Chapter 1060 sees her true face!

The door was suddenly opened by the servant, and the one who came in behind him was Mu Yurou.

She wore a small suit and a coat, and the whole person was graceful.

She glanced at him, and then he ordered, "Retreat, let me talk to the child alone!"

"Yes, little lady."

The servant bowed his head and bowed out respectfully.

With the movement of the door closed, only two of them were left in the room.

Mu Yanchen glanced at her with a vigilant look, and the body could not help but shun it backwards until the back was attached to the back of the bed. He looked up and looked at her.

Mu Yurou also looked down at him.

Naturally, she didn't know that the two little guys had changed their identity without knowing it. They used to sit in front of her, Yun Tianyou!

So she approached the bed and sat down on the side of the bed, a pair of eyes slowly condensed on him.

Mu Yuchen did not fear her scrutiny, but instead looked up and looked at her gaze with no expression.

Mu Yu's heart can't help but secretly surprise.

This little guy is not the same as yesterday!

Last night, when this kid looked at her, her eyes were filled with hatred and coldness, avoiding her sight.

However, today, this kid is hiding and not hiding her eyes, not only do not hide, but also face up.

If the eyes are cold, the eyes are like a torch.

She leaned closer and observed it at close range.

The heart could not help but secretly marvel.

These two little guys look really like they are just like a model. Even if she carefully distinguishes, she can't tell who is who.


Mu Yan soft red lips slightly raised, the sound slowly escaped: "I heard, your name, called Yun Tianyou?"

"What is my name? Can you not ask for it?" Mu Yuchen snorted, apparently not giving face.

However, his indifferent response was unexpected.

She smiled, her lips were scornful, and her strange smile, but because of the cold arc of the corner of her lips, she added a little bit of sensation.

"You little guy, his face is tender and raw, look cute, but your little mouth, it is very hard! With your mother, it is a virtue!"

Mu Yanchen’s eyes were angry, and for the first time in his life, he deeply realized that there was no ivory in the dog’s mouth. What did it mean?

This woman is typical.

There was a layer of chill on his face, and a small face, a few unpleasant sneers: "Oh! Jude sex? Who is it?" It’s not good how you look at your face. Nice to say my mommy?! Bad woman!"

Mu Yuchen was completely irritated.

To say that before this, for Mu Yurou, he still remembers a little bit of love!

After all, there are also seven years of feelings, although this feeling can not be more intense, but at least, for Mu Yurou, there is still a little bit of emotional concept!

However, once he violates his bottom line, he will not tolerate it!

Mu Yuchen also profoundly realized that people originally have two sides!

What is the surface, what is behind it!

If it wasn’t for the identity of Yuyou, he really didn’t expect that the true face of Mu Yurou was so disgusting!

For a time, his last love for Mu Yurou, if it was attacked by the flooding beast, completely diluted!

The impression of her is already disgusting!

(End of this chapter)

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