One Child Two Treasures: The Billionaire Chief’s Good Wife

Chapter 1245: There is a blood relationship!

Chapter 1245 has a blood relationship!

In the afternoon, the bright sunshine sprinkled into the house.

Yu You was awakened by Li Hanlin's phone call. He opened his sleepy eyes and picked up the phone. At that end, Li Hanlin began to report the company's new quarterly financial statements.

Xiao Yuchen still did not wake up, You You will gently walk down the bed, went to the living room, first poured a glass of milk, and drank a cup.

Looking around a circle, I discovered that Yunshi poetry is no longer there.

He went to the table and saw the note left by Yun Shishi. He glanced at it and went to the shopping center to purchase it.

Yuyou sat at the table and listened to Li Hanlin’s financial report while looking out through the window.

However, Li Hanlin’s head and other affairs all slammed a paragraph. His voice suddenly paused and he said: “Yes, Yun, there is one more thing to report to you!”

His tone was a bit serious, cautious, and you couldn’t help but be serious.

"You said!"

"Previously, you asked me to go to the appraisal of the parental report, and I have already got the result!" Li Hanlin said with a glance, "The conclusion is that Gong Shao and your mom have obvious kinship! That is, he Maybe it's yours!"

The voice just fell.


Yu You was obviously frightened by a small amount of milk, and a milk sprayed out and spilled on the table.

"what did you say?!"

Youyou looked shocked and asked the letter: "Li Li, you report this, sure that there is nothing wrong?"

"There is no mistake, and it has been checked repeatedly. This is the result."

Li Hanlin was serious and cautious at that, and the tone was repeatedly cautious. Obviously, this conclusion was reached after repeated comparisons!

Youyou’s face sank at once.

According to this relationship, Mommy is the sister-in-law who has been separated from the palace for fifteen years! ?

Then, according to such a generation, is Gong Mi still his relative?

Should he call the palace a "small shackle"?

The father of Miyazaki, the highest helm chief of the Hurricane Group, is dominated by the army/fire sector, and Gong Shaoying, who is a grandfather! ?

Mommy is the daughter of Gong Shaoying, the daughter of the Hurricane Group! ?

Yuyou slammed the ground, the wind was messy!

How can there be such a **** thing in this world? !

Yuyou's teeth contain light pink lips and tangled complexion.

If so, Mommy and Miyazaki are brothers and sisters.

Hearing the palace, he has been looking for a close relative who has been separated for many years. Then, the person he has been looking for for a long time should be Mommy.

But he is somewhat entangled.

Is it really necessary to let Mommy and the Palace recognize each other?

He has some, do not want Mommy to contact the people of the palace.

The more prominent position of the Hurricane Group is not to be described.

The one-handed control of the Hurricane Group's palace is undoubtedly a fascinating privilege. The background of the palace is not comparable to that of a district.

Inside the palace, a small character, out of the house, is also completely capable of being alone, only to cover the sky!

If it must be like a metaphor, then you can say so -

Mu's every move is related to the country's economic development. If Mujia retreats from the country's economic center, then the country's economy must go back to more than a decade ago, and all Asia and the world will explode. The financial turmoil is related to the economic crisis of the global financial lifeline!

(End of this chapter)

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