Chapter 1131 has a chase!

"Hey--" two sounds.

Another two bullets cut the airflow, hit the glass, leaving two bullet holes.

"There is a chase in the rear!"

Mu Yichen’s heart glimpsed and immediately said: “Throttle!”

The driver in the driver's seat heard the words and stepped on the gas pedal.

Mu Yuchen reached out and knocked on the glass, cold and cold: "Glass is not bullet-proof glass, all under the body!"

He reached out and pressed Yun Tianyou's head to protect him in his arms.

Lisa sat in the passenger seat, lowered the window and glanced back.

There are four or five troops/cars chasing behind them!

There are always bullets coming.

Lisa's sensitive flashes, a bullet hits the rearview mirror, and the mirror blasts instantly!

Lisa blocked her eyes with her hand to prevent the glass from splashing into her eyes.

She turned her head, but it was a rare opening, but it was a cold voice: "Step on the gas!"

The tender childish voice and the cold temperament are so contrary.

Lisa didn't dare to relax for a moment, and she felt the pistol from her waist.

She clasped her headset and shouted wireless: "Suzaku, Suzaku."

After a while, Suzaku sent a short reply from the headset: "Received."

Lisa said coldly: "Encounter chasing, quick response."

"Roger that."

The car galloped all the way.

The accelerator pedaled to the end, and the car was galloping on the mountain road.

Lisa held the gun and stared at the rearview mirror in the car. For a moment, she kept an eye on the rear.

After the car, the four armies/cars were always chasing after.

The military/vehicles have all been modified in the later stage, and the performance is excellent. The whole car adopts bulletproof design.

And the clips in her hands, a total of more than ten.

She must use every bullet on the blade and not waste it.

Just between the thoughts, there was a close plan in her mind.

Lisa calmly removed the silencer.

The silencer affects the power of the bullet and is very unfavorable for long-range shooting.

Mu Yuchen looked at her familiarly assembled guns, changing the scene of the clip, and secretly screaming.

This girl is really not simple.

Dismantling the firearms is only a matter of seconds, and the whole process is flowing.

Lisa glanced at him and saw him staring at her silently, her eyes narrow and the twilight was cold.

"See what."

Mu Yuchen's face is stiff and stiff.

Her tone is hard and indifferent, giving people the feeling, cold and arrogant, not a bit of smoke and fire.

Lisa said: "Listen, you, don't move. Do you understand?"

“What needs to be helped?”

"No need."

Lisa looked at the rearview mirror and her face was always cold and succinct. "I can do it alone."

She cherishes words like gold, can express a word, never use two words.

The car drove up the road.

At the rear, five cars chased them tightly. Although the throttle had been stepped on, the rear vehicles were very tight and constantly shortening the distance.



A row of bullets hit the door and smoked green smoke.

Just like the reminder of hell!

It is five off-road jeep.

Lisa blinked, and the detailed structure of the vehicle instantly came to her mind.

The driver went up again, stepped on the gas pedal, and the speed reached the maximum.

Fortunately, the performance of this car is not bad, pulled to 8,000 speed, more than two hundred yards of speed, all the way, the wind is raging, the streetscape outside the window flashed past.

Six cars are on the spacious mountain roads, and you are chasing after you, playing a scene in the movie blockbuster!

You You was protected by Mu Yuchen in his arms, and he couldn’t see how the car was chasing after the car.

Today's update is here~~ Someone asked Lisa's identity, do you want her to be a poetry wife...? (serious face).

(End of this chapter)

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