Qiao Ling'er thought about Meditation all night and day. In Qiaojiazhuang, he could only stay behind closed doors at Qiao's house. It seemed that everyone did not remember his existence.

As long as he appears in the eyes of everyone, it is inevitable that he will suffer from the restriction of the family and the people in the city.

If it were the past, Qiao Ling'er might not be shaken by this, but he could not help but feel a sense of guilt when he looked at the empty Qiao family.

Therefore, Qiao Ling'er decided that only to leave Qiaojiazhuang and when he returns again, he must let the people no longer be so hostile to him.

Qiao Ling'er wrote a letter stating that he was leaving, except for a robe, he didn't take any money from Qiao's family, and left the town when there was no one in the morning.

Qiao Ling'er was aimless, just looking for a place to stay.

After walking for half a day, Qiao Ling'er walked up the mountains, and when he was thirsty, he would take the clear spring and drink. Fortunately, he met a woodcutter and helped him carry firewood. He exchanged a full meal and a place to live.

After two days of surpassing the mountains and ridges, he traveled farther and farther, and after walking for nearly ten days, he found a place to settle in a town.

There was already a long distance from Qiao's house here, and the mountains were blocked, and the carriages were blocked. He never heard anything about Qiaojiazhuang anymore.

Qiao Ling'er decided to settle here first. The Qiao family supported him to read and read, but it cost him a lot of silver.

It is not difficult for him to ask for a job. He earns money by waiting for a letter, and can support himself on weekdays.

As for the rest of the money, he kept half of it for later returning to the hometown to supplement the Qiao family's household, and the other half was donated to the poor, which won another good reputation.

However, Xie Xie quietly watched the impact of Qiao Ling'er's Buddhist thoughts, but his eyes swept towards a mountain peak.

There Monster Qi lingers, and there is a little monster living in it, and naturally there is nowhere to hide in the perception of Quexie.

There are monsters who don't eat people, but this little monster is not included.

Since some people are willing to make a move, but the evil joy sees it, the goblin likes to eat the monk Daoist, and the great good people are among them.

Qiao Ling'er is well-known, he is very knowledgeable, and his handwriting is extremely beautiful, so there are not a few people who come to him to write home letters. The money donated on weekdays subsidizes many people.

Moreover, for some people who are not wealthy, Qiao Ling'er is also willing to pay for it out of his own pocket and write a letter to his own relatives.

Qiao Ling'er likes this time very much.

It seems that after changing a region, all the malice was to leave him, allowing him to find the light in Life again, which made him feel very satisfied.

However, what he didn't know was that he was so well-known,

Soon, it fell into the ears of the monsters hiding in the mountains. These scholars and kindhearted people, isn't it her favorite?

There was already a surge of excitement in the demon's meticulous work. As night fell, the fairy turned into a demon wind and descended towards the mountain.

Although the demon's Taoism is not deep, it is not difficult for her to find a mortal like Qiao Ling'er.

Qiao Ling'er went to sleep at night, and suddenly felt a cold wind hitting him. The next moment he was caught up in the air!

Qiao Ling'er couldn't help but lose his color, and hurriedly called for help: "Help! Help!"


"Scream, scream, even if you crack your throat, it's useless!"

A harsh whistling sound sounded, and the people around Qiao Ling'er were also shocked, but they simply couldn't stop it from such demon deeds.

I saw that Qiao Ling'er was taken away by the black wind.

"It's not good, it's not good, this is a monster!"

The people who rushed to see this scene immediately shouted.

One by one ran away in a hurry, no matter where they rushed to rescue Qiao Ling'er, even if they had this heart, they were powerless.

"This...how can this be good!!" The surrounding people sighed again and again.

That monster didn't know where it came from, and he didn't know why Young Master Qiao was taken away, even if they knew it?

The power of their mortals is simply not enough to fight against these cultivated monsters.

"Quickly, go to the Chenghuang Temple to burn incense, I hope an immortal will come to rescue Young Master Qiao!"

Among them, the people who recovered immediately said immediately.

The gods live in the Chenghuang Temple, and the people are aware of these things. In the past, people from other places asked for them. Really, they asked the gods to cast demons and eliminate demons.

At this moment, everyone immediately rushed to the Chenghuang Temple.

Qiao Ling'er was swept away by the black wind, and his heart was cold.

Why do I have so many disasters?

It was just a few days ago that he had lived a stable life, only to run into these things again. How could he find reason?

With a black wind whistling, when Qiao Linger landed again, he appeared in a cave.

Qiao Ling'er couldn't help showing a trace of panic on her face, and he scolded and asked: "Who are you?"

"Who am I? Of course I am a fairy!" The female fairy happily.

A hand was already drawn across Qiao Ling'er's cheek, and he exclaimed, "Really it's fine skin and tender meat!"


"I'm a bit reluctant to eat!"

When Qiao Ling'er looked at this female fairy, his face flushed, and at the same time he was very frightened.

"You monster, if you do evil in the world, aren't you afraid of being condemned by heaven?" Qiao Ling'er rebuked again.

The female goblin chuckled, "God condemned?"

"Even if I am condemned by God, you must be buried with me!

Don't worry, I really love your thin skin and tender meat mold! "

"When I suck up your yang first, and then pull your skin off, it will definitely look beautiful!"

The banshee opened her mouth with gloomy eyes.

Qiao Ling'er heard this, his face turned pale, and his legs were already shaking.

"You...you monster, I'm going to kill you!" Qiao Linger yelled angrily.

After that, Qiao Ling'er rushed directly towards the monster, with great intention of fighting the monster.

The banshee just giggled, her figure flashed, and she swiped past Qiao Ling'er's body, and her fingertips were still swiping in front of Qiao Ling'er.

Qiao Linger's goose bumps all over her body have been erected!

However, the female fairy stretched her feet and stumbled in front of Qiao Ling'er, and Qiao Ling'er's body immediately fell forward uncontrollably.

The next moment, the banshee's body directly fell on Qiao Ling'er's body, pressing Qiao Ling'er under her body and couldn't move at all.

"My son, just follow me, don't worry, I will let you die with peace of mind!" The female fairy smiled triumphantly.

The next moment is to bite Qiao Linger's body with his mouth open!

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