said, "It's okay if you have this idea. You have been following Ma Rude for so long, so you must be quite rich. I don't have to worry about you having no money."

Mu Xing:......

"But buying a house doesn't happen overnight. How about I find a place for you to live in first? I'll find you a companion just in time. He is very familiar with the capital and has a close relationship with Tian Zao and Bao Datong. You and He will stay for a while, and when he returns to Yulinwei, he will be able to bring back a family letter for Tian Zao and Bao Datong."

Mu Xing didn't even know what to say. This was like plucking a goose's feathers. She had to find a place for him to live, and he had to help her people take care of their family and bring letters by the way.

Su Xinyi asked Mu Xing to wait a moment. She sat behind the desk and wrote a letter to Zeng Liang. After finishing the letter and waiting for the ink to dry, she said to Mu Xing: "Zeng Liang is the boss of Qingjinfang. You can follow him well." Learn how to behave and do things.”

This was so disgusting that Mu Xing couldn't hold it back. He looked at Su Xinyi and said, "If you think I'm useless, just let me go free."

Su Xinyi was happy, "I'm not tying you up, you can go wherever you want. There's no good in just being a killer and not seeing the light of day. You might as well find a career in a down-to-earth manner and wait in a few years." If you have some merits, I can find you a job to do. It is not easy for a person like you with a criminal record in the government to turn over. The hardships you endure now will be rewarded in the future. "

Mu Xing frowned tightly, looking at Su Xinyi lowering his eyes and waiting for the ink to dry. He wanted to say that he never wanted to marry and have children in his life, and he could live happily alone. But seeing her look serious about planning her future, she suddenly couldn't say anything.

It's so evil, she fell into the trap of evil!

Su Xinyi was right. She didn't tie him up. He could indeed go wherever he wanted, but he had always been a promise-keeper, so how could he break his promise?

"Zeng Liang, right? Okay, I'll go." Mu Xing said with a wooden face. He just wanted to see what was so great about Zeng Liang that Su Xinyi said was so highly praised by her.

He is not convinced!

Su Xinyi put the letter into the envelope, stretched out his hand and handed it to Mu Xing, then turned around and took out a banknote from the drawer and handed it to him, "It's not convenient for me to go out now. It's really deserted for you to be alone during the Chinese New Year. I'll give you this money." Use it for eating, drinking and playing in the capital. Remember to bring Zeng Liang, you two will also have fun."

Mu Xing reached out to take it, snorted, and then looked at Su Xinyi, "Okay, I won't compromise on doing things for you. I should eat and drink from you."

Su Xinyi looked at Mu Xing's back as he walked away easily. Even if a person is used to living a pure life, he actually likes liveliness.

Even when she was having the most unsatisfactory life in Pingjing County Prince's Mansion, she would always call the girls around her to eat and drink with her during the New Year and holidays.

Mu Xing has always been arrogant and unconventional. Zeng Liang is just the opposite of him and is very down-to-earth. If they get together, they might have some influence on Mu Xing.

This man was still living a lively and happy life, despite Mu Xing's venomous mouth, but when she went to the grassland twice and she asked him to write letters, he wrote them. Although half of them were complaints, nothing he needed to do was left behind.

Su Xinyi also hopes that after he washes his hands in a golden basin, he can live a better life in the rest of his life.

Su Xinyi sent them both away, and sat at the table meditating on the Tatar affairs. After the spring plowing, there was the summer harvest, and the summer harvest was a gateway. He didn't know if the Tatars would sneak attack on the Yulin Wei Zhangping Mansion.

She couldn't sit still, so she wrote to the prince and informed him of the news.

His Royal Highness the Crown Prince is always smart and will definitely report to His Majesty to set up defenses in advance.

If their wedding date is really set for April, then the summer harvest will be very close.

Su Xinyi was suddenly shocked. The prince insisted on setting the wedding date in April. Did he also expect the Tatar side?

Su Xinyi couldn't sit still. She was a little upset, so she went directly to her grandfather.

The old man was watering the flowers. When Su Xinyi came in and handed her the kettle in his hand, Su Xinyi watered the flowers for his grandfather.

The sun is nice today, and I don't feel cold anymore when standing in the yard. Su Xinyi was watering the flowers when her grandfather asked her, "Tell me, what are you doing here?"

