Chapter 1233 Big Star Yeah!

"Oh, I can't think of your name for a while, but I know you, I watched the movie you played on the Internet, you played Yin Xiachun inside, right?"

Yun Shi’s poems and lips were pumped a few times, and then he calmly said: “Trouble you for making an account for me, thank you.”

"Oh, okay."

The clerk quickly packed out some of the clothes she bought, but this was a sudden reaction. The poems that Yun Shishi took were actually children's wear.

She noticed that it was the clothes worn by the child of seven or eight years old.

Why did she come to the children's clothing area to buy clothes? !

The clerk suddenly stunned.

Online promotion of Yun Shi poetry as pure as a girl, and is single, still not married!

It won't be hidden marriage, is there a child?

But are these clothes worn by children aged seven or eight?

If you convert it, then she will have a baby when she is 18 years old! ?

However, according to the law, the age of 18 is not the age of legal marriage! It won't be...I am born out of wedlock? !

Still an illegitimate child!

The clerk silently groaned and was taken aback by his doubts.

This gossip is so explosive!

Therefore, when Yun Shishi put her handbag on her hand, Yu Guang suddenly saw several clerk around, secretly picked up the phone, and the camera seemed to be aimed at her.

Sneak shot?

Yun Shi’s poetry suddenly sinks and immediately turns around and hurries away.

Behind him, a clerk suddenly slammed his head, and the glare came out: "Ah! I remembered it, I remembered it! Isn't she a Yunshi poem?! And Gu Xingze rumored that?"

"Yun Shi poetry! I know her! Just out of the way, it is very hot!"


Yun Shi poetry sprinted all the way, several clerk behind him holding a mobile phone, the camera pointed at her, admiring the trail!

She reached out and stopped: "Don't shoot, don't you shoot?"

Yun Shishi is panicked.

In the past, she was accompanied by accompanying assistants and bodyguards. At this time, the bodyguards will come out and intercept these people.

However, today, she is alone, in addition to constantly avoiding, pitifully requesting, but there is no other way!

She didn't think she was dressed like this, wrapped herself like a scorpion, and was recognized by people!

I can only say that "Green Fruit" is too hot.

The carefully edited trailers have exquisite pictures and warm melody. The lyrical and beautiful pictures were released on the Internet and immediately caused a strong reaction among the young people.

"The memories of youth are very close to the warmth in my memory!"

"Gu Xingze and Yun Shishi's performance of 'Winter and Summer Couples' can't be any more! Although Gu Xingze and Yun Shishi are in their twenties, they have performed a 16-year-old texture!"

"The original work has been watched for a long time. It has always been the collection of youth in my heart. I heard that filming at the beginning was actually rejected! But seeing the trailer, beyond expectations, seems to be very good!"


In addition to the vigorous propaganda of Guanbo, coupled with the famous marketing numbers, Gu Xingze also exposed the drama of the filming from time to time, so the topic of "Green Fruit" is constantly on the Internet.

Therefore, young people who are almost always online, know the character of Yun Shishi!

Yun Shishi came all the way, and those clerk still chased after holding a mobile phone, slap on her, recording, video...


Still a big star!

Close contact with big stars, can you not feel strange?

(End of this chapter)

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