One Billion Years Of Offline Hookup

Chapter 690 Martial Emperor strong, terrifying!

And at the moment Yun Gou was beheaded by Xiao Huo, a gloomy wind swept across the entire Yun Tian sect, and it was the first to rush towards the ancient alchemy emperor.

Xiao Huo had already spotted the opponent's location before, and in the entire Yun Tian clan, the guests who came to congratulate the newlyweds were scattered and fleeing, and fleeing as quickly as possible.

Emperor Gu Dan felt the cold black wind swept in, and his entire face sank.

He is now physically wounded, and he is about to be drawn into it by the black wind.

"Humph!" Xiao Huo snorted coldly.

It is definitely impossible for the other party to take away the ancient Danhuang.

The opponent's soul is powerful, and once captured, it will inevitably be refined into a demon head, which is great news for the ghost temple.

For Xiao Huo, that was obviously extremely bad news.

"Go to hell!" Xiao Huo blasted out with a blow, and instantly knocked the black shadow upside down.

Xiao Huo mentioned Emperor Gu Dan, "Emperor Gu Dan, don't let me look down on you, protect yourself, don't hold back!"

Xiao Huo's words were not at all polite, as far as he was concerned, it was an insult at all.

Just now he accepted a failure, and now he has to endure Xiao Huo's merciless ridicule, Gu Dan Huang's heart is already very angry!

However, Xiao Huo will save him this first time, but it may not save him the second time.

At the moment, Emperor Gu Dan didn't dare to delay, and even swallowed a few healing Medicine Pill to stabilize his own breath. Although he couldn't reach the state of heyday, it was not a big problem to hold a few tricks.

"Good boy! You should have been completely wiped out in the first place!" Dark clouds spread.

Within the scope of the entire Yun Tian sect, the formation has been arranged by the ghosts and gods, for the purpose of catching turtles in the urn.

It's just that Xiao Huo's strength today is too tyrannical, whether it is to catch a turtle in the urn or seek his own death, even if they are equally unsure.

In the beginning, he should have spent his blood and extinguished Xiao Huo, leaving him no place to bury him!

However, those are all over, and now Xiao Huo has reached the presence of his sub-temple hall master who needs to be jealous.

"Don't say that at the beginning, after today, you will never regret it again!"

Xiao Huo let out a cold snort, and instantly blasted towards the core of the formation.

The Lord of the Ghost Temple was suddenly startled, "Stop him for me!"

When the words fell, the two Martial Venerates immediately rushed towards Xiao Huo. There was a chill on their bodies, as if they came from the Nine Nether Souls, which made people only feel that their scalp was numb.

That kind of coldness radiates from the soul. If you are not a strong soul, you will be suppressed by it when you meet. It is very powerful and cannot be used.

However, this obviously does not include Xiao Huo.

You know, behind him, there is still the existence of Danzun.

"Die to me!"

"Black Flame Kills the Sky Wave!"

It slashed out with a single blow, and a hundred meters of flames burst from the ground, like a volcanic eruption.

The body of the soul, the most feared is the flame burning, mixed with the flame of the Martial Emperor's true essence, directly enveloping a Martial Ancestor in the ghost temple.


The terrible howling resounded like a terrible ghost, and the Martial Ancestor of the ghost temple was killed instantly, and one shot would kill.

"Array! Quick!"

The Lord of the Palace was also chilling in his heart at this moment.

Xiao Huo's power has even exceeded the scope that common sense can explain. The breadth of his practice is no longer explained by the evildoer, it is completely abnormal!

"Clang clang~"

The chains of ecstasy began to entangle, and the ghost temple sent messengers to quickly build formation.

As long as Xiao Huo can be killed, no matter how big the price is, it is worth it.

However, if Xiao Huo had not been killed, even if they fled back to the main hall, they would only die!

The Lord of the Palace had already put life and death out of control at this moment, and if Xiao Huo didn't die, he would die.

His eyes flashed with a burst of scarlet light, and his spirits were trembling, "Void sacrifice!"

After the voice fell, a ecstasy envoy appeared in front of him instantly, and the black chain was bound towards Xiao Huo like a hunted python!

"Small bugs, even dare to make mistakes!"

Xiao Huo smiled coldly.

With one palm in the palm, a coldness that was colder than the ghost of The Underworld swept across. When the white bone-like flame jumped in the palm of Xiao Huo, all the ghost temple messengers felt the oppression it brought. feel.

That feeling pierced the deepest part of the soul.

"How is it possible that Dan Zun's old immortal turned the fire to you!"

The main hall of the sub-temple looked astonished.


Xiao Huo sent out his palm, and Bing Yan instantly broke away from his palm and landed in front of the ecstatic messenger.


There was a loud noise, and the flames burst suddenly, the shock wave swept the ghost, the powerful Spirit Power fluctuated, and dozens of envoys from the temple of ghosts all died in desperation.

The hall master only felt a shock in his heart, raised his head and spit out a mouthful of blood, his breath instantly wilted, and if there was another blow, he would undoubtedly die.


However, at this moment.

The last ray of light in the sky has been made a deep black, and the soul eater has been fully activated.

"Hahaha! Xiao Huo, what can you do with Martial Emperor? Today you must die under this great array!" The head of the branch hall laughed presumptuously.

Formation Dacheng, even if he died here now, the formation will never stop, even if Xiao Huo set foot on the Martial Emperor Realm, it was only a short time after he set foot.

Even if it comes to the peak of a Martial Emperor, this formation may not be broken.

"That's it? This is all you rely on?" Xiao Huo sneered, disapproving.

However, in the palm of his palm, another strange fire appeared, and the two strange fires suddenly condensed between his palms, and the compelling power made people feel its destructive power.

Everyone narrowed their eyes, "Impossible, I know that all your superimposed powers of different fires are absolutely impossible to break this big formation!"

"Oh? Really? What if the sky bone ice flame is added?"

As the voice fell, a group of three-color flames suddenly condensed in the palm of his hand.


As the words fell, Xiao Huo's figure quickly retreated, and the three-color flame, like a three-color flower, fell towards the core of the formation.

However, this scene made all the people in the ghost temple seem to be frozen in an instant.


The flame burned the sky, the black clouds disappeared, the scorching sun was shining above the sky, and the screaming screams in the ears were cut off in an instant.

Wherever the heat wave passed, the members of the Ghost Temple became a cloud of fly ash in an instant.


The hall master of the branch hall issued a roar of the last struggle, but the abnormal fire burst, the power was infinite, and his power could not stop it at all.

This time the action of the ghost temple was ultimately to fail, and it was doomed from the beginning of the action.

Looking at the devastated Yun Tian sect, Xiao Huo brought the black ruler into the Interspatial Ring, and the blood in his body also slowly calmed down.

For the first time, the power of the Martial Emperor fully erupted, and it was terrifying!

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