One Child Two Treasures: The Billionaire Chief’s Good Wife

Chapter 1298: One heart protects Mommy well

Chapter 1298, a heart to protect Mommy

"You actually sneaked me on a date with Mommy?"

Youyou smelled a smack of sorrow and his eyes showed a dangerous luster.


"Not too bad! Not formal enough!"


"Want to marry my mommy, start with a formal pursuit!" Youyou set a conclusion.

Mu Yazhe silently. "pursue?"

"Yeah, will you chase girls?"

"No, you teach me?"

Mu Yazhe looks serious.

This is true.

He has never pursued any girl.

Basically, the women around him are eager to stick up, and he has never had any initiative.

"I don't even understand girls!"

"So, how do you be a military sergeant?" Mu Yazhe is modest and sincere, with a sincere expression.

Youyou went back in one sentence: "I don't want my mother to marry you, but also give you a staff, think beautiful?"

Mu Yazhe was silent again and gave him a squint.

Yu You also squinted back without showing weakness.

The father and son are silently confrontational.

Mu Yazhe licked his thin lips and was considered a teacher.

To put it bluntly, this kid is not willing to marry him, so he is willing to give him a scorpion, this is to set a test for him!

If you don’t want to marry, just say it.

The little guy is so awkward, but she is reluctant, but she is ashamed to speak.

On the other side, You You and the fluttering one came: "Hey, Mommy is not yours now! If you don't speed up the action, the person chasing Mommy will break through the threshold. Hehe..."

This is very obvious, and it is a threat to him!

Mu Yazhe sneered a deep smile, but it was difficult to cover the gentleness.

Go back to the camphor.

Mu Yazhe's parking effort, Yuyou flew into the door, hurriedly ran into the bedroom, carefully pushed the door open, walked lightly and gently, and came to the bed quietly.

Yun Shishi is sleeping in a scent, and what happened tonight, she seems to be unaware, still immersed in a gentle dream.

Youyou saw her sleep peacefully, and her heart settled down.

Going out tonight, he sneaked at her and wanted to carry her and handle things.

Youyou has always been like this.

In the corner that Yun Shi poetry can't see, in the small details she can't detect, she will properly settle everything for her.

The big magic barrier, God blocks the killing of God, and the Buddha blocks the Buddha.

But when it comes to Mommy, he is definitely the first to stop in front of him, and he has no hesitation!

Fighting with the sky, even if you do not hesitate to be an enemy of the world, you are also bent on protecting her well and well!

Yu You squatted down, kneeling by the bed, looking at her tenderly, his eyes touching the face of Yun Shi poetry sleeping, at that moment, the eyes softened softly, gentle and watery.

It seems that the poems of Yun Shi, who sleep in the bed, fall into his eyes, which is the most beautiful treasure in the world, and it is pity.

A strand of hair hangs over her eyebrows, intertwined with her thick eyelashes, and he gently reaches out, opens, and licks the hair behind her ear.

She was extremely sensitive/sense, even if it was transmitted from the fingertips of Youyou and tenderness, the slight touch of her touch made her suddenly sleepless, like a dream, a few words.

For fear of disturbing her, Youyou immediately retracted his hand, and the deer-like eyes were stunned, for fear of awakening her!

I saw the delicate lips of Yun Shishi, and I uttered a whisper, and once again returned to meek and quiet.

Did not wake up.

Youyou gently sighed, his eyes bent, and his eyes were like a moonlight that was condensed and shattered.

(End of this chapter)

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