One Child Two Treasures: The Billionaire Chief’s Good Wife

Chapter 1026: Bring the child back immediately

Chapter 1026 brings the child back immediately

Regardless of your identity, the only requirement for mercenary paradise is that you are a professional.

Mercenary paradise has a variety of mercenaries, but they share a common characteristic. Crazy love of war, war is everything in their lives, and can be for the sake of interest.

In one sentence: "As long as someone is willing to pay me, I will sell for him. I have only money in my eyes, no right or wrong, no distinction between good and evil. I can serve God, the same can be Selling for Satan."

Use an adjective again, that is the desperate.

Mercenary paradise has four ace leaders, Suzaku, Anzhen, Snow Fox, and Ou Sheng.

Snow Fox is good at assassination, Suzaku is good at sneaking into combat, and Anzhen and Ou Sheng are well-deserved mercenary kings, and their leadership is quite good.

The people who walked on this street did not have much national loyalty, nor did they have the concept of good and evil.

They are professional soldiers who are employed by and fight against any country or nation regardless of national interests and all consequences.

Only money and interests are above that are enough to make them move.

The people under the command of Mu Lianju can compare with these war machines.

With the garrison of these ace mercenaries, the enemies of Mu Lianju have almost no chance to approach one step.

"Today, you must bring Yun Tianyou back to the Mujia, and you have the opportunity to start!"

Mu Lian ordered the order.

At such a situation, only when Yun Tianyou is brought back to Mujia, will there be a chance to start.

If you are admired, you can bring Yun Tianyou back.

Because of the power he holds in his hands, if he wants, he can mobilize a group of troops from the army/district at any time.

Mu Yan bit his lip and hang up the phone, taking a deep breath.

There was a light on the study.

Mu Yan was sitting at the desk to check the financial statements of the new quarter. The old man’s hand was turned over. He wore glasses and looked at it with a line of sight. His face was expressionless.


The door was carefully slammed.

"Who?" Mu Yan looked up and looked up at the door.

"Grandpa, it is me, soft!"

Mu Wei soft and soft voice sounded outside the door: "Can I come in? There is something to tell you, it is important!"

Mu Hao indulged for a moment, and then the report was closed to the side, raising the channel: "Come in!"

When the voice fell, Mu Yu softly pushed the door and walked in. She took the tea and walked to the desk, put the tea down, first looked at the nose and nose, and then, the channel: "Grandpa, I have found the child's whereabouts." ""

"Oh?" Mu Yan originally thought it was something. When she heard her say this, she raised her eyebrows. "child?!"

"Well! I have investigated the whereabouts of the child in the past few days. Do you need to take him back to the house?"

She tempted to ask, not to look at the expression on Mu Yan's face.

Mu Yan immediately took the case and the emotions looked very excited: "Where? Take me with me! Go now, don't take it for a moment, pick up the child right away!"

"Now? The sky is already late, can you eat it?"

The muscles on his face were excited, so he was convulsed and his face was soothing. When she asked her, she did not think so: "You don't have to worry so much! Now arrange it, bring people, bring the child back. !"

Mu Xiaorou smiled and immediately said: "Yes, Grandpa, I will arrange it immediately."

(End of this chapter)

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