Chapter 1323 Ashes Control

Yun Shishi took the palace to the dessert shop that she used to visit.

A small store, unlike the dessert shops in downtown, has a lot of people, but the decoration is very stylish, so the guests who patronize are old customers.

Yun Shishi picked a seat and immediately ordered a few signature desserts.

Miyazaki began to care for her every move.

Even if I look at her like this, every smile is enjoyment.

Yun Shishi finished the dessert, and when he looked back, he saw him looking at her insanely, and couldn’t help but smile.

"How have you been staring at me?"

Miyazaki is willful: "I like it."

"...Hey!" Yun Shishi has no choice but to lick his lips.

Gong Gong said again: "Because I don't think I can see it enough!"


"We have been separated for so long, fifteen years, I want to make up for what I missed in fifteen years."

The palace is as true as the road.

The poetry of the poems of the clouds is a movement, and the light is as soft as water.

"Oh, I am very happy and very touched. I never dared to think about it, I can meet you again in this life."

The palace shimmered, and then there was some downfall in the eyes.

He always feels that he seems to have missed a lot of good things, how to make up, I feel that this vacancy is also difficult to make up.

The person he loves the most in his heart, has not left a fragment about him in these fifteen years.

He did not participate in her youth, did not participate in her beautiful years, but also missed the most important scene of her life.

He missed her life and she also missed his life.

In these fifteen years, I lost a lot of things.

Desserts are on the table, Yun Shishi put a tiramisu in front of him, smiled: "Taste it! This dessert tastes great!"


Gong Gong nodded, then picked up the spoon and tasted it.

"how does it taste?"

She asked with expectation.

Miyazaki nodded slowly, with a spoon, and his eyes bent slightly: "Good! Very sweet."

In fact, he did not love to eat desserts.

In the palace, every afternoon dessert, he did not look at it.

Tired of eating.

However, Yun Shi poetry is not the same.

he likes.

He likes to enjoy every moment with her, even if she doesn't do anything, she just doesn't feel bored when she looks at her.

Yun Shishi suddenly fell on his mobile phone with his screen on.

Is a comparison, chic phone.

It is chic because she has never seen this brand and is also a unique style.

She was curious and took it.

"What brand of mobile phone are you, how have I never seen it?"

Miyazaki smiled: "This is a satellite phone developed independently. I can't buy it."

Because of his work, he used satellite mobile phones, which were also developed internally by the Hurricane Group.

Many mobile phones on the market now have security risks.

Therefore, the mobile phones he uses are all systems developed internally by the group and have high confidentiality.

She clicked, the wallpaper of the mobile phone was actually unknown, and she changed her photo.

Yun Shishi met, his face was red, he carried it, and said: "You... your wallpaper... When did you change it?"

"I have changed it."

Miyazaki smiled slightly: "I like your photo group very much, very beautiful."

On that day, after learning about her identity, after returning, he was like a idiot, collecting a lot of her photo and fashion blockbusters.

He especially liked this group and felt very beautiful, so he replaced it with a lock screen wallpaper and can see it every time he turns on the phone.

Just went to dinner... well, write another sleep.

(End of this chapter)

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