Chapter 1258, Hey, little nephew!

Miyazaki didn't know what he was doing in the dark, and he further stimulated him: "Oh, actually, I am also very curious. If you let your mom know, you are so young, you can't learn, play the army / Fire, play/private, play with oil, play hackers, what do you think? You will learn from you!"

"Hey!" At the end of the phone, Youyou gnashed his teeth.

This is the completion of the palace: "Well! Hey, little nephew!"

"However, I am also very curious!"

Youyou’s eyes are deep and smiley: "You guess, if you let Mommy know that the baby son is so young, he will play these things, he will bring it with him, what will he think!"

The palace face is black.

Youyou learned the tone that he only threatened, word by word, and casually escaped: "Hey, if my mommy knows that you took me to play with oil, take me to play/private, and teach me to play army/fire. I must be angry! Mommy is angry, it is terrible to think about it!"

The palace was softened immediately, and there was no such thing as a prestige: "Yousuke, there is something to discuss, don't be afraid to threaten people!"

You You is also successful.

This game is tied!

No one has suffered!

On the eloquence, he has not lost anyone.

Miyazaki holds the phone and there are countless words to ask.

He and Yun Shishi have been separated for fifteen years. In fifteen years, they are not long and short, but they occupy three-quarters of his life.

Separated for such a long time, he has countless words to say, countless words want to ask, but the words to the throat, but blocked, for a while, I could not think of what to ask!

Or, there are too many things to ask. For a time, he doesn’t know where to start.

He wants to know, has she been doing well in the past 15 years?

Have you ever been wronged?

Have you been bullied?

Fifteen years ago, after she dispersed, where did she go?

Was it adopted by people?

At the age of eighteen, what happened to her body, so that she was born at a young age?

When Gong Yi thought of it, his heart hurts.

Eighteen years old, still so small, in this country, this age girl should be still at the age of reading!

He figured it out. At that time, she should still be in college, no graduation!

When I was studying, I gave birth to a child. What happened in the end?

Is it...

Was it bullied by other boys?

The only thing that Gongye can think of is this assumption.

At the age of eighteen, young and ignorant, without the personnel, the girl is easily deceived by the boy, stupidly trusting the truth, but being played.

Or is it because... is it violated?

At the thought of this suspicion, Gong Min’s heart suddenly raged!

If he was asked to investigate, what happened seven years ago, if he was asked to find out who the bull was bullying, he must do whatever it takes to smash the man and throw it into the sea to feed the fish!

In the restaurant, Mu Yazhe sneezed gracefully and immediately looked suspicious.

Someone is saying something bad about him?

Youyou noticed that the palace was suddenly heavy and did not know what he was thinking. He asked faintly: "Miyazhao, what are you thinking?"

"What do you call me?" Gong Yu raised his eyebrows unpleasantly and reminded him.

Thank you for this, and I reluctantly sighed: "I will change my mouth at once, not adapting! Oh!"

"Hey! Call me later, just fine!"

(End of this chapter)

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