Return the child to me in Chapter 1148!

Mu Lianke snorted: "Whether it is dead or alive, hurry to find the two children! Live to see people, die to see the dead!"

"Yes, Four Lords!"

Mu Lianju suddenly remembered something and asked: "In addition, there is no news from the Mujia side?"

"Four Lord, no! It seems that Mu Yazhe still doesn't know about it, and thinks that the child is in your hands!"

"Very good! There is something going on in the Mujia area, and you will return it to me."

"Yes! I will always pay attention."

"At 9:30 this morning, the plan is as usual!"

"Yes, Four Lords!"

Mu Lianjud hung up the phone and walked into the ward. Just opened the door, but he smelled the **** suffocation.

He frowned and walked to the bed, but he was empty.

He left the work for ten minutes, but why did people disappear? !

His eyes fell on the needle tube that was scattered on the bed, and his eyes suddenly saw the white sheets and dripping blood.

This **** woman, what did he give him a moth? !

He followed the blood on the ground and walked to the door of the bathroom. The thick blood and blood was almost overwhelming!

Mu Lian's eyebrows twitched and pushed the door, and the door seemed to be locked.

"Mu Yurou, are you inside?!"

He snorted, but no one responded, holding his breath, but he heard a strange movement in the bathroom.


It seems to be the sound of the flow of water.

Mu Lianjue stunned and didn't think much, so he jerked his foot and kicked the door to the open!

With a bang, the fragile door panel was crumbling.

Mu Lianju stalked in. As soon as he walked in, he suddenly saw Mu Yu soft down on the side of the bathtub, holding a fruit knife, and cutting his arms, wrists, thighs...

He was shocked and squatted.

I saw Mu's soft arm was scarred, tortured and bloody, the bathtub was filled with water, her wrists were immersed in the water, and the blood was slammed in the water!

She still does not know how to cut a knife, the whole person is numb, as if I can no longer feel the pain!

Almost self-abuse, not purely scary, but really hard to cut, blood spilled out, dyed red and white clothes, looking from afar, as if from the blood pool General!

"What are you doing!?"

Mu Lianju was shocked and stunned. He walked over and asked.

When Mu Xiaorou was awake, the state was not very good.

When she learned that her child could not keep it, he could see that her mental condition was abnormal, but he did not care.

I am hiding here today! ?

Didn't the child keep it, and brought her such a deep blow? !

Mu Lian slammed over and grabbed her hand and stopped her movements: "What are you doing!?"

Mu Yan softly slammed, jerked his head up, and a pair of empty eyes were watching him for a moment, and instantly infected with a bit of sinister and hot.

"It's you!!"

"...?!" She made a sudden scream, but it made him really confused.

"What do you mean!?"

"It's you! It's all you! You killed my child, you killed my child!!" Mu Yuru suddenly got up, pointed the sharpest side of the fruit knife at him, and looked at him with anger. Shout, "The murderer! You are the murderer, return the child to me! Return the child to me!!"

(End of this chapter)

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