One Child Two Treasures: The Billionaire Chief’s Good Wife

Chapter 1251: I missed it, but it was a lifetime.

Chapter 1251 is missing, but it is a lifetime.

After Mu Qingcheng left the Mujia, he also had contact with Gong Shaoying.

At the beginning, Gong Shaoying thought that the reason why Mucheng was not able to go to the appointment was because he did not have any intentions for him. He did not intend to come.

However, he later learned about those things from the mouth of Mucheng, including the fact that Mucheng was under house arrest, and Gong Shaoying was unstoppable, threatening to find the ugly home.

At that time, Gong’s experience had been settled for a few years, and Gong Li had handed over the affairs of the palace to his hands. Under his operation, the forces continued to grow, and it was enough to live side by side with the family.

In front of the Mu family, the palace family has a complete arrogance.

However, Mu Qingcheng is concerned about the sentiment, so that even if Gong Yaoying wants to move the real thing, don't hurt the root of the family.

When Gong Shaoying heard her words, in a rage, he used all forces to reinvent Mui.

At that time, Mu Xin’s mind was not in the face of Mu’s, and he was eager to find the Mucheng, and he had no time to take care of it. Therefore, under the attack of the palace, Mu’s grievance was badly hurt.

Since then, Mu Shi began to have low morale, and suddenly fell asleep. Gradually, there was a rumor in the capital that he said that it was like a legendary Mui, and he would fall down when he saw it!

Until later, when Mu Yazhe took office and turned the tide, he took Mures back on the right track.

Naturally, these are all words!

Gong Shaoying learned from the mouth of Mu Qingcheng that she gave birth to a pair of children, ecstatic!

He and her, have a pair of children, this is what makes him excited.

He promised her that after waiting for this limelight, he would take her and her children back to the palace and live happily together.

Mu Qingcheng is even more worried about this.

Being able to live happily with my beloved man is the most beautiful vision of her heart!

To this end, she has been waiting for him silently, no regrets.

However, at that time, Gong Shaoying had already created the Hurricane Group. For a long time, Gong Shaoying was busy dealing with the affairs of the Eurasian sea. Therefore, he had to entrust the Mucheng and a pair of children to the country. A confidant.

The confidant also had some rights, so he was covered by him. For a moment, he could not find the shelter of Mucheng.

On the day of the car accident, the original Mucheng and Gong Shaoying agreed to be at the port, and his people took her away.

It was only that day, Gong Shaoying waited for so long, but still couldn't wait for her, and finally missed her again.

Unfortunately, this miss is a lifetime.

He waited for only one unfortunate news, as well as a handsome boy who was brought back from the hospital.

The boy, in the car accident, temporarily lost a memory because of external damage.

He forgot his name, forgot who his mother was and forgot who his loved one was.

Even who I am, I forgot.

He opened his eyes and his thoughts were in a state of chaos, hehe, stunned.

Gong Shaoying’s man arrived and brought him back to the palace.

When the man learned the death of Mu Qingcheng, he spent a long time, except for grief, more, but confused, and a deep sense of powerlessness!

At that time, he already had a lot.

However, a woman who wants to get the most, but it is always wrong, always missed, missed again and again!

I did not expect that this time I missed it, but it was a lifetime, and I could never see her moving voice again!

(End of this chapter)

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