One Child Two Treasures: The Billionaire Chief’s Good Wife

Chapter 1172: He will announce the marriage!

Chapter 1172 he will announce the marriage!

Mu Shumin’s original intention was to hope that Mu Yazhe would be the owner of the family for a few years. However, he secretly divided the assets of Mujia. When he was certain, he would squeeze Mu Yazhe down and let her son go up.

Only now, Mu Yazhe abdicated, obviously not the time!

Her son is only a teenager, young and young, at least until he is in his twenties, she can find opportunities to support him!

She is from the second room, and she has no big status. However, she inherited the beauty of her mother. When she was young, she served in the army/team. In her twenties, she married a famous monk. She became a high-ranking person in the position of Mujia. Through the prominent position of the husband, there is also a place in Mujia. The right to speak.

In fact, the matter of Mu Lianju is not so simple.

It should be known that most of the personnel sent by Mu Lianjue have a military background. It is said that the most basic of the military qualifications is the admiration of the military.

In other words, he is fully capable of stopping Mullen, but he has not stopped.


It’s not because he wants to dispose of Yunshi’s mother and son by the hand of Mu Lianjue, and kicks the two stumbling blocks in front of Mujazhe!

In this way, neither he can shoot, nor can he secretly use the Mu Lianjue to dispose of the nails in these two eyes and the stab in the flesh!

He is nothing but hopelessness. Mu Yazhe has a relationship in his heart. He has weaknesses. People like him, Mu Linfeng is afraid that he will have a record. If he has a tie, he will become indecisive because he will have a little daughter’s feelings and thus delay. The future of Muhammad.

Mu Yazhe is not stupid, he will see that the admiration is in the air.

So he made a decision in secret.

It seems that there is no need to leave any feelings for these people!

Equity, he will not be transferred!

However, in love, he will not stay again!

Mu Shumin glanced at his face and suddenly smiled coldly: "Yage, not aunt, you, woman, you can play, but everything should be judged at the time, how can you not cross the border, can't play too much Mujia's family rules, you should also be clear! When, like the kind of entertainment in the circle, the woman is not clear, but also into your eyes?! In the eyes of Xiao Gu, you have always been very tasteful A child, some women, can't get involved. In the entertainment circle, Xiaogu is understanding, the woman who can mix her head, I don't know what it looks like in the back! Yun Shishi, I heard her name, I heard that it is not What a clean woman. You listen to Xiaogu, persuaded, away from this woman! For other women to play!"


Mu Yazhe took the lips with cold eyes, and the twilight was cold: "Small aunt, you made a mistake!"

He is serious about Yun Shi poetry, and she is so playful in her mouth!

Mu Shumin heard the words, some strange words: "What is it!?"

"Say, I have one thing, I want to announce it with several elders!"

Mu Yazhe suddenly turned around and sat down on the sofa. He confronted several rights-giving people in the Mu family and immediately announced: "Before Muh announced the media meeting, now because of some accidents, it has been postponed again and again! After that, whether I am still the chief executive of Mow, I will announce my marriage at this media meeting!"


Everyone was surprised and they were obviously surprised.

(End of this chapter)

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