One Child Two Treasures: The Billionaire Chief’s Good Wife

Chapter 1301: The happiest thing, wake up and have you

The happiest thing in Chapter 1301, wake up and have you

At this moment, the night is already deep.

There was no darkness in the window, and there was no half-point of stars in the sky, leaving a round of moonlight, which was gradually obscured by the dark clouds.

There is a light lamp on the bed.

He walked over and looked at the people on the bed, and was sleeping at the moment.

There are traces of being smashed by people.

I want to come, I will definitely come in and give her a quilt.

This intimate little guy always hides tenderness in his heart.

This happy little woman, if she knows that her son has paid so much for her, will be moved.

However, Yu You never let her know that she has been hiding this tenderness behind her, and she is silently guarded in places she can't detect.

Mu Yazhe went to bed, slightly half body, and brought her into her arms.

His movements were extremely gentle and cautious, for fear of disturbing her, putting her head in her arms and fingers on her cheeks.

Mujata coveted and landed on her face.

At this moment, the people in the arms are quietly asleep, gentle and quiet sleep, as if the world is warm and quiet.

Her face, in the quiet time, this beauty is more and more publicized.

However, this piece of publicity, but does not reveal the edge, is not glaring, but it is docile, quiet, and occasionally stunned, will be aware of her beauty, the hidden charm of the hidden!

At that moment, even his heartbeat was uncontrollable and quiet.

For fear that his heartbeat was strong, he was disturbed by her sleep.

Holding him in his arms, he gave his heart a feeling of life.

That is, I want to bring the best treasures in the world to her and give them to her!

On the one hand, however, it is contradictory to think that the best treasure in the world is not in front of him now, sleeping quietly?

Probably, in his eyes, there are no treasures in this world, which is more precious than this!

The ear of the ear still sounded the word of blessing -

"Mummy is in my eyes, like the best treasure in the world! Mommy is the best gift given to me by God! Even if it is against the world, I have to protect her by 120,000 points! If you love She, please be sure to put it properly! Don't let her go away, let her avoid it!"

"it is good."

Mu Yazhe can't help but open.

"I will definitely put you in the right place."

He was slightly decapitated, stuck in her ear, and spoke softly: "Poetry, I chase you, okay?"

His inquiry was gentle and quiet.

However, she is now in her sleep, but in no case will she respond to him.

Mu Yazhe smiled lips, put the wall lamp off, and carried her into her arms.

Hold her, at this point, sleep, soft dreams.

In the early morning, when Yun Shishi woke up, the window was already bright.

Only the curtains were thick and covered, and the room was dimly lit.

When she opened her eyes, she saw Mu Yazhe's quiet sleep, while she felt a bit warm, but she felt extra warm.

I don't know when he came back, and he didn't know when he fell asleep.

It must be a very late break.

He held her shoulders, and the palms fell quietly on her waist, thick weight, so that she could easily feel the warmth from his palm.

The happiest thing in life is to wake up and have you.

In the morning, the first time I opened my eyes, it was him, it was so good!

At the beginning of the day, because of him, his mood was awakened.

There are still ~~~ and 2 more!

(End of this chapter)

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