One Child Two Treasures: The Billionaire Chief’s Good Wife

Chapter 1329: Don't care about gossip

Chapter 1329 does not need to pay attention to gossip

"Too much, really too much..."

The poetry of Yun Shi’s poetry turned red, the fists became more and more tight, and the knuckles were white.

She quickly put Yun Shishi on the sofa, sat down and comforted her: "Poetry poetry, don't be angry, you will be ready to record the show soon. If you are mad, your face is crumpled, it is not good to make up!"

Mu Xi deliberately teased her, but Yun Shi’s poems remained indifferent, sitting on the sofa stiffly, resting on their knees, pinching and stiff.

His face is like a layer of white lacquer, and it is very white.

Mu Xi saw this, sighed distressedly, poured a cup of warm water, handed it to her hand, slowly said: "Poetry, in fact, you are a public figure, as an artist, such things will happen in the future More! You should be transformed into a more powerful psychological talent. As a public figure, every day, even every moment, you are facing malicious speculation from all directions, oh, gossip, even intimidation! So many people, not everyone is well-intentioned. Moreover, people/sex are selfish, aren't they? Gu Xingze has a large number of fans, and there are only one hundred million fans registered on the official website, breaking the Guinness Book of Records! No Recorded, there is no statistics. With such a huge base, such a large fan base, there will be several malicious people."

She said step by step.

Yun Shishi listened silently, and his body gradually became as rigid as Fang.

Mu Xi said again: "Poetry poetry, the reason why you will face so many malicious speculations and embarrassment is because you are excellent! Sometimes, a good person, will emit dazzling light, stinging a certain These people's eyes. So, you don't have to take this matter to heart! I will let people investigate, who sent this letter."

"No need." Yun Shishi suddenly smiled and said, "No need."

As Mu Xi said, this kind of malicious person really does not need to pay attention.

Is it that a person is bitten by a mad dog and wants to bite back in a stupid way?

She reinvigorated her spirit and said faintly: "Call Ding Ning to give me makeup."

Mu Xi’s face smiled, “Okay.”

She comforted a few words of Yun Shishi, and quickly went out to find Ding Ning to make up for her.

The "Love Diary" is ready to be recorded, and the director group deliberately emphasizes that it is necessary to make a pure and beautiful shape for Yun Shishi, and to create a national school flower.

Just in line with the release of "Green Fruit", the program group can also get the heat of the movie.

Yun Shi poetry made a good makeup, changed into a pure dress, and was ready to record the show.

In the corridor, meet with Gu Xingze unexpectedly.

In this episode, Gu Xingze's snow-white shirt is quite a bit of a national school grass.

Yun Shishi once again thought of the person on the script, and he was able to heal the warm-blooded man.

This body harness is very suitable for people.

Gu Xingze saw her, her eyes were slightly amazed, but soon, she recovered calm.

“Is the script back?” he asked quietly, his eyes soft.

Yun Shishi nodded, and then looked dull and said: "I originally thought that the reality show is a true character, I did not expect to follow the script, every line is already compiled."

"If you can, you can also play on the spot." Gu Xingze said.

Yun Shishi was amazed, "Really?"

(End of this chapter)

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