Su Xinyi didn't know what to say, so she took advantage of the time of watering the flowers to sort out her thoughts. After watering the flowers, she went to face her grandfather and explained the matter seriously.

The old man half-closed his eyes and slowly opened them after listening to his granddaughter's words. To be honest, he was surprised, "Xin Yi, why did you think of this?"

This is not something a little girl can think of.

Su Xinyi read her father's letters countless times in her last life and could almost recite them backwards and forwards. Invisibly, she had been influenced by her father in her thinking and knowledge.

But at this time, in the eyes of the old man, Xin Yi had only been brought back from the countryside for less than two years. This child was indeed very smart. He could learn anything quickly, but military strategies like this could not be learned overnight. of.

A thousand pieces of gold are easy to get, but a general is hard to find. Why is it so hard to find?

Not all soldiers can be generals.

But now Xin Yi has taken the prototype of raising a cup to become a general. The old man was so surprised that his cloudy eyes became clear at this time.

Su Xinyi said: "I got many of my father's notes from my grandmother and mother. I will open them when I have time. They record a lot of things, most of which are related to the frontier."

She was telling the truth, but the only difference was that she had studied for many years in her previous life, but less than two years in this life.

After listening to Su Xinyi's words, the old man didn't know what to say. There is always a kind of person in this world who can understand things at a glance and never forget them.

His youngest son is Xin Yi, who also looks like her father.

The old man's expression also became serious. The child is so smart, so it's hard to fool her with words. He looked at her and said: "Tatars have always been a serious concern of Southern Qi. From the founding of Southern Qi to the present, there have been dozens of wars. , not to mention countless small frictions. If you want to completely solve this problem, you must either annihilate the Tatars in one fell swoop, or support another grassland tribe to compete with them. But neither of these two points can be done now. "

Su Xinyi listened carefully. Her father had also sighed in the letter. She looked at her grandfather, "The grassland is too vast and the Tatars know the terrain well. Once a war begins, it is indeed impossible to completely wipe them out. Once they penetrate deep If we go deep into the grassland alone, we will be annihilated by the enemy in one fell swoop."

The old man's eyes lit up as he listened to his granddaughter's words, "Yes, your father knew he couldn't do it, but he still did it, and in the end he lost the bet. It's best not to go deep alone. The grassland is too deep, too dangerous, and extremely dangerous."

Su Xinyi looked at his grandfather solemnly and said, "The only way is to separate, but this is not easy to do."

"So, Tatar is like the disease of scabies, which will always come back after being eliminated."

Su Xinyi was silent. With such a big problem, even the imperial court was deeply troubled by it, and her grandfather had no solution, so what could she do?

Su Xinyi felt very heavy and looked at her grandfather, "What about this year's summer harvest..."

Grandfather shook his head.

Su Xinyi shut up.

The grandfather and grandson looked at each other, and for a moment they didn't know what to say.

All Su Xinyi could think about was whether the Tatars would take the opportunity to seize grain during the summer harvest. Such a situation had never happened before, but what could she do?

She found that she couldn't actually do anything.

Thinking of Sister-in-law Ying, Shi Baihu, Yuan Zongqi, Man Gui, Jiang Dalin and others whom she met when she was at Yulin Guard, all of them were men. They never hesitated when they raised their swords and mounted their horses. When she went to Yulin Guard, these people had no Less help.

Although they are not big people, it is these little people that constitute the most powerful combat force in the border area.

She also thought of Xie Guan, the commander of the Yulin Guards, and her colleague Guo Hong, as well as Zhuo Jing, a military officer she had come into contact with who was more involved in farming. Thinking of Zhuo Jing, she couldn't help but think of Li Ran's experience under him.

Li Ran often said, "If you want to farm cattle, you have to queue up. Everyone wants cattle, but there are so many cattle. Just wait, wait, and wait slowly. It will take a long time, but you can always wait."

Su Xinyi thought of Li Ran's face when he said this, and the corners of his mouth couldn't help but curl up slightly.

"What are you laughing at?"

Su Xinyi listened to her grandfather's inquiry and explained the matter.

The old man also laughed, "I remember that when I was young, I also stayed in Yulinwei, but I left after a few years. I counted all the prefectures and counties where we fought with the Tatars. I almost visited every place. All passed by.”

"Grandpa is great." Su Xinyi said.

