Chapter 1150 encounters wolves

Dawn, sunrise Dongsheng.

In the rain forest, the dew is wet and heavy, and the cold moisture invades the human body. You are more and more aware that your joints are stiff and cold.

In the woods, the sound of beasts screaming from time to time.

Mu Yuchen took a short squat in one hand and held a torch in one hand. He walked in the forefront and explored the road. From time to time, he cut off the vines that had been smashed.

Lisa walked in the last cover and looked around from time to time.

Mu Yuchen muttered: "How long will it take to leave here?"

"Probably not far away!"

Youyou feels that some physical strength is not enough, and he feels tired at any time.

He has not been able to rest for two days and two nights. The long-term overdraft physical strength, plus one day and one night without entering the rice water, is already hungry and cold.

The body state fell to the bottom.

Mu Yuchen said with comfort: "Come on, we will be able to leave here soon!"

Yuyou suddenly stopped, stayed in the footsteps, and breathed a little.

Lisa stepped forward and said nothing, putting him on his back.

Blessing the temper is more stubborn and reluctant, but now, his physical strength has been overdrawn, and he can no longer afford a little struggle, and there is not too much struggle, simply let her carry it!

"Thank you."

He lowered his voice and said something awkwardly.

Lisa said with a blank expression: "You are my master."

The implication is that she protects him and is responsible for it.

It is also work.

Yuyou licks his lips, this girl is really a rib.

It's like an icy machine, meticulously following the program's settings, not tired.

Does she not feel tired?

Three people shuttled through the jungle.

Although Lisa is carrying a blessing, her physical strength is strong. She wears heavy weights on weekdays and wears combat uniforms. It is filled with lead blocks, which are much heavier than the weights of Youyou and Xiaoyuchen.

Therefore, she does not feel tired.

It was Xiao Xiaochen, perhaps because of the injury, and the pace gradually slowed down.

At this moment, the jungle in front of the jungle suddenly came to meticulously, and Mu Chenchen was shocked, and some were scared by this movement.

He had just to go forward and find out, Lisa suddenly stopped him, and he snorted and motioned that he would not act rashly.

In the silence, in the dark jungle, two pairs of yellow and sharp eyes suddenly flashed in the thick bushes.

Then, two creatures similar in shape to wolves and dogs slowly came out of the dense, and the two sharp eyes stared at them.

"what is this?!"

Mu Yuchen could not help but suffocate.

Lisa’s eyes narrowed and she looked at the two creatures in front of her eyes and escaped a word: “Wolf!”


Mu Yuchen was secretly scared, and they seemed to have encountered the most unwilling situation!

You You also frowned and looked at his eyes, but said: "No, it is more fierce than wolves."

He saw it in the animal encyclopedia, this is not a wolf.

Lisa's eyebrows were slightly twisted, and she couldn't help but step back.

Yuyou added a voice behind her. "This is two wolves!"

Jackal - There is an idiom called a wolf and a tiger leopard, so the brutality of the wolf can be seen!

Usually husband and wife live prey, which is very rare among the beasts.

In fact, there are always people who confuse crickets with wolves. In fact, wolves are not wolves, they are much smaller than wolves.

Hey, the alias hyena, red wolf, is a typical mountain animal, inhabiting the mountains and grasslands.

(End of this chapter)

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