One Child Two Treasures: The Billionaire Chief’s Good Wife

Chapter 1154: Don't hurt anymore in the future.

Don't get hurt again after Chapter 1154

"When I was in the special training camp, I was often injured when I was in the field."


The heart of Youyou seems to have been stabbed.

Actually, some of them are distressed.

"Okay, don't think about it, I'm used to it." Mu Yuchen smirked, reached out, and comfortably licked his forehead.

Yuyou grabbed his hand with some dissatisfaction: "Promise me."


"No more injuries will be made in the future." You You stared at his eyes and said a word.

Mu Yuchen slammed into the ground, some accidents.

Suddenly in the eyes of You You, he saw the pity that he did not cover up.

The heart is warm.

"Good! I promise you!"


Yuyou leaned back and sat on the stone wall, and the back was rubbed by the uneven rock and rock, and it was difficult to accept the angle. This made it better.

He is a little tired, taking advantage of this time, rest and rest.

Closed his eyes, but suddenly there was a movement from the ear.

He opened his eyes in amazement, but saw a large coat covering her head, covering all his sight.

Yuyou waved and tried to pull it, but he was slammed by a powerful hand.

"It's cool here, don't freeze it." Mu Yuchen said.

"are not you cold?"

"I am not cold." Mu Yuchen seems to be a scornful smile. "What is the degree?"

“Really?” You are inevitably a bit skeptical.

Mu Yuchen licks his lips: "It's not cold. In the winter, I can swim back and forth in the lake."

In fact?

He is actually cold.

The cold in the cave was damp and cold, sultry, so cold that the scalp was numb, so that the frown was felt frozen.

After a while, Lisa found the rattan and hang down the stone wall.

"Climb up!"

She shouted at the top.

Mu Yuchen stood up and the other end of the rattan was tied to the tree by Lisa, which was very firm.

"You go first."

Mu Yuchen is on the road to Youyou.

Youyou shook his head tiredly: "You go up first, then pull me again."

"Well, then wait for me."

Mu Yuchen climbed the cane with his hands, his toes squatting on the stone wall, and he climbed up three times and five.

Turning around, he shouted in the hole: "Youyou, come on!"

However, he seems to have forgotten that Yuyou’s hand was injured.

Even if there is no injury, to help the poor arm, but also unable to climb up.

You You tried a lot, and he endured the pain of being rubbed by the cane, and fell down several times.

"I don't seem to have any strength." Youyou's weak voice came. "You must go round with the troops, and then come back and find a way to save me!"

Lisa frowned and didn't speak. Mu Yuchen said in a hurry: "No! I can't leave you alone!"

"It's very safe here, I am here waiting for you."

After a pause, Yuyou said helplessly: "I really have no strength, so tired, here is so high from the hole, I have no way to climb up."

"I will go down to you."

"Are you crazy?!"

If he is carrying him, he must bear the double weight.

If it is changed, he believes that Mu Yuchen can do it.

However, today's Mu Chenchen's physical strength is also on the verge of overdraft, there is no way to do it.

"Brother, you can rest assured that it is safe here, I am here, waiting for you to save me." The voice of Youyou came again.

Mu Yuchen still can't bear it.

Youyou said again: "According to my speculation, it is not far from where the meeting is and it is enough for one hour."

(End of this chapter)

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