Chapter 1205 Mommy loves you like life

Youyou looked up at her and immediately plunged into her arms, her hands around her waist. "Mummy, I really love you, no matter what, as long as you can be happy, I am willing to pay anything."

Yun Shi poetry sighed, the child is so precocious, and even said such a moving words, her heart is five flavors!

I don't know if it's the move, or it should be complicated.

She gently touched his face: "Youyou, Mommy loves you too, loves you like life!"

Youyou quietly condensed her face and carefully asked: "So, no matter what you are, Mommy will love you?"

"Well! No matter what you are like, Mommy will love you."

"that's enough!"

Yu You was satisfied with the smile and clung to her.

"What about Xiao Chenchen? Is the injury better?"

"It's better, the guy's physical fitness is not strong enough, and now he can get out of bed."

However, for consideration, I still did not bring Xiao Yuchen.

To this end, Xiao Yuchen is afraid that this is still sulking.

The family of three decided to use the lunch and set off for Beijing.

Li Ru Zhang had a rich dish, and in order to entertain them, the big fish and the big meat were brought up, and a **** that did not scream was deliberately slaughtered.

The chickens fed at home are very tender.

When Yun Shi Shi and You You came out, Mu Yazhe was already seated.

However, Li Ru and Lingling and Peas three people seem to be a little nervous, sitting in the position, from time to time still secretly looked at the face of Mu Yazhe's cold and beautiful face.

Lingling carefully looked at Mu Yazhe, the bottom of her heart, but she was somewhat envious of Yu You.

Youyou’s father is so handsome.

I saw him sitting on a wooden bench with a blank expression, his back straight and cold. He has an indescribable breath, the temperament of the celebrities and nobles exuded from his body, so that it is difficult to conceal his noble and glamorous temperament in such a dilapidated and backward background.

Li Ru looked at it, and also felt in the bottom of his heart, this person and person, really can not compare!

Some people are favored by God.

After Mu Yazhe was seated, Lingling and Peas were restrained a lot. He raised his hand and drank his tea. Lingling was scared and did not dare to move. He looked at him fixedly until he dropped the teacup. I took a sip of tea carefully.

Yun Shishi and You You also fell off. However, Mu Yazhe did not speak, did not move chopsticks, and others would not move.

Yun Shishi looked at everyone's face and knew that Mu Yazhe's gas field was so powerful that he made their hearts tremble, so he said to Mu Yazhe: "You seem to scare two children! ”

She snorted and alerted him.

Mu Yazhe was thinking about things. She was reminded by Yun Shishi. She looked up and looked around Li Ru and her two children on the table. The face was somewhat cautious.

Yun Shishi smiled and said: "Li Jie, all three children are hungry, don't wait, move chopsticks, otherwise the dishes will be cold!"

Li Ru carefully asked: "Mu Bo seems to be dissatisfied with the dishes! Oh! Isn't Jinyi jade used to eat, eat the taste of the mountains and seas, and then in this country, there is no favorite dishes?"

Normally, the family has always been a rough meal. Now, in order to entertain them, Li Ru is a **** one, and I am afraid that they are not satisfied.

(End of this chapter)

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