Chapter 1126 is silently annihilated

Mu Xiaochen stood up and walked outside the iron prison, suddenly shocked.

I saw the iron prison, and there were several cold bodies lying across the road. Some of them were sitting close to the wall, their heads smashed over one side, their eyes were wide, and the red and white stains spilled on the walls.

Some, in a strange posture, soft on the ground, blood donation on the ground, blood flowing into the river.

It seems that they have all been solved silently, so that they have no time to react and die.

Even more frightening is that there is no struggle at all.

Mu Yuchen’s heart is full of horror.

When is it?

Are these people solved by the girl?

He has never seen such a horrible person...

Can actually solve more than ten people in one breath without he being aware of it.

Some of these people are well-trained killers, and the rest are special forces special forces in the army/team.

Special forces, what concept?

Skilled and conscious, the combat strength does not need to be questioned.

And this girl, by herself, solved everyone...

The blood in the air is full of blood and suffocates.

Mu Yuchen’s heart was shocked to be unable to self.

The impact of the picture is so strong that he is a bit embarrassed.

Suddenly remembered something, Mu Yuchen suddenly walked a few steps, a body recognized the past, but until he saw a body falling down the wall, he stumped and immediately walked over.

The man by the wall had a sly and horrible knife on his face. The whole expression was horrified, his eyes burst, and there was no sign of struggle.

Obviously, it was also solved in a flash.

Mu Yuchen glanced at him deeply, his face was a bit of pain, and suddenly he raised his hand and twitched his eyes.

In my heart, I was sad and painful.

"I'm sorry..." His lips trembled a little, screaming out three words.

In fact, in his world, good and evil are distinct, right and wrong, but they are clearly divided.

At first, for this man, his heart was full of hate and contempt.

However, he gradually discovered that this man is not the same as other people.

He looked fierce on the surface, a scar on his face, like a ghost.

But if you don't have this knife, it's a kind-hearted man!

Mu Yuchen always knows how to be grateful.

When he was tortured, this man came and stopped at the right time.

It is also this man who gave his porridge to them.

At that time he was injured, some signs of fever, this man also took off his coat and gave him!

In my mind, I still heard the words that the man said to him -

"I don't mean anything to you. I feel that there is still some conscience in my heart. There is a way to go!"

Suddenly a picture flashed past the eyes, and the knife man sat outside the iron prison. When he looked at him, there was a real tenderness between the eyebrows.

"I also have a daughter, who is about the same size as you. The reason why I mix this bowl of rice is just to give my daughter a better life! But I found out that I seem to have gone this wrong way! I decided to finish this single, I Just wash your hands!"

"I used to be a military/person. When I was young, I was also full of blood and devoted myself to the country. I was injured, forced to retired, and took tens of thousands of pensions, but I had no culture except a single force. What else can I do? So I took this path..."

(End of this chapter)

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