The old man laughed, "Who didn't have passion when they were young? It's just that passion alone is not enough. People must have brains. Having brains is not enough. You have to learn to endure. Xin Yi, do you understand? "

Su Xinyi seemed to understand, but she didn't seem to understand. She looked at her grandfather and said, "I will remember these words, grandfather."

"You are a good boy. I'm afraid your wedding date will be brought forward."

Su Xinyi looked at her grandfather in surprise, "Advance? Isn't the wedding date not yet decided?"

The old man smiled and said, "What do you mean by undecided? Those people from the Ministry of Rites came here just to find out what they were talking about, and they already knew it. But now that you are talking about this matter... Well, don't wait for His Majesty to call you. Today I'll ask someone to hand you a note and ask for an audience."

Having said this, the old man looked at Xin Yi, "Do you know why grandpa did this?"

Su Xinyi shook his head.

The old man looked at her and said, "You were involved in the caravan incident. Now that your men have returned to Beijing early, do you think you can hide it from His Majesty?"

Su Xinyi understood that what his grandfather meant was that after they got the news, they should take the initiative to report it back to His Majesty, so as not to be suspected by His Majesty.

Moreover, according to my grandfather's wishes, he should take the initiative to mention the early wedding date. If the prince's wedding is in April, the whole country will focus on the prince's wedding, and it is inevitable that border affairs will be ignored. This is not a good thing.

If their wedding has just been held, and the Tatars knock on the side, they will inevitably be labeled as ominous. By then, both she and the prince will be in a difficult situation.

It is hard to say whether she and the prince will be angered by His Majesty if the war does not go well.

But if the wedding date is advanced to February, there is still some time before the summer harvest, enough for the court to make preparations, and if the Duke of Qi takes the initiative to report the matter, His Majesty will also take credit for it.

If the Tatars really succumbed during the summer harvest, no one would blame her and the prince for this matter.

Grandpa... is amazing.

Su Xinyi truly admired him, and he couldn't help but think that if his grandfather had lived a few more years, maybe the situation of the Duke of Qi would not have been so difficult in the future.

Su Xinyi came out from her grandfather's place with many thoughts on her mind. She simply went back to the study and took out the map that Mu Xing and Cao Qing had sent back and looked through it again. She felt a little unsure.

On the other hand, the emperor also received a request for an audience from the old Duke of Qi. This was a bit surprising. The old Duke of Qi was an old man and would never go out. This time he took the initiative to ask for an audience. The emperor was really surprised.

Hu Siyi was waiting on the side, seeing that His Majesty looked good, and felt slightly relieved.

"Hu Siyi."

"The slave is here."

"Go to the Duke of Qi's mansion in person and ask the old Duke of Qi to enter the palace tomorrow."


Hu Siyi was the most trusted general manager around the emperor. Generally, only His Majesty's right-hand man and trusted ministers would go there personally to convey information like this.

After Hu Siyi left, the emperor sat behind the imperial court and pondered. This old guy came to the palace for some reason. What about Wu Daohong?

not necessarily.

Wu Daohong's matter has been cleared of suspicion by the Duke of Qi, but the so-called murderer has not been caught yet. According to him, huh, this murderer cannot be caught.

When the emperor thought about Wu Daohong, he couldn't help but think about Su Yi's injury. The Duke of Qi didn't say a word about Su Yi's injury, but he absolutely did not believe that Wu Daohong's injury had nothing to do with them.

It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter. For him, the emperor, it's not a big deal. If the kid fights below, as long as it doesn't cause a big disturbance, he, the emperor, won't care about it.

It's just that the person behind Wu Daohong...

The emperor chuckled, thought for a moment and called someone in, "Prince Xuan."

Yan Junchu was discussing matters at the Ministry of Household Affairs. He rushed over immediately after hearing the call. When he entered the main hall, he stepped forward and saluted, "My son, I pay homage to my father."

The emperor didn't even raise his head. "Would you like to get up? How is the affairs of the household department?"

"Most of the account books have been checked, and there are basically no major problems." Yan Junchu said after thinking.

"Jiang Jun is in charge of the household department. He has always been cautious in doing things. I can trust him." The emperor looked up at the prince and said.

