One Billion Years Of Offline Hookup

Chapter 199 (Auto Generated Chapter Title)

Lich II reaction

Silence, a long silence.

The faces of the Twelve Ancestor Witches were shrouded in clouds, and they were suppressed by six consecutive Sages, and it seemed that even their indestructible spine was bent at this moment.

They think they are the noblest and most powerful race in the prehistoric, in fact, they are indeed extremely powerful.

Powerful enough to fight against all kinds of spiritual treasures in the prehistoric with the body, and even fight against the most treasures with the body.

However, until they faced the six Sage coercion and couldn't hold their heads up, they didn't realize that there are ants under Sage, how true this statement is!

Everyone seemed to selectively forget the Sage pressure of Liu Feng's two saints, because Liu Feng's strength was as strong as ever.

In the eyes of everyone, although he is not as high as the ancestor Hongjun is incomparable, but under the ancestor Hongjun, Liu Feng is also a dominant existence, which is not comparable to the primordial beings.

Therefore, the sense of crisis he gave to the Lich Clan was not very strong, because his strength was a matter of course.

However, the situation is very different now.

In the predicament, the existence of the Lich Clan was originally inferior to that of his Lich Clan. This time, he suddenly established a religion and became a holy existence, which became an existence that his Lich Clan did not dare to provoke easily.

Just like the original of the day, if they were replaced with the original and stood in front of them, would they dare to easily shoot it flying?

Di Jiang has a lot of thoughts in his mind, even he knows that the era of the prehistoric rule by the Sage will inevitably come, with the grandeur and purple energy, everyone is not a dull person, and it is only a matter of time before he becomes holy.

However, this sanctification was too sudden, and suddenly they had not had time to make any preparations, and they had already begun to draw an end to the era when they belonged to the second family of Lich.

Even if this period has only just been written, it has already announced that their era has come to an end!

How is Dijiang willing?

He would never allow such a thing to happen!

"Brothers and sisters, what do you have to say?" Di Jiang asked in a deep voice.

He was waiting for a great way to fight against the current prehistoric situation.

However, the ancestral witches were still silent, it was obvious that they could not come up with a solution at this moment.

Facing a Sage, what can they do?

If there is a way, it will not wait until this moment to speak.

Seeing such a lifeless situation, Dijiang snorted and looked towards Zhu Rong, "Aren't you talking the most? Why don't you stop talking at this moment? Is it possible that you are afraid of it?"

When Zhu Rong heard this, his face flushed red immediately, "Dage, I...I am certainly not afraid! But...but..."

Zhu Rong was not afraid of this respected Sage, but he wanted him to come up with a way to defeat these Sages and suppress them, but he couldn't do anything.

"Humph!" Di Jiang snorted angrily.

Then he couldn't help but cast his gaze on Houtu's body.

"Houtu Little Sister, what do you think?" Di Jiang asked.

After hearing the words, Hou Tu pondered for a moment, and said: "Nowadays, we have expected the Sage pattern, but we didn't expect it, but it will open up the situation in this way."

"Such an unreasonable way also makes us have to recognize the gap between Sage and me."

Hearing that, the ancestor witches also showed helpless expressions.

Later, Houtu's voice turned around and said: "However, this is not all disadvantages. If you recognize the reality in advance, you can seize the opportunity sooner."

"And my Wu clan opportunity is also the only opportunity. That is to really defeat the monster clan and become a prehistoric overlord. Only in this way can I be able to use luck to support and make up for the lack of my Wu Clan Xiantian, thus breaking open with the flesh. Avenue!"

As Houtu said, the ancestor witches could not help nodding their heads and their eyes lit up.

However, the depths of Houtu's eyes are a touch of darkness.

After all, she saw the trauma of the Great Lich Battle that day, and because of this, facing this situation at this moment, she also felt helpless in her heart.

At this moment, Dijiang was overjoyed when he heard such good words, and said: "Little Sister in Houtu is right. Now, our Wu Clan’s center of gravity is placed on the 12 Heavens and Gods. This formation is our basic Wu Clan’s big array. , The mystery in it, I have not yet been able to fully understand it."

"Only by calling out Father Pangu, and using Father Pangu's Heaven-opening Axe, can we kill all the monsters. At that time, even Sage will not be able to withstand the power of my wizards!"

Suddenly, the rest of the ancestral witches also renewed their fighting spirit!

"It should not be too late. Starting today, the tribe will be dealt with by the great witch of the clan, and you will work with me in the Great Hall of the ancestor witch to deduced the great array of mystery. Unless you can please Father Pangu, you will not be able to come out of the ancestor. Wu Great Hall one step!" Di Jiang said coldly.

The rest of the ancestral witches did not object, on the contrary, they all had their eyes gleaming, and the fighting spirit in their eyes was endless!

And in the demon palace.

Dijun's eyes were more than cold, and deep in his calm eyes, there was sullen anger burning.

On the side, Xihe has a solemn face, and a layer of frost has also condensed on a beautiful face.

The demon god Baize Lion, the think tank of the demon race, is also at a loss at this moment, breaking Wanfa with a single force, and there are ants under Sage, achieving the position of Sage. It is impossible to calculate them anymore.

Dijun didn't speak at this moment, and there was silence in the Demon Palace. Even the restless Eastern Emperor Taiyi didn't dare to disturb his own Dage at this moment, so he was secretly anxious in his heart.

The light in Di Jun’s eyes flickered from time to time, and Di Jun’s calmness at this moment was truly terrifying!

After a long time, Di Jun looked at Baize Lion and said, "Is there a way to suppress the Witch Clan?"

Don't talk about the six sages, but think about the present.

Baize Lion heard the words and immediately understood the meaning of the demon emperor.

However, his face was still embarrassed, and he shook his head and said, "between five and five."

In the last Lich battle, the Monster Race Universe star battle array shocked the witch race. However, the witch race's background surpassed the expectations of the monster race, and the monster race was also shocked.

What Baize Lion said was true. He never underestimated the Witch tribe, but after the First World War, he paid more attention to the Witch tribe.

Di Jun nodded, but this nodded with a hint of heaviness.

"Consolidate my demonic clan. Starting today, the Universe star battle formation cannot be stopped every day. Next time, no matter who blocks it, the witch clan will be annihilated!" Di Jun said in a deep voice, his words filled with murderous intent.

Even he regretted it at the moment.

In the first battle that day, it was time to completely suppress the Witch Clan, no matter how much sacrifice was made, it was worth it!

At least it will not end up in the situation where the seven Sages are unscrupulously sharing the fortune of the predecessor, but they have no alternative.

But now, the battle between the two clans of the Lich is also no longer a small calculation that can determine the true victory or defeat!

If you want to win, the key to victory is the Universe Star Fight!

Baize Lion cupped hands took the order, and his eyes were also full of determination: "The decree of the demon emperor!"

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