Chapter 1139, survival in the wild

Youyou has a very serious cleansing. The lake in the wilderness does not know how to dry it. He frowned at his face.

Mu Yuchen explained: "It is not stinky, but the smell of water is relatively heavy. There is no filtered fresh water. It has such a taste."

Yuyou solemnly extended a finger, wet his fingertips, and sniffed at the tip of his nose. He was deeply close to his eyebrows, his face was blue and blue, very ugly.

He loves to be clean on weekdays. He hasn’t even drunk the tap water. How can he endure such bad water quality?

Lisa walked to the lake and reached for the water temperature by handing her hand to the lake.

Although the lake is very cold, the temperature in the mountains is extremely cold, so the fingers can feel a little unexpected warmth in the warm water.

She put her hands up, took the lake, and sipped a big sip, and a scent of water swayed in her mouth, making it difficult to swallow.

"咕", Lisa reluctantly pressed down, and her stomach was suddenly disgusting, and she vomited and spit it out.

She frowned and grinned, and she bitterly pressed her face and forced herself to take a swig.

The mountains were very quiet, and the movement of drinking water caught the attention of Youyou. As soon as he turned his head, he saw Lisa actually took a few mouthfuls at once, and his stomach was even worse.

Mu Yuchen also took a few mouthfuls of water, and the strong water suffocated between the lips and teeth, and he almost vomited.

It’s hard to drink!

The suffocation is very heavy, and I almost vomited when I was admired.

Youyou sees both of them frowning straight, presumably the water must be difficult to swallow, so he decided to give up.

Lisa took off her coat and pulled the clothes away.

The blood was dried up, the clothes were tightly connected to the skin, and she had to be carefully separated, and then the lake was washed with water to cleanse the blood on her face and chest.

The cold lake water drenched the skin, and the coldness of the skin was stunned, as if the blood was frozen.

She couldn't help but take a breath and speed up her movements.

Mu Yuchen looked at her and she was so flat in front of him.

From an early age, he accepted the ideological education of "men and women are different". Therefore, he could not help but frown deeply, his face unnaturally removed his eyes and his face was strangely red.

After Lisa cleaned up, she looked up and Yuyou had already gone far.

He did not force himself to drink the lake. Although he was already thirsty and smoked, even though the lake was not too dirty, it was difficult to get out of his mouth. Even if he was thirsty, he would never go to the lake.

On the way, Youyou decided to rest in place, Lisa went to catch two snakes, skillfully separated the snake meat from the internal organs, and carefully cleaned it several times.

She is going to give birth to a bonfire to warm up the body and pick up the fire. When I picked the firewood, I saw that Youyou was trying to make a fire.

I don't know who is the wrong person, or blame the young master's wild life experience is too poor, I saw that he will randomly gather a dead leaf and a dead branch, clumsily holding a branch, is not seen Fire.

Youyou's face is hard to see, looking at the pile of dead leaves full of sorrow and sorrow.

Is it possible to drill wood to fire?

Mu Yuchen stood behind him, wanting to laugh, thinking about it or holding back.

Lisa licked a lot of dry firewood, and she picked up a lot of dead leaves. The movement in the grass caused Mu Xichen’s eyes, but she saw her sitting on the ground and found the meteorite. Hey, the blade is knocking on the meteorite, and the colorful Mars is on the dead leaves, and a smoky smog rises.

Today's update is here~ everyone good night~~

(End of this chapter)

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