Chapter 1292 Hurricane First Devil

In front of Mujati, he used to be cold and arrogant, but in reality, he already recognized this depression.

On the one hand, it is because of love and house!

On the one hand, it is also because Mu Yazhe is good enough to get his approval!

Mu Yazhe only felt that his heart was as deep as a blow, and instantly broke a hole, and the warmth rushed in, so that he stood in the cold wind, and he could not feel a chill at all, and he was warm and warm.

Youyou was cold and cold, looking at the painful appearance of Mu Lianjue’s life, and faintly licking his lips: "Si Bogong, there are two guns, can you hold on?"


"There are two more shots, which are for my grandparents who have never met before!"

After Yu You finished, he was shot twice and hit his chest.

Just a foot from the heart.

Mu Lianjue completely passed out and was unconscious!

The scene suddenly fell silent, quiet, in addition to the bleak cold wind, everyone is silent and silent.

Especially the Mu Linfeng, stiff and rocky, has already seen it!

Youyou maintained the position of holding the gun, his face stunned for half a moment, and the line of sight restored the focal length again!

However, when his eyes touched the softness on the ground, and the **** dredged Mu Lianjue, this was shocked, and he did what he did!

He killed someone...?

He shot and killed...

For the first time in his hand, his life was stained with this filthy blood, but his heart was deep, and such filth, once stained, was difficult to clean.

Youyou took a deep breath and for a long time, this time he dropped his arm silently, his wrists were loose, and in his palm, the gun fell to the ground and the sound was heard.

Mu Yazhe went over and held him in his arms. The big palm was gently attached to his cold cheek, but he saw the blessing at the moment, his face was white.

Only in extreme passion, what does he mean to what he does, is not aware of it!

However, when he suddenly reacted from hatred, he felt a chill that fell into the bone marrow!

"Baby, what happened?"

Mu Yazhe embraced him with some distress, and the slender fingers caressed his side face, and he was very sorry.

He is only supposed to stop him.

Stop at the right time when he loses his mind.

However, Rao is him, and he was shocked by the cold look of Youyou. It was difficult to return to God at a time.

Youyou turned his head and said faintly: "I am killing."

A calm tone is more like a statement of an ordinary thing.

Suzaku walked to the side of Mu Lianjue, kneeling down and exploring his snort, but his fingertips touched a faint, silky breath.

Very weak, but there is still a line of breathing.

Suzaku said: "Alive alive!"

"kill him."

Yun Tianyou said with a blank expression: "Since he is bent on his death, give him a good time."

Suzaku blacked out a bit, but in his heart, he said silently, Yun Zong, in this case, you have tortured people into such a miserable situation, and then he will give him a happy time...

Suddenly I felt that this Mu Lian was so pitiful.

Suzaku sympathetically looked at Mu Lianjue, secretly yelling: You are offended who is not good, offended the first small demon of the Hurricane Group, early death and early super life.

Yuyou suddenly came up with a sentence: "Are you very sorry for him?"

Suzaku shook his head quickly.

"kill him."

Yuyou once again issued an order, and the darkness was as charming as obsidian.

(End of this chapter)

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