Yan Junchu couldn't help but wonder when he heard his father's words. His father rarely said directly whether he trusted a minister or not. Today's words made him a little cautious. As soon as his mind changed, he said: "What my father said Yes, Mr. Jiang has fulfilled his duties faithfully, at least I have not found any errors or omissions in the account books so far."

"Don't talk about this, I came to you to ask you something. The court will be held in a few days. What are your plans for your marriage?"

Yan Junchu's heart skipped a beat and he looked up at his father who said seriously, "All sons listen to their father."

"It's you who wants to marry a wife, but you still don't have an idea? Tell me."

Yan Junchu was silent for a moment before speaking: "My son, I just feel that it is too hasty if less than one year is given from the marriage proposal to the wedding?"

"You don't have to look at how old you are. I had you when I was your age."

Yan Junchu:......

Facing his son's speechless and depressed look, the emperor couldn't help but sigh and said, "You and County Master Yong'an get along very well, so why are you so inactive when it comes to the wedding date?"

"It's not that my son isn't active, he just thinks it's too fast."

"It's not up to you. I will ask the Ministry of Rites to urge the marriage again. It will take some time to start the three books and six rites. Calculating the time, it is quite tight." The emperor estimated that the wedding would be in April. He looked at his son and said, "The Lantern Festival is coming soon. Don't be like a piece of wood. You will take Lord Yong'an to visit the lantern market. After I got engaged to your mother, I wasn't as boring as you. Lord Yong'an is a bit stronger, but in the end I am also a woman, can I not be happy if I buy a lantern for a little girl, hold it in my hand, and look at it?"

Yan Junchu:......

He always felt that his father's attitude towards Xin Yi was particularly tolerant, which was not like his father's temperament.

Although he was the prince, he remembered clearly that his father had not been very partial to him since he was a child. Others said that his father valued him, but he was the only one who knew that he was named the crown prince in order to sit on the throne. How much effort and hardship he has put in to get this position.

Now why does he feel that his father is a bit conniving towards Su Xinyi, as he is towards King Rong, because of his father-in-law?

A lot of things went through Yan Junchu's mind in an instant. He looked at his father helplessly and said, "Son, I know. Don't worry, I will do it."

He had originally planned to ask Xin Yi to visit the lantern market. The annual Lantern Festival was indeed a day that many lovers looked forward to.

The emperor looked at his son's unmoved face. This child looked nothing like him. He thought that after he got engaged to his mother, he was thinking about how to marry someone as soon as possible. At that time, he was not a prince or an emperor, but just an inconspicuous person. Just the prince.

At the beginning, he did not expect that he would be the one who would eventually take the throne.

In the blink of an eye, most of this life has passed.

The emperor thought of his wife, looked at the prince again, sighed slightly in his heart, and waved to him, "Go."

"My son, please retire." Yan Junchu's expression changed instantly when he looked at his father, and he seemed to be a little more melancholy.

"Wait a minute." The emperor suddenly called to his son, "Don't let King Rong follow you on the Lantern Festival. If you fail to succeed, you will fail. It's not worry-free at all."

"Yes." Yan Junchu responded with a smile.

"Okay, let's go." The emperor thought of his other sons, then looked at the prince, and finally settled on Prince Rong's face that needed a beating.

Yan Junchu withdrew his eyes from his father's face, bowed and turned around and walked out.

After leaving the main hall and walking down the steps, I saw Yang Jin running over in a hurry, "Your Highness."

Yan Junchu strode forward and asked as he walked, "What's going on?"

"Cao Qing and Mu Xing, who are with Lord Yong'an County, have returned to Beijing."

Yan Junchu paused, "When did it happen?"

"last night."

Yan Junchu nodded slightly, "I know."

"In addition, I received a letter from the county master here." Yang Jin did not take it out in the palace, but just replied in a low voice.

Yan Junchu's footsteps quickened, "Let's go."

After returning to the East Palace, he took the letter from Yang Jin, entered the study and opened it. He lowered his head and read a few lines, and couldn't help but pause in his steps.

"Your Highness?" Yang Jin looked at His Highness with a not so good look on his face, thinking that something had happened, and couldn't help but tense up.

The prince looked up at Yang Jin, "How about what I asked you to do?"

Yang Jin nodded, "My subordinates are all ready. I'm just waiting for His Highness to say a word."

Yan Junchu looked down at the letter in his hand, and then said slowly: "Let's do it."

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