Chapter 1152 injury

In the darkness, the fire of the torch suddenly swayed into their eyes, and the glare of a moment caused a great visual obstacle for them, and they suddenly scared the wolves a little.

Taking advantage of their short and slow response, Mu Yuchen whispered: "Run!"

Lisa carried the blessing and ran with Mu Haochen.

The wolves quickly caught up.

Lisa carried the blessings, but she also ran fast, fear, all the potentials were motivated, and the movements were as quick as the sensitive little leopard.

Mu Yuchen did not show weakness, his footsteps were fast, and he was in a panic. He was accidentally smashed by the stubble on the ground, and he fell half a squat on the ground.

Lisa heard the movement and jerked back, but after seeing Mu Yuchen, a sly wolf rushed to him!

She stepped forward and shook her head against its head!

"嗷呜", the wolf was kicked out by a fist, turned a few rolls on the ground, violently stood up, a flash of horror in his eyes, and then, screaming at Lisa.

Greedy saliva dripped along sharp spikes.

It taught Lisa's harm, so that some did not dare to act rashly, only hurriedly panting, from time to time to test the step forward, sharpening the knife.

Mu Yuchen was shocked and stood up fiercely, but he saw that Lisa’s boxing bones were bloody.

In her eagerness, she didn't think much. She swung her fist and hit the head of the wolf. The fist was on its mouth, and the flesh suddenly broke.

"Don't worry?!" Mu Yuchen looked awkward.

Lisa said nothing, holding Yuyou in one hand, grabbing Mu Yuchen's hand in one hand, and turned and ran.

Behind him, the wolves continue to sneak into the ground!

Mu Yanchen ran while sweeping away with the torch in his hand, trying to deter.

However, he was wrong.

The beasts are afraid of fire, but the fire they fear is the kind of fire that has a wide range of burning and a rapid spread of fire.

The torches in people's hands don't have much shock to them.

If the animals insist on attacking you, the torch itself is useless, and sometimes it will make the animal feel coerced and take counter-attack measures. For example, holding a torch while walking at night is vulnerable to attack by the poisonous snake.

Therefore, the wolf group is not afraid of the deterrence of the torch in his hand, or perhaps, they are extremely hungry and have a strong desire to attack.

Youyou looked down at Lisa's hand and bloody, and couldn't help but screw his eyebrows.

Lisa ran fast, but it was fast, but it could not match the speed of the wolf. A wolf rushed to her and threw her to the ground.

Yuyou was taken to the side.

Mu Yuchen hurriedly reached out and grabbed his hand.

However, I did not expect the next second, Yuyou only felt that the ground under his feet fell into the ground!

It is a trap -!

His heart shouted badly, but it was too late, and the whole person fell down.

Mu Yuchen held his arm tightly, but he couldn't resist the weight of his fall. The two men rolled down the hole.

When Lisa saw her face, she was shocked. The wolf claws on her body held her shoulders, and the stench of her mouth blew her face. The water droplets fell on her face, and her eyes were even more eye-catching!

She grabbed its neck, grabbed its upper and lower jaws, and twisted it with force.

(End of this chapter